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Another perspective on the story that mentions the well-known breatharian Wiley Brooks being caught consuming junk food in the 80s.
Indian Mystic Claims Not to Eat for 70 Years
t's not a hoax the man hasn't eaten or drank or go to the toilet in that time.
Says who? An Indian news service? "Indian Holy Men" are the equivalent of the west's televangelist hoaxers. They have been running scams on the gullible since there was an India. I bet his cousin can levitate.
They have been running scams on the gullible since there was an India. I bet his cousin can levitate.
So I guess the uptake here from some readers here is that this is case closed: magic exists!
I love the idea of just not reading those pesky skeptics with their science and so forth. Hear no evil, eh?
Is it any wonder that paranormal belief exists mainly as low-rent entertainment?
I am still looking into Balloon Boy. That made it on TV here!
I love learning about science here:
1. If someone makes a wild claim (hasn't had anything to eat or drink in 70 years) it is up to the person doubting the claim to disprove it.
2. If it appears on TV--duh--it's true!
I am still looking into Balloon Boy. That made it on TV here!
I love learning about science here:
1. If someone makes a wild claim (hasn't had anything to eat or drink in 70 years) it is up to the person doubting the claim to disprove it.
2. If it appears on TV--duh--it's true!
I think you know that most people on this forum are not dull-eyed believers into anything, so I guess you're just having fun 'trying' to agitate people.
The story is BS, now if we would get into Tibetan Monks...
Dyingsun the story is not bullshit and it's not a hoax. He has successfully passed a two week test of no food and Drink. The Doctors are real people and the hospital is a real hospital. We can argue and debate his claims of not eating or drinking for seventy years that's fine, but the story on the video is factual.
Archie would know this he comes from England. The number one TV news outlet in the UK is SKY NEWS and even they had a video on about this. This guys are top-notch reporters they wouldn't put something on the air unless they confirmed this story first.
The story talks about him "gargling" with water while showering. I guess he promised, scout's honor, not to swallow any. He has done this kind of stunt before and he lost weight during it. Why would he lose weight if he lives off air all the time?
The story talks about him "gargling" with water while showering. I guess he promised, scout's honor, not to swallow any. He has done this kind of stunt before and he lost weight during it. Why would he lose weight if he lives off air all the time?
Oh Lance![]()
All i am saying this information has been good enough to make it on to tv.
The only claims that were confirmed was a two week study of this man, which proved he never eat, drank, or went to the toilet during this time.
Doh! Jesus wept. Just because some journalist thought this newsworthy either out of ignorance or because he thought it was amusing is really irrelevant. This is an age old scam of the type performed by these 'holy' con-men for ages. While some religious devotes have claimed to make it 40 days without eating they don't stop drinking water.
Here is a chart from Survival Topics.
<table summary="Statistics on how long a human can live without water while in the shade at various temperatures" border="1" cellpadding="3"><caption>How Long Can You Live Without Water?</caption><tbody><tr><th rowspan="2">Max Daily Temperature</th><th colspan="6">Number of Days in the Shade</th></tr><tr><th>No Water</th><th>1 Quart
.95 Liter</th><th>2 Quarts
1.90 Liters</th><th>4 Quarts
3.79 Liters</th><th>10 Quarts
9.46 Liters</th><th>20 Quarts
18.93 Liters</th></tr><tr><th>120 F / 48.9 C</th><td>2 days</td><td>2</td><td>2</td><td>2.5</td><td>3</td><td>4.5</td></tr><tr><th>110 F / 43.3 C</th><td>3</td><td>3</td><td>3.5</td><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>7</td></tr><tr><th>100 F / 37.8 C</th><td>5</td><td>5.5</td><td>6</td><td>7</td><td>9.5</td><td>13.5</td></tr><tr><th>90 F / 32.2 C</th><td>7</td><td>8</td><td>9</td><td>10.5</td><td>15</td><td>23</td></tr><tr><th>80 F / 26.7 C</th><td>9</td><td>10</td><td>11</td><td>13</td><td>19</td><td>29</td></tr><tr><th>70 F / 21.1 C</th><td>10</td><td>11</td><td>12</td><td>14</td><td>20.5</td><td>32</td></tr><tr><th>60 F / 15.6 C</th><td>10</td><td>11</td><td>12</td><td>14</td><td>21</td><td>32</td></tr><tr><th>50 F / 10.0 C</th><td>10</td><td>11</td><td>12</td><td>14.5</td><td>21</td><td>32</td></tr></tbody></table>
<table summary="Statistics on how long a human can live without water while in the shade at various temperatures" border="1" cellpadding="3"></table>
Confirmed how? Where is the data? What was the protocol? A wild story from an Indian news service does not prove anything other than a lack of journalistic standards and their perception of the gullibility of their audience.
Something your chart doesn't take into account is persons that have been found alive, floating in rafts, or upon floating debris after their ship goes down...surviving 10 days, 2 weeks and sometimes longer.