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why not just take sound bites out of every interview he ever did on the Paracast (hell just the last 2 would work) and cut and paste and you have a new show. No difference. I can not imagine anyone quitting a job in physics to tour the USA universities to give lectures about UFO's... for the reason he states... he had a family and needed to support them.. He's just a nice Canadian (we are known to be nice)  whom saw you could make a living being a ufoologist and not have to work full time. Had to be a much bigger reason to give up on a masters degree in the sciences at such a young age? think about of it...especially when he could have been a physics teacher and earn about $80,000 year only working 10 months out of the year with a fantastic pension at retirement.... as they have here in Canada. (teaching pays extremely well here).... Sounds suspicious.... maybe he had a big problem with a big mouth even back then and was let go and was told you'll never work in this field again. More reasonable then the crazy college speaker story

Hey, honey I am quitting my job as a nuclear physicist to make speeches about fairies and dragons at Universities campuses .... seems highly unlikely

Before everyone jumps around like a homeless crack addict during withdrawal ... I am just trying on the attitude of most in this field with wild theories and possible explanations.... Hey, this is fun...
