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Software to analyse photos and video (w/ links to instructions)

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Paranormal Novice
I've started analysing photos and videos (UFOs for now only) and noticed how the information on good software and instructions seems to be fairly scarce, whereas information on how to FAKE videos relatively easy to get by as are software to do it easily.

So, here's s quick list of the software I've found and started to use, with some links to tips/instructions on how to analyze.

If you know of more resources, either books, software, training videos, examples or instructions, please chime in.

Software (WEB)
Image Error Level Analyser (ELA)
Free Online Image Error Level Analysis using HTML5 - 29a.ch
- Enhances visually the diferences in JPEG compression algorithm block differences. You can easily spot changes to images that have been done afterwards, esp. if the edited image has gone through a non-pro software and saved at different JPEG compression settings.

- Another ELA analyzer, along with a tutorial. Alternative if the above 29a.ch -site goes down.

Jeffrey's EXIF viewer
Jeffrey's Exif viewer
- Very thorough webviewer for EXIF metada embedded to most digital image files these days. Shows much more than the basic EXIF viewers commonly used by people.

ƒ/Calc Online
- Let's you calculate field of view / angle of view from 35mm lens settings (that you can get from EXIF data). This enables you to analyse the field of view that you are watching when looking at a photo.

FourMatch by Fourandsix ($$)
Image Authentication and Forensics | Fourandsix Technologies - FourMatch
- Web based demo of a $900 photoshop extension that automates analysis and identification of edited images in Photoshop. Haven't tried it myself due to cost, but designed by well respected photo image researchers in the field of photo forensics.

Software (Download)
JPEGsnoop (Win32)
ImpulseAdventure - JPEGsnoop - JPEG Decoding Utility
- Software that analyses the metadata AND block level compression fingerprint changes in image files. Can potentially detect edit/changes to an image. Take a while to learn (still learning myself), but you can get up to speed in a few minutes, if you know a bit about JPEG and photo editing.

'Q' for MatLab (Win32)
The 'Q' software- A Gui front-end for manipulating/analyzing images in the powerful math package called Matlab ($$$). While Q is free, Matlab is not. If you are a student, ask for a student discount at your university, you might get Matlab for c.$100 or so. Please note that due to the way this software operates, it will NOT work on social media spread images that have been re-compressed several times. ONLY if you get access to claimed original files, do you have any chance at authenticating them in the first place. There are no magic bullets.

VirtualDub (Win32/Win64)
Welcome to virtualdub.org! - virtualdub.org
- THE Swiss knife of video hacking: de-interlacing, splicing, cutting, re-synching, re-compressing, changing containers, stabilizing, zooming, contrast/enhancing, sharpening, etc. Takes A LOT of time to learn, lot of patience to set up, but can be extremely powerful in capable hands. Again, it cannot magically conjure up more resolution, look around the corners, but for getting last bits of visible information out of video files it's a brilliant toolkit, although some of the best plugins for it are for pay ($). The software itself and most of the plugins are free and open source.

vReveal (Win32, $)
vReveal Video Enhancement Software - Fix Dark, Shaky, Noisy, Blurry, Low-Resolution Videos | www.vreveal.com
- For pay software to de-interlace, stabilizer, zoom and contrast enhance several different types of video files. Doesn't work on ALL possible video containers and codecs, so check before you buy. Also, it can't do Bladerunner type magic, so don't expect miracles, but if you are no willing to learn VirtualDub, this is a fast/decently priced alternative.


How to Analyze with Error Level Analysis and understand JPEG compression
- A tutorial for using ELA (see web tools above) to identify edited image files.

Digital Image Forensics lecture notes
Digital image forensics
- Hany Farid's lecture notes. Covers a wide range of topics. For image geeks, but even if you only read bits, you will probably learn something new.

Photoshop CS3 for Forensics Professionals: A Complete Digital Imaging Course for Investigators
Photoshop CS3 for Forensics Professionals: A Complete Digital Imaging Course for Investigators: George Reis: 9780470114544: Amazon.com: Books
- Haven't read myself, but comes highly recommended by one of the active analysers in the field.
Unfortunately I don't anymore have access to mac nor do I have an iPhone. These software/tutorials I've tested myself.

If anybody knows of OS X / iOS / Android software that is useful, please contribute.
Can I ask you your background rekkaa - do you mind revealing your job? The reason I ask is that I am interested in the fact that you seem to know plenty about photography and image analysis.
Is there any point in you trying to look at videos on youtube etc or will the compression render any analysis a waste of time? I'm not trying to pry into you but am genuinely interested in hearing if you take a look at anything, I'm certainly no image analyst, that's for sure!
Interesting post. Image and video analysis can be an incredibly complex business. I can tell you a little about image sharpening software by way of a previous hobby in astronomy. VirtualDub was a mainstay, inasmuch as I took AVIs (short movies) of the planets and the better frames were then subjected to processes beyond my level of understanding to render out lurking detail. I did the easy stuff. But one could easily devote a lifetime of study (and a lot of $$) to a deeper understanding of this and related subjects.

Please keep us updated.
Goggs, my job has nothing to do with this, unfortunately. I'd have better access to hw and training if it was. This is strictly a hobby and a new one at that. The very little I know - and trust me, it is little - I've picked up in the past 20+ years tinkering with photo manipulation. Nothing fancy, mainly for fun.

You are right that it usually makes very little to analyze several times re-compressed images/videos. That's why I don't, unless the photo/video is particularly interesting. I try to hunt down claimed originals and work on them. I am also training by analysing local UFO images when I have time. With those I usually have access to files off the cameras, untouched. And yes, it is much more meaningful work. But being new at this, I take all the practice I can fit into my work/other hobbies schedule, even if they are sometimes not quite originals.

Boomerang, you also make very good points. Astrophotography experience would be very useful here as well -- lots of good software and knowledge in that field. If I only had a few lifetimes more, like you say.

However, I do believe in the power of million eyeballs. Not everybody has to analyze or know everything. All it would take is s. a few thousand semi-trained and semi-experienced hobbyists to debunk most of the fake crapola on the Internet. All without really even delving into the tools and using time. And think of what a few thousand good analysts could do to the better cases?

So, that's why I'm sharing. In the hopes that even one person in addition to me finds this perversely enough interesting and spends some time in analysis.

BTW, Boomerang, brilliant Bohr quote! Most of the first gen quantum physicist turned out to be non-materialists in their metaphysics. Weird how backwards everything turned out for us and how we are again trying to push back the same nay-sayers...