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So Who Took Those Files?

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Thanks for that, ive been looking for doug moffat for ages, he's the person i spoke to when i had my own experience.
I never followed up, because i was so freaked out at the time.
exo, you mean like every other Government of the world only releases UFO ducuments that are shit and keep the 'threatening' (to airspace etc) ones hidden ? How could they (fukking assholes)?!
exo, you mean like every other Government of the world only releases UFO ducuments that are shit and keep the 'threatening' (to airspace etc) ones hidden ? How could they (fukking assholes)?!

LMAO!....I know it's hard to beleive dyingsun, but yes, the GOV will occassionaly hide something they deem scary, (or threatening to thier power base more likely) from the general public.
And yes they are fucking arseholes.
The ghost of Steve Irwin took them so that he could begin a life of "grey wrangling" in an alternate dimension. That was my John Lear impression.
I get the rational reasons for any government to try to repress something earth-shattering (if there ever was any evidence indicating such...;) ), but sometimes , like in this case, it feels amateurish. Either 'they' are having fun/trolling the herd of'believers', or they actually don't give much thought to things like this subject matter at all..guess we'll never know, each Government is still comprised of 'just' normal (mostly ;) )people though, I don't think we reached '1984' levels just yet.

It is damn interesting how this news piece got started though.
Touché, it clearly is it seems.

Most people in the 'civilized' world probably are living in that dystopian reality already without realizing or questioning anything, yet we can still discuss these matters. I see what you mean though.
This all really begs the question...."How would a brain washed drone for the powers that be know they are a drone? I mean, if a drone has never known anything different, how would they know the difference between freedom and slavery?"

Do I really have to go to that rat-race of a job every day?
Do I really have to pay taxes?
Does it really matter who I vote for? (because it seems like no matter what they say pre-election, they all do the same thing)
Do I have to get a tag for my car?
Do I have to get a drivers license?

Just how close are we to a 1984 scenario......pretty close?....not even close?......already there?
This all really begs the question...."How would a brain washed drone for the powers that be know they are a drone? I mean, if a drone has never known anything different, how would they know the difference between freedom and slavery?"

Do I really have to go to that rat-race of a job every day?
Do I really have to pay taxes?
Does it really matter who I vote for? (because it seems like no matter what they say pre-election, they all do the same thing)
Do I have to get a tag for my car?
Do I have to get a drivers license?

Just how close are we to a 1984 scenario......pretty close?....not even close?......already there?

Thing about the rat race, is even if you win the race, you're still a rat

Yes, taxation is your subscription to civilisation

It doesnt matter who you vote for , the Govt always gets in

Yes and yes the "test" for a licence is essential, it weeds out those who are not competent or fit to drive a vehicle

In short there is no such thing as freedom, but if you are lucky..... you can choose your chains :)
I read Orwell's work as a cautionary tale about how populations can be controlled by selectively controlling the information the are allowed to receive. In this respect, we deserve a grade of D- for certain corporate consolidations of the mainstream media in recent years.

The Australian SNAFU--Since we can't see the documents, we have no way to assess their importance, and hence no way to judge the likelihood that they have been intentionally hidden or destroyed. There's certain kind of self-corrupting process at work here. :confused: