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Stalking the Herd is Almost Ready!

Free episodes:

Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
Staff member
[My new book Stalking the Herd is in its final stages. I've completed the writing and its now being edited. I am looking for a good Index software program for acrobat so I can have an index at the back. I will be posting sample excerpts from now until the publication of the book and welcome your feedback! Here is the Table of Contents —chris]

Stalking the Herd: Unraveling the Cattle Mutilation Mystery

By David Perkins
FOREWARD: By Greg Bishop

Taming the Wild Auroch
The Earliest Depictions
Holy Cows and Sacred Bulls
McAloo for You?
Apis and Hathor
The Minoans and Greeks
The Golden Calf
“Cows are everything, they are our happiness.”
Mithraism Arrives in Rome
Running the Bulls
The Longest Eight Seconds in Sport
Professional Tricksters

CHAPTER TWO: Before The Horse Was Snipped
Charles Fort Coins the Term
Hindi Mutilator Convicted: 1903
Murder Down Under: 1902
Alexander Hamilton, Lies and a Liar’s Club: 1897
Rare Cases from the 19th and Early 20th Centuries

CHAPTER THREE: “Oh Lord, defend us from our defenders!”
Setting the Stage
Where Did Snippy Go?
The Story Gets Out
Guilt By Association
“Flying saucers killed my Horse!”
The UFO Connection
From the Horse’s Mouth
Nellie’s Diary?
The Snippy Skeleton Auction
The Condon Report/Case 32
What Else Was Happening in the Fall of 1967?
Little-Known Cases from the Late 1960s

CHAPTER FOUR: The Early 1970s—Setting The Stage:
Levitating Calves of Brazil
When the Meme Goes Dormant
1972: The Year the Mutilators Took a Sabbatical
Caribou, Nerve Gas and You
Rustling Pigs By Chopper in Iowa
The Meme Returns
“The Killer Cult Terrorizing Mid-America”

CHAPTER FIVE: The Hell Years: 1975-1978
Meet the Databases
Early Cases in 1975
Newspapers Get Involved
The Cheyenne Mountain Cases
A Scourge Begins to Spread
Let’s Chase Down Them Choppers!
The “Greatest Outrage” in Ranching History
Who Are Those People In Them Hoodies?
The San Luis Valley Gets Hammered
Surgeons With The Pinking Shears
How Do You Explain It When The Cases Stop Cold?
1976: Reports Return With a Vengeance
1977: Shotguns, Bioweapons, Helos and Slashers
Cattle Mutilations: An Episode Of Collective Delusion?
1978: Scratching Their Collective Heads

CHAPTER SIX: A Hell Year Return: 1979
Canary in a Coal Mine?
Wallabys, Cookie Cutters and Mutes
The Albuquerque/ Harrison Schmitt Conference
Fools Gold and the Other King Ranch
South of The Border
Ground Zero in Arkansas and New Mexico
Aliens Shoot’in and Mute’in
Alberta, Feedlot Demons and More Canaries
Black Hawk Cow Down

CHAPTER SEVEN: The Hell Years Continue: The 1980s
Operation Animal Mutilation
Critique of the Rommel Report
The Mutilations Recommence
Those Damnable Devil Worshippers!
Mother Nature Coughs and Bellows
Trickster Rides a Chopper
Hoeppner’s Samples and Even More Cases
1981 Starts With a Bang
B.C. or Bust
New Mexico, Oregon, and Back to Canada
Betty Hill: Mutilation Investigator
Let’s Play Leapfrog
Dulce Gas Masks, Radar Chaff and Ultraviolence
Half-Cats, Dogs and Mutes in ‘82
These Are Some Sick Individuals
1983 and 1984: And You Thought We Were Through
1985: Keeping the Livestock Alive
1985: They Keep on Coming
1986: Are These Guys Ever Gonna Stop?
1987 through 1989: Is This An Alien Harvest?

CHAPTER EIGHT: They’re BACK! The 1990s
The Alabama Wave
“There were no tracks, no blood, no nothin'!”
Careful What You Wish For!
"This is getting too weird,"
Adams and Perkins County
Who Are The Chopper Pilots?
Training Investigators
The Del Norte, CO Calf Case
They Stole His Pet Bear
Levitating the Chacon Cow
"'… it was an environmental hazard.'"
They’re Both Lumberjacks and They’re OK
Who is Playing Copycat?
Pure Hemoglobin and BLT
We Were in the Same Pasture When it Happened!
"I've never seen anything quite like this."
They’ve Abducted an Elk
Ohio Joins The Fray
They’ve Gone to the Dogs

CHAPTER NINE: The 2000s And The South American Wave
Pigs and Cows Again
The Bovine Excision Site Study: BLT Research
The Cases Continue—They Never Went Away
Montana and Canada Get Smacked Again
The South American Wave Begins With Hoof-in-Mouth
Chupacabras on Vacation
Argentina Wave Continues
Uruguay Joins The Fray
More San Luis Valley Cases
Arkansas Wave Begins With Dogs and Cats
La Pampa Is Now Ground Zero
Meanwhile, Back in Colorado and Then Kansas…
It’s Getting Fracking Ridiculous
Western Missouri Mutilations Baffle Ranchers
42 Mutilated Sheep in Honduras
The Stoke-on-Trent—Cornwall Stabber
Back in Argentina Again
More Colorado Reports
And More Missouri Reports
Bessie Had Her Head in a Hole!
What Killed 100 Elk in NM?

CHAPTER TEN: Bizarre Mutilation Cases
The Blood Sucking Scorpion Crab Thingie
Animals Found in Trees
It Must Have Been el Chupacabra
The Varginha Case
Brazil Cow and Sheep Mystery
Human Mutilations
Ecker’s “Human Mutilation Factor”
Hitting The Brick Wall
Humans Mutes in Africa

CHAPTER ELEVEN: Mad Cows and Angry Ranchers
A Self-Negating Mystery
Where’s The Beef?
Did You Know?
Modern Beef is What’s For Dinner
Auntie Biotic Abuse
The Politics of Modern 21st Century Beef
Meet the Meat Monster
I Know, It’s Just a Coincidence, Right?
Who Knows What Outbreak Lurks?
Mad Cow Disease: Is it Loose in the Food Chain?
NIDS and the Mad-Cow Paper
NIDS Conclusion, Hypothesis and Predictions
NIDS: Why Leave the Body?

CHAPTER TWELVE: Mutes and the Media
The Terms We Choose: The Role of Languaging
Do Reporters Fan The Flames of Hysteria?
A Hoax About a Hoaxer?
Sensationalizing the Sensational
Careful What You Wish For: The BBC Boys
This is NOT a Funny Subject!

CHAPTER THIRTEEN: There Are No Experts: Opinions and Theories
Debunking Common Theories About Cattle Mutilations
Some Aspects of the Investigation: Thomas R. Adams
Animal Mutilations in North America: Findings by a Group of French Scientists
Animal Mutilations: What We Don't Know: By George E. Onet, D.V.M., Ph. D.
Interview with Ex-Costilla County Sheriff, Ernest Sandoval
Interview with Costilla County Rancher Emilio Lobato
Interview with Former Costilla Sheriff Pete Espinoza
Interview With Ted Oliphant & Phillip Hoyle on the Paracast radio program
Interview With Greg Valdez —the son of New Mexico State Patrolman Gabe Valdez
Interview Daniel Kagan co-author of Mute Evidence
Interview With Researcher/Author Nick Redfern

CHAPTER FOURTEEN: A Final Analysis and the Future of Cattle
A Dialogue Between David Perkins and Christopher O'Brien


Do you talk about the cow on the table in your first book.
And I re-visit the case in STH: Here's an excerpt:

The following day September 29th, a potentially important inexplicable case occurred: the "Manzanares bull," was discovered “on top of a table in an abandoned adobe shack.” The bull was a huge animal that weighed well over 1500 pounds. In his article covering the report Miles Porter does not mention the table and the picture in the Valley Courier showed the bull on the ground outside of the shack. But, I have interviewed two former county sheriffs who both investigated the case and they told me the huge bull was found inside the shack on a stout, low table, and that even “if the bull had tried to walk through the door, it wouldn’t have fit.” I wonder why this sensational detail was left out of Miles Porter’s article. Wouldn't this crucial fact prove, without any doubt that this animal could not have died of natural attrition as the skeptics continually insist all mutilations have mundane, natural explanations?

At several mutilation sites, evidence was found on the ground that reinforced the theory of the use of helicopters in cattle mutilations… Sheriff Ernest Sandoval, in Costilla County, Colorado, found helicopter landing skid marks near a barn in high grass where a mutilated bull had been discovered. Sheriff Sandoval said… “It looked like a wheel barrel had come from the chopper to the barn [“adobe shack”] where the mutilated bull was found.” The tracks led back to the chopper. They had been dusted inside the barn to make it appear as if no tracks were around the animal. The bull had an eight-inch perfect circle cut out of its ribcage without disturbing the subcutaneous tissue.31

We’ll look back at the Manzanares bull case later in Chapter 13 when we hear from ex-sheriffs Sandoval and Espinoza. The following day September 30th another animal, "a large black Angus steer," owned by rancher Bonnie Lobato was found three-quarters of a mile away from the five Chama Canyon dead cattle and was tied to the other reports by investigating officers.
Can't wait, where will I be able to get this? Amazon? Your website? Please advise.
It will be widely available, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and e-versions will also be available etc, but if you want a personalized, signed copy you can contact me directly. It is already pre-selling briskly at Amazon... it's already been in the top 10K book list, BION! Go figure…
Congrats Chris, looking forward to reading it & listening to your appearances on various shows to promote it. If any of those appearances include another appearance at The UFO & Paranormal Research Society (formerly mufon/la) please let me know.
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Chris, what's your take on the cattle mutilation phenomenon? Strictly done by humans, or is there a more sinister force lurking in the dark? You're probably going to tell me to read your book, and I will do at some point, but would be interested in getting an idea of your opinion on the matter.

Would also love to hear you debate Linda Moulton Howe on the subject. Have you considered asking her to come on the Paracast?
[My new book Stalking the Herd is in its final stages. I've completed the writing and its now being edited. I am looking for a good Index software program for acrobat so I can have an index at the back. I will be posting sample excerpts from now until the publication of the book and welcome your feedback! Here is the Table of Contents —chris]

Stalking the Herd: Unraveling the Cattle Mutilation Mystery

By David Perkins
FOREWARD: By Greg Bishop
Thanks for sharing the titling breakdown for your book and congratulations on its imminent release. Must be like giving birth. The breadth of the discussion looks well researched and highly engaging. Certainly your sense of humor runs throughout as evident from the many puns and turns of phrase. If I was an editor I would ask about your target audience and whether or not so much humor will not engage an academic audience and does that even matter? I'm not a fan of so many chapters given the "hell years" moniker - that's too repetitive for my need for fresh words all the time in any body of work. I'd rather see another metaphor applied for the 80's that might describe the decade a different way. Maybe there's a very important reason for its repeated use not evident at the outset, but that really stood out for me. The other thing that stood out was that Greg Bishop's got the forward - I'm really looking forward to reading that. (oops)

From the samples I've read so far the voice is easy going, fluid and feels like a comfortable read filled with your usual enthusiastic injections. These highlight significant moments through an accessible tone in the writing. I like pacing and vivd reporting of events. I hope there's going to be a thorough Paracast episode in the works for is release, maybe with Perkins and Bishop asking you questions?

(p.s. thanks for asking all my questions on the Jerome Clark episode - much appreciated.)