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Stan Gordon / Project Orion

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Paranormal Novice
Thank-you David and Gene for another wonderful program on Sunday.

Stan was an interesting guest and provided information which I had been unaware of regarding the Kecksburg incident.

The program brought to mind again of a project in the late-50's through 1965 called 'Project Orion'.

It was a fantastical concept to send massive ships throughout the solar system utilizing, essentially, a 'machine gun' that fired nuclear bombs, as a method of propulsion.

Years later, half of the researches still felt that it was a viable program, the others felt kinda silly.

Anyway, I remembered the similarity of the prototype craft (used C4 as propulsion) compared to the artist renditions of the Kecksburg craft.

Not going anywhere with this other than the similar looking craft design.

wikipedia article

George Dyson Project Orion on TED

Project Orion prototype pic

Kecksburg craft Art
Here's a pretty good documentary. Notice how much the acorn shaped test unit ( time around 2:04 in video below ) does indeed resemble the fabled Kecksburg object. If the Kecksburg object was a Project Orion test unit, it would explain the classified nature of the object and the subsequent cover-up.

Project Orion Documentary
