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Starry Starry night

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Paranormal Adept
As many will well know, i live in an area in the mountains with low light pollution, so as i walked out tonight to look at the sky the galactic core was very visible to me.
Billions of stars, in a universe of billions of galaxys...............

Looking at this tableau, i cant help thinking.

The question should not be, are we alone ?

But rather why dont they say hello.

Thats (imo) the question we should be asking
As many will well know, i live in an area in the mountains with low light pollution, so as i walked out tonight to look at the sky the galactic core was very visible to me.
Billions of stars, in a universe of billions of galaxys...............

Looking at this tableau, i cant help thinking.

The question should not be, are we alone ?

But rather why dont they say hello.

Thats (imo) the question we should be asking

Mike, your question reflects that well known quote, accredited to Fermi, when he said something to the effect of "Where are they?".
We shouldn't be scared, they are scared of us, in the sense that they are hoping not all sentient life just might be that stupid. IF any of the alleged abductee stories are true, 'they' even get frustrated with us for our lack of of understanding their Agendas. Cool with me.
Here is a thought for you.. say intelligent life only evolves say at the most once per galaxy at any given time (Personally I think it is a 1000 times higher than that), then if that were the case just playing the numbers game with 2 trillion or more galaxy's out there the chances for other intelligent species is mind blowing high.

I am not 100% sure there are others out there but it would be extremely arrogant to think we are the only evolved intelligent species in the galaxy let alone the whole universe.

No it is a matter of time until contact is made.. it is how that contact is made and what happens to us after that is the real question we should be asking and not are there Aliens.

So could it happen today, tomorrow, in my life time.. your guess is as good as mine, but I just feel (I could be wrong) that it is just a matter of when and not if judging that we don't wipe ourselves out before then.
Well, something is happening 'here' already it seems.Granted, it might be just us, our minds and/or our collective unconsciousness (which I firmly believe in) playing tricks on us, but something makes us interested in these things. Years ago I would have written it off as 'you're deluded', but there are too many people with somewhat similar experiences one hears and reads about.

I'm not even thinking about 'contact' personally, just think about what would happen if 'they' first encounter one of the Camelot ilk (Hurrrrr). There is more then meets the eye out there.

God bless and curse the interwebs.
Well, something is happening 'here' already it seems.Granted, it might be just us, our minds and/or our collective unconsciousness (which I firmly believe in) playing tricks on us, but something makes us interested in these things. Years ago I would have written it off as 'you're deluded', but there are too many people with somewhat similar experiences one hears and reads about.

I'm not even thinking about 'contact' personally, just think about what would happen if 'they' first encounter one of the Camelot ilk (Hurrrrr). There is more then meets the eye out there.

God bless and curse the interwebs.
If you only knew!
As i said the real question isnt are they here, its why dont they make contact.

Imo there is enough statistical and otherwise evidence to make the first question moot.

Asking the second one is more important.

I think were i in their shoes, thats the question i'd want this species to be asking
As i said the real question isnt are they here, its why dont they make contact.

Imo there is enough statistical and otherwise evidence to make the first question moot.

Asking the second one is more important.

I think were i in their shoes, thats the question i'd want this species to be asking
You can't place all human beings into one single category. Who should they contact, Obama? Jerry Falwell?
And i contend they would view us as a collective species, not as individuals
Having said that my personal theory about this, does take place at an individual level

None the less i maintain that we as individuals and as a collective species should be asking the latter not the former question

The gestalt is about the question, not wether we ask it as a species or an individual
And i contend they would view us as a collective species, not as individuals
Having said that my personal theory about this, does take place at an individual level

None the less i maintain that we as individuals and as a collective species should be asking the latter not the former question

The gestalt is about the question, not wether we ask it as a species or an individual
We have no frame of reference to understand an alien mind. They have communicated with me on a rudimentary level using light. It is a mistake to interpret this phenomenon in human terms, or to have preconceived notions.