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Sock UFO?

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I for one am extremely excited, this looks like the "nuts and bolt" ET craft we have all been searching for. :)
Years ago I subscribed to Earthfiles, and at one point emailed her, questioning the content. I won't go into details, but I will say the response was lackluster.
Thing I've found with LMH is that she is very hit-or-miss. Plenty of her reporting seems very factual and spot on but some of it just seems a bit out there. It's that classic 'paranormal creep' where otherwise sane investigators start to believe in and promote more and more 'out there' stuff, as if they can no longer easily tell the difference between things with evidence and things without evidence. And that's putting it rather nicely.;)
Inquiring minds want to know more.

Well Gene, since you have inquired, while searching for the nuts and bolts left behind on the UFO highway I came across L.M.H. & Earthfiles. She had, (at the time), a soothing voice which reassured me that everything was going to be ok, and not to worry because herself, George & Whitley were going to figure things out. Two years later and eighty dollars short, I arrived at the conclusion that I could glean more over at C2C than Earthfiles, since she spent more time there than at her own website. So I emailed her to convey my concern. Her lackluster response was as follows: “I'm short handed as it is. I am trying to do this as best as I can, and all by myself. I have more help coming as to provide more content in the near future.” Anyway, that never happened which is self evident by virtue of the “Pink Phallus” displayed before you, floating in outer space.