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Spying on Aliens

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Paranormal Adept
I read so many UFO investigations that I reached the saturation point and I am not discovering anything new. I just need some new, sharper, data.

One thing that I fancy is repeating what Ray Stamford did with his mobile electronics lab that chased UFO around US south-west. His mobile lab, with technicians, driver, instrumentation etc. did cost $2 million, back in 70s.

I stumbled upon this interesting information while reading a very good UFO investigations book by Elizabeth Fry.

Getting into close proximity of UFOs would be relatively easy. Relative to a budget one has, that is to say. Elizabeth Fry is an English lady, who lived on outskirts of South London. She had seen her first UFO back in 1955, with 30 other witnesses and since than till now, some 55 years, she became one of the most respected UK UFO investigators. A real model to others investigators. She wrote two books, available on Amazon, full of high quality cases with lots of detail.

She said that she had seen about 50-60 UFOs during about 55 years during which she worked as case investigator for one UK UFO monitoring group, approximately one per year.

How so? She was registered investigator with UK version of MUFON and she had her telephone number left at all police stations, libraries and post offices within about 50 miles from her home. When somebody would want to report UFO to police, police would refer him to her. So she was getting a constant stream of about 50 cases per year, from an urbanized area about 100 miles in diameter.

Now, UFOs have a tendency to return few times to the same location. That's mentioned a lot in a literature. On the end of the day aliens are people as well. Once they screened an area for security, they are more relaxed about coming back to the same place. Most of these returns were hit and miss, from Elizabeth's point of few, but she would had a hit rate of about 1 in 50, or 2% of times.

So I imagined a project with a multi-spectral mobile lab that would collect and publish as much scientific data as possible for distribution to scientific community. Main goal is to give scientist data from which they can learn about their technology and possibly pass the benefits on our own society. Secondary goal is to for once and forever close the discussion about weather UFO's are here or not. Importantly, no aspect of project would be aimed at entertaining general public.

The way it would work an investigator would be called out to the case. If he assesses the case as genuine, than mobile instrumentation lab crew would go out 3 times within a next week and spend a whole day and night on the location. That way, probability of meeting UFO would hopefully go up to, say 4-5% on annual basis.

Because we now have quite a good idea about UFO propulsion and, generally speaking, they use EM energy to create a +/- gravitational mass disturbance, mobile instrumentation lab would be equipped to capture long streams of narrowly directional data about EM and gravitational disturbances on the location. There would be a small portable radar (like for yachts) and visual light, IR and thermal cameras. Basically, one would sight UFO on camera suite and than start measuring EM and gravitational fields coming only from that same direction.

Under the assumption that there would be about 50 investigations per year, and success rate in multi-spectral recording an UFO is between 2%-5% per investigation and that we would be aiming to capture a minimum of 5 clean multi-spectral recordings on radar, camera and on EM/Grav instruments, so that there is plenty of cross-confirmation. At say 3.5% success rate with recording UFO, project would take about 1+3 years. First year would mostly be spent on creating a team, training, getting the right instrumentation and getting various government permits for recording parts of EM spectrum. 3 years would be needed at 3.5% success rate to record about 5 UFO events for multi-spectral analysis.

I should estimate that it would cost about $5-$6 millions for these 4 years, when cost of Ray Stamford's project is adjusted for inflation and longer project duration.

Project would be very hard on crew, because they would be expected to work during the night or be available at 1 hour notice and than drive away up to 200 miles and spend a whole day on location.

UK is perfect for that, because its much smaller than US and its densely urbanized, so there are lots of eyeballs per square mile. Where in US one would need 10 investigation teams, in UK one team would be enough. One just needs to join up with other local investigators. But it would take many years at 2% success rate :(.

What are your opinions? Can you get $5-6 million?
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I would say research at this scale would have to be done by the government (at least) or (at best) a university - likely the latter given the times.

Even in medical research professors are being required to get their own money for research (which includes their salaries - universities pay only a fraction of salary) via grants (in the US). Life as a researcher at a university is one of being a grant writer. It's the way of the world now (in the US).

In fact, this is likely what anyone needs to do in order to get monies for research. Thing is, being associated with a university is a positive. Not being so associated would make it a tougher sell but I would never say never. One never knows. There is lots of grant money out there that goes left untouched every year.

Question is: who has the fire in their belly to write the grants? Take a grant writing course - look into it. You might have a new career looming. ;) I think one could be well-assured of a book-deal and even film options. Manage it right, one could do a documentary in real time as the research unfolds. I'd stay clear of a television show a la that treasure island one that makes stuff up as they go with false cliff-hangers - not if the intent is to be taken seriously.
Bob Bigelow might be interested enough too shell out the money for such a search team, but I'm willing to bet that he has a crew on standby already.
You can rest assured that if f Bob Bigelow paid $5-6 million for data, nobody else in this world would ever see that data again. Data would be lost to science, at least till next guy forks out $5-6M.

That was the contract he wanted signed with MUFON and whole deal fell through, because MUFON is based on work of volunteers.

Not that data would be of any immediate use. There is some kind of ad hock consensus around an inclination that UFO's hull is the main part of its propulsion and that it is made of meta-materials. Meta-material is assembled atom by atom, and a thickness of a sheet of paper has 0.5 billion atoms. So making a seamless lenticural hull 10m (30ft) in diameter is at least 300 years away. So there would be no short term gain to speak of.

Whole point of the project is to break the egg, so to say and bring scientific community to the side of ufology. For that we need high quality multi-spectral data. Once scientist start thinking, like "Hey, aliens are really here", scientific race will start to discover how that metamaterial works and how it is made.
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Even in medical research professors are being required to get their own money for research (which includes their salaries - universities pay only a fraction of salary) via grants (in the US). Life as a researcher at a university is one of being a grant writer. It's the way of the world now (in the US).

That is the saddest thing in the world. Practically, we live in economies driven by knowledge, but mediocrity's reward is the highest.

Check out this graph, it shows wealth growth from agrarian revolution till today:

World GDP over the last two millennia


practically, all the wealth that was made in last 3 centuries is produced by science, yet scientists get next to nothing.
Well we in the US live in a country where anti-science is what the politicians in control in Washington preach.

That is so sad. That is in the country in which put man on the Moon and Hubble telescope in the orbit. Not to mention that US is world leader in science and tech.

I'm speculating that the ufonauts use some form of micro-mini black hole propulsion technology for there starships.
Nothing wrong with speculating, but the evidence form about 2,000 cases extracted from 150,00 cases collected by many UFO tracking organizations in US and abroad points only in one direction, that is that UFOs are flying LC circuits, like flying antennae or flying Tesla coils. General relativity offers mathematically and physically consistent solution in a for of warp drives. Essentially UFOs pump EM energy into LC circuit that creates a warp drive inside and near the UFO's hull metamaterial. Einstein and GR had never been proven wrong, so its much easier to use that as starting point.

As far as 150,000 UFO reports you can follow link in my signature. As far as General Relativity you can search various posts by @Thomas R Morrison

Recently it had been widely reported that Bob Bigalow obtained such a piece of meta-material, but test were unsuccessful.
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Here's a few YouTube links...that portray a continuing look at possible technologies using artificial black holes as power sources, focusing on spaceship concepts as well.

@Erno86 it takes unimaginably lot more for a successful scientific theory, than having aha moment in a shower. Einstein worked with 3 assistants 15 years on General Relativity and than it was cross-examined, stretched and squeezed by the best minds of 20th century, before it was accepted to scientific mainstream.

Please don't hijack my thread, which is about rising funds taking some real physical measurements from UFOs.

Why don't you start your own thread about your theory?

Maybe you can delete those videos you posted here, because they distract from the intended subject.