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some sun facts

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Bob Watson

Paranormal Adept
A certain unnamed ex talk show host has taken to face book to spread crazed rantings about our sun.
Should you hear such ranting here is some facts
1. Our star is an advage yellow star it simply dose not have the mass to go nova(blow up)
2. No solar flare has the capibility to fry the earth. This will change in a billion years.
3. No salar flare can cause a pole shift.
4. The worst thing that a solar flar can do is cause massive disrution of our grids. (Unlikly)
Keep in mind the sun is 93 million miles away...
A certain unnamed ex talk show host has taken to face book to spread crazed rantings about our sun.
Should you hear such ranting here is some facts
1. Our star is an advage yellow star it simply dose not have the mass to go nova(blow up)
2. No solar flare has the capibility to fry the earth. This will change in a billion years.
3. No salar flare can cause a pole shift.
4. The worst thing that a solar flar can do is cause massive disrution of our grids. (Unlikly)
Keep in mind the sun is 93 million miles away...

Nice post.

well he is right the sun WILL destroy the earth...in 5 billion years..

in the short term..100 million years from now our world will look VERY DIFFRENT!!

a sample of the sun silliness!

Comet ISON was a hot topic with Remote Viewer and military intelligence officer, Major Ed Dames (Army Ret.) during the Coast to Coast AM show on April 23, 2013. Major Dames stated that based strictly on Remote Viewing data, ISON would cause massive solar flares as it approached our sun; an event that would be truly... unprecedented! He also expressed his concern about how much time we have left before the Killshot and what could actually trigger this event. As with many Remote Viewing predictions publically revealed by Major Dames, this event came to pass! On November 19, 2013, the sun has fired a massive X-class flare towards ISON, also causing a radio blackout on Earth. This should act as a blasting wakeup call of things to come! On that note, some people have gotten the impression that ISON would indeed cause the beginning of the Killshot sequence (more details about this below) however, this was never the case. In fact, Ed Dames has announced one final live Killshot event on March 22, 1014 (far after comet ISON passes) in order to get the Killshot survival map into more people's hands as time is indeed running short.

Because Remote Viewers can not pinpoint exact dates (though attempts have been made), pre-curser events are targeted as they lead up to the Killshot; creating a rough sequence of events to look out for. The Remote Viewing data obtained from running sessions on comet ISON did indeed create concern regarding the Killshot, but the most important question is WHY? First, Remote Viewers know that the Killshot is coming soon based on the fact that there are very few pre-curser events popping up during sessions today compared to ten years ago; indicating that time is short. One of the final precursor events appears to be a large passing space body or meteor shower that forces a craft in Earth s orbit down to the ground. Based on the data, there is no smoking gun evidence that a large passing space body actually causes solar flares to strike Earth just that this is simply an event foreseen by Remote viewers before the Killshot occurs, but it's not to say this isn't the case as well. That being said, the data regarding ISON (appearing to cause solar flares) during an RV session would be cause for alarm. Was ISON going to be a coincidence? The direct cause? As a result, Major Ed Dames indeed expressed his concern about how comet ISON would cause solar flared (which happened on Nov. 19) but was cautious about stating that ISON would actually trigger the Killshot; expressing on national radio that he was simply "concerned" and it would be something to keep an eye on. In fact, today on November 25, 2013, the Remote Viewing Products department issued the following statement regarding the November 19 flare towards ISON and the prediction on Coast to Coast AM:

"It's important to always keep the public updated with everything we know. After discussing new RV data with Ed Dames in early 2013, we agreed that he should indeed express his concern regarding ISON on the Coast to Coast AM show. We understood that ISON was likely not the trigger event as other things must be in place first before the Killshot can occur, but when Ed Dames' team is getting data regarding solar flares associated with ISON, you tend to pay attention. The fact that the sun, which has been quite for a while now, spontaneously fires a massive X-class flare as ISON approaches proves that once again, the Remote Viewing data was right. This should be a wakeup call that the Killshot event is indeed coming and we should all be paying attention."

The above statement was also explained in different terms at the recent live Killshot events in Orlando and Reno. This is why it's crucial to get information from the source rather than listen to internet speculation.
sigh he is still ranting about the sun on his website...soo here is the facts about the recent sunspot activity..
here we see the sun and a sizable CME

A certain unnamed ex talk show host has taken to face book to spread crazed rantings about our sun.
Should you hear such ranting here is some facts
1. Our star is an advage yellow star it simply dose not have the mass to go nova(blow up)
2. No solar flare has the capibility to fry the earth. This will change in a billion years.
3. No salar flare can cause a pole shift.
4. The worst thing that a solar flar can do is cause massive disrution of our grids. (Unlikly)
Keep in mind the sun is 93 million miles away...

It's kind of funny that as they spread fear of "kill shots" and the like, the sun is actually weaker than it has been in our lifetimes.

Why listen to so called remote viewers talk about the sun when we can actually view it.
SDO | Solar Dynamics Observatory
Never say never..........

Earth dodged one of the most massive magnetic solar bursts ever on July 23, 2012, scientists with the University of California, Berkeley revealed on Wednesday -- saving the planet from widespread havoc.
"Had it hit Earth, it probably would have been like the big one in 1859, but the effect today, with our modern technologies, would have been tremendous," UC Berkeley research physicist Janet G. Luhmann said in a press release.
According to researchers had the quick succession of coronal mass ejections, the most intense kind of solar eruptions, come nine days earlier, it would have hit Earth, potentially disabling satellites and GPS and the electrical grid.
A study from last year revealed that a solar storm like the one Earth narrowly avoided could have cost up to $2.6 trillion in damages. A similar event in March 1989 caused Canada's Hydro-Quebec power grid to collapse and left six million people with no electricity for nine hours.
"The cost of an extreme space weather event, if it hits Earth, could reach trillions of dollars with a potential recovery time of 4-10 years," professor at China's State Key Laboratory of Space Weather Ying D. Liu warned in a press release

The massive solar blast that almost wreaked havoc on Earth | Fox News
we missed this one by a mere 9 days...........

Solar Magnetic Storm That Narrowly Missed Earth in 2012 Could Have Been Catastrophic, Study Finds
Had the storm come nine days earlier, it could have wiped out Earth's technological systems, according to a new analysis of NASA data.

Solar Magnetic Storm That Narrowly Missed Earth in 2012 Could Have Been Catastrophic, Study Finds | NBC Bay Area

If the eruption had come nine days earlier, when the ignition spot on the sun was aimed at Earth, it would have hit our planet, researchers from University of California at Berkeley and their Chinese colleagues found.

If it had, it could have taken out much of our technological infrastructure as we know it, including our electrical grid, our satellites and GPS and more, they found.
Thanks Mike! I don't argue the fact that we could be really in trouble from a flare. It's the kill shot. .aspects I don't believe in.

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Once again more kill shot lunacy from dames again there is no real danger from the recent solar storms.

Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk

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