Does anyone else find images like these intriguing?

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As far as geometry goes,
Yes I can see what you mean about the saucer like shape in the first image, though it could just be a way of depicting ascension, as dianadee13 said. Reminds me most of domed roofs like the Pantheon in Rome or maybe even Houston's Astrodome.
The second image looks to me like an illustration from a childrens book. Maybe a story about a little girl who likes to play tricks on others with lifesized animal shaped balloons.![]()
Please tell of what it means or suggests to you.
Here's one that is personal to me,
I wrote about seeing some strange bird when I was a child in the Your personal experiences forum, some time ago and this is the closest image of what I saw I can find.
The second image looks like a European victorian image, found on early christmas cards. Dont find much beyond that. The first looks like a biblical depiction of the ascention. I maybe wrong but tis difficult to see all the details. What is it that you find intruiging?
Does anyone else find images like these intriguing?
Of course we do. That is why it is art. Classical painters loved playing with depth, perception, and light/shadow and all that cool stuff. Their work was meant to make people do a double-take and notice them. After all, paintings were the avant-garde media of the time.
These are beautiful, to be sure, and, yes, intriguing. They were meant to be.
I really don't think there is anything else involved, IMHO. No paranormal or underlying meaning. Just great art.
Was it really that big?
This woman had "something in the geometry" in a painting or two.
Remember these were made in the early 1900's, long before the Abstract Art Movement.
The Philosophy of the Mystery
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The orders of ascending angelic order, is an early renaissance depiction. Cherubim, Seraphim, and the Archangels.I believe that one is Raphael if I'm not mistaken. I remember this one from art history, Raphael incorporated a UFO in the background of a portrait, as well he depicted Ezekiel's biblical account of the "wheel within a wheel, rolling in the sky"....Hmmm I wonder what that could've been. This is how he depicted what came out of that 'wheel' and how his perception translated it.
Of course we do. That is why it is art. Classical painters loved playing with depth, perception, and light/shadow and all that cool stuff. Their work was meant to make people do a double-take and notice them. After all, paintings were the avant-garde media of the time.
These are beautiful, to be sure, and, yes, intriguing. They were meant to be.
I really don't think there is anything else involved, IMHO. No paranormal or underlying meaning. Just great art.
Now that IS strange. Some omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent yet unbeknownst force has made the obviously telling images you uploaded not visible to all of us by design. A clear sign of divine obfuscation. Freaky.
..... Or maybe you just didn't check to make sure your uploads worked. Assuming the longshot -- that this is actually the reason the images are not there, a suggestion: try using the manage attachments feature in the advanced posting screen and do not choose inline when uploading attachments. Sometimes that helps.
Just curious, what prompted you to dig this thread up after 7 months? Not that it doesn't deserve it or anything...just curious. And I do want to see the images. I love great art.
Think I fixed it. Scroll back. What strikes me., is that unlike a photographic fluke or artifact., these flying sombreros were placed in the background intentionally. They may be representations of completely mundane objects or symbolic in nature. Hell., some of them may be artifacts of deterioration or bleed through. I'm no expert.
I pulled away from the forum for awhile. Just got around to scanning past post.