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Steiger's Activating Incidents...

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Skilled Investigator
..What was yours?

..For me, things have always been strange; I have Asperger's Syndrome, which affords me about 20% more sensitivity in every physical sense. So introspection has always been a bit more natural to me. However, I have a few events, that although they caused a higher level of introspection, have also caused me to step out of my shell and move more towards "normalcy"; when you are forced to realize how different you are and your life is, becoming normal turns into an obsession, and nobody obsesses like an Autistic person.

..When I was seven, I went through my year of hell. In that year, I was struck by lightning, we lost two homes to fire, the second five days before Christmas, my sister and I were molested, my parents were separated and got back together, and we moved across the state never to see my early childhood friends again. I remember the second fire, waking up lying in a foot of snow with my mother standing in the doorway screaming "Get out! And don't come back!" I wore a one piece pajama set with feet in it. My father was spending the night and I wanted to go with him when he returned to his house in the city, and it was a very cold night in our drafty house that was heated by a 50 gallon drum-stove, so I had dressed for the next day and put my pajamas on over my clothing.

..But the thing that was a bit more strange than that odd bit of fortune, is our neighbors. There were three generations living in that tiny house, a grandmother, parents, and children, ranging in age from 10 to 18 (an estimate from their appearance, not from knowing them personally). They all looked alike, save from different height, age and sex; thick curly long black hair, pale skin and sharp features; I remember the only times I saw them was when they worked their garden, which covered pretty much their entire fenced in yard, and was filled with asparagus, which of course looks like tiny trees.

..When the house caught fire neighbors from all over the village came to help my parents get as much of our things out of the house as possible. This strange family next door just stood in their garden and watched, blank expressions on their odd identical faces.

..When I was sixteen, I saw a UFO. Two friends and I were walking East, on our way home from the video store. As we cut across the parking lot of the community center, I noticed a fire in the sky. It was large and moving fast; my first reaction was that it was an airliner crashing, as I could see silver through the flames and there were two fireballs, the second following behind the first, like an explosion had broken it in half.

..It was so large and moving so fast that we were sure it was going to crash in the city. We got in my friends car and followed it as it disappeared to the north. After about an hour of driving and getting ourselves lost in downtown, we realized that it must have been higher than we thought and thus much larger than an airplane.

..Excited with the realization of what we saw, we rushed home and running into my house we told my mother.

..She looked at me and said "Oh, that was on the news.. look they're recapping now.." I turned to the television and the anchor said "..a Russian satellite fell out of orbit tonight, visible from all over the midwest, crashing into Northern Arkansas.."

..I couldn't believe it. We were in Kansas City, a good three hundred miles north of Arkansas, and followed it as it disappeared over the Northern Horizon; the news states it crashed south of us and everyone eats it up. I never heard a word about it from anyone else, and when I asked people they knew nothing about it.

..Maybe it was a Russian Satellite, but if it was, why the blatant lie?! Since then I've had to question everything. EVERYTHING. And let me tell you, that's not a fun way to live.

..On the other hand, having my eyes opened that wide has led me down a different path from the one "normal people" walk.

..So what about everyone else?

..Come on folks, five views and not a single comment? I'm hearing crickets here. Even a "you're nuts!" would be preferable to the silent treatment...

You're nuts? Nah.

Sounds like you've had momentous events to overcome. Hard for me to even imagine, but I'm sorry life was so difficult. Saying that sounds puny to me so please forgive if the story leaves some of us awestruck.

My husband was struck by lightning in his teens. He died and had an experience that has affected his life since then, all to the positive as far as he can tell. But he seems to be the catalyst in most of my UFO experiences. If he isn't present, I don't see them. Just a guess on my part though. He simply won't talk about the weird stuff that happens to him while I blabber about my weird stuff. I'm sure the difference in our belief systems plays a part in our different reactions, that, and maybe his deeper understanding of the nature of reality. Not sure about the latter.

If I had an activating incident it was when I was in therapy many years ago. Something happened within my marriage that helped me see I had been completely wrong in my thinking. How the world worked, how and why people relate, that sort of thing, HUGE. The realization shattered my tidy little reality and the weird stuff started after that. Life has been very interesting since that time, but I'm never sure of much these days. It is uncomfortable, but it's also exciting. I've never been sorry.

So even with all of your shattering experiences, MMMike, are you sorry?
..Sorry? No. I wouldn't be the man I am today if I hadn't gone through what I've experienced.

..Wow, I guess I've gotten used to those things being part of my life; it didn't occur to me that people would be awestruck by them.

..I think that people live in fear for no good reason. Either you survive a bad situation or you let it break you. Either way the fear didn't do much good. I'm not talking about being moronically headstrong, I'm just saying you shouldn't let fear cripple you in every day life. Most of the limitations we deal with on a day to day basis are one's we put on ourselves. Get out and challenge some of your limiting conceptions and you'll find life alot more interesting and more importantly happier.

..I'm not sure where that last paragraph came from, sorry if it's out of left field.

Some families are closed entities. They let no new information within their sphere. I know a family like that and find them creepy. Except that the family I know at least present themselves as normal until the facade falls away, which is near enough to the surface as to make the facade very short lived.

There is usually someone in tight control of the group until the group has no will left to break out. After a time, the other members have no coping mechanisms left.

Could be you had weird neighbors like that. I can even imagine their looking alike, haunted in a way. "My" family, the weird one, all have tight smiles, but their eyes are never engaged in the friendly facial expression. Spooks me plenty.

While I think there are more strange things going on in the ether around us, humans themselves can be as odd as any paranormal anomaly. We try to explain them in psychological terms, but maybe there's more going on than we can understand.
..I think you mean parapsychological terms.

..I'm beginning to see why David seems to be so uptight on the show; if you've experienced something, or for that matter many things that fall outside the realm of "normal" human experience, talking about them with people who have not, even if they think they believe, is like trying to teach higher math to someone who doesn't speak your language.

..No offense intended to anyone, but I'm wondering why so many people with such cynicism bother with these sorts of shows and forums. The only reason I can figure is they're desperate for some light, some paradigm shift in their reality. Folks, hanging out around the bathroom when you're constipated and harrassing the people who come and go from the bathroom isn't going to break the constipation; you've got to go find some medicine for your illness.

..Focusing on the end result is never as important as focusing on the journey. You'll never get where you want to go by staring at the destination on the map, you've got to plot a course and actually go there. Put the map away and get out on the road, experience what you have to to get there. Let your body go and your mind will follow.

..I suppose I'm being unrealistic, having had some serious mind opening experiences in life. But don't you ever feel your spirit screaming, crying out for release? Don't regular people ever wish they could be somewhere else when they're bored, and actually get up and go somewhere? What is missing in the human mind? Or is it not missing, just chained down by all of todays vices? Caffeine, sugar, overeating, television, talk radio.. stop letting another person or even a substance tell you how to live your life and go LIVE YOUR LIFE.

..I'm not yelling at you Poi, thanks for actually replying to this thread; I'm just reacting to the lethargy around me and seemingly in the people reading these forums.

I know you aren't yelling at me. LOL

I hear you too, but I was offering what isn't always obvious in the way of human behavior too. I get creeped out by humans, but my paranormal experiences, save one, have all been rather calming. Seems like it should be the other way around, doesn't it?

The fear factor, at least for me is pretty great though, I'll admit. So I allow only good stuff to happen, or maybe that's just the way I choose to see my experiences. After the BIG SCARY experience, which was really rather small in comparison to what you've mentioned, I took a break for years. Put all paranormal nonsense on the back burner to raise my kids and deal with practical matters that didn't haunt my dreams. Exploring consciousness can open doors that are incredible, but some of the experiences are designed to thwart exploration for those who are feint of heart.

A friend of mine believes our egos trip us up. He says shamanic experiences may be twofold in purpose, one created to stem a natural loosening of the bonds of the ego, another to prepare the journeyman for a practical look at the varied lower forms of energy, (entities, whatever one wants to call it or them.) In any case, the idea is not to get stuck enjoying the paranormal aspect of the trip to higher consciousness because that becomes a block.

Except that to live is to experience, granted. So I creep along at a pace that allows me to handle the experiences. That's all any of us can do, I think. We are where we are until we're jolted, or serenaded, to something new.

In an old Art Bell/Ingo Swann interview I heard recently, Swann recommended a book called The User Illusion by Tor Norretranders. Although the book has been around for a fairly long time, the author says that we have around us every moment something like ten million pieces of information. Our senses are filtered so sufficiently that we are only able within that moment to take in ten (10) bits of that ten or so million bundle.

I have the book now and haven't had the time to give it a good read, but when I heard Swann, I decided to become more aware of the information available to me. I intend to become more aware and I have, but I have to remind myself of my intent or I lose focus from one day to the next. But those days when I'm crackin', wow, they are very, very interesting. :D

I think that's what you mean by living, right? Even if I take things as I can handle them? I think most people do, but we can't all be in the same place at one time. If anything, I get frustrated with my own lethargy. There is something inherently uncomfortable about feeling comfortable. It just ain't right, I tell ya. LOL
..Yeah, that's the idea; I've found that when it's impossible to maintain the illusion of control in our lives it's time to start paying close attention to what's going on.

..I would have been home from work three hours ago, but my engine has (hopefully just) blown a gasket. After walking a mile and back to buy some coolant and fill a gallon container with water, I got it started again and went another five miles before it was tapping so hard it wanted to die. So I pulled over and took a nap while it cooled again, checked the oil and coolant and went another five miles. After letting it cool again and failing to get it to start, my wife called to see where I was and then came to get me.

..I would have been home earlier, probably before the trouble started, but today is our 9th wedding anniversary, and I wanted to surprise her this morning with flowers, so I went in the opposite direction to get some at Wal-Mart, using up the miles I could have used to get home.

-Mike <8]
So maybe you should have trusted, after the first incident with the car, that things were working against your plans. Except that seems a little early. I usually only "get it" after the second failure to control. Oddly enough, they are usually incidents involving my car. On those days, I come home and hide!

I'm sure your wife appreciated the effort though. Seems to me that your undaunted effort was the nicest present she could get. Happy Anniversary!
..Thanks. It was a pretty lousy day. I had to get a ride with a coworker who lives further away, and he insisted he'd be in earlier than me so I would need to hurry today to get done in time to ride back with him; as we were leaving tonight he told me it wasn't going to work out, and I'd need to find another ride.

..Likewise, today I was exhausted all day long from lack of sleep and stress. The mechanics never called, meaning they probably didn't look at the car today; although I'm sure there's nothing we can do for it, hearing it from a professional would make things easier to deal with.

..At around 5PM my work truck had a blow out. It has two tires on each side of the rear, so it would still go, but I had to drive slow to get back to the depot.

..My wife had a pretty lousy day too, the details of which I won't go into. In fact, I'd say the only good thing about today was that my mother-in-law didn't bitch at me all day. Now it's 10:30, I have alot of work to do to prepare for the gaming convention this weekend, and all I want to do is fall asleep.

..Exhaustion. For years I've used it to shut down my senses, make me feel "normal". Now that I don't want to, and am trying to learn more about my senses and find my center, I have no choice but to work obscene hours and put myself into what I call the "buzz zone", where my head buzzes all the time and I can't think straight.


I swear I'm not one of those eternal perk junkies. I can feel and act downright foul.

But I do think someone or something may be telling you it isn't "your" time, Mike. Like I said, I had to raise two kids before I began exploring again. Hell, I had to get old before finding the time and energy. The bad part of that is that getting older seems to have put a damper on my senses. It's harder now, what used to be natural.

A friend suggested that we just become more mellow, even in our reactions to the extra sensory world, but I don't think that's true. I think we lose it if we don't use it. So maybe when life gets a little easier you can throw off the cloak of normalcy. There probably should be balance in all things.
..Yes, well, I think it could also be a resistance creates strength issue. I'm about as stubborn as they come; If you put more weight on the bar, I'm going to push harder to lift it, thereby becoming stronger. The trick is to not be overwhelmed with the input when the resistance goes away..

-Mike <8]
..I'm sorry guys, this wasn't meant to be a discussion of me; it was meant to be a sharing of events that led to interest in the Paranormal...
..Maybe I should change the name of this thread to "Personal Spiritual Chrysalis"

..I'm constantly struggling with the balance between spirit and body. I've obviously got a bit more soul than physical presence, as I keep experiencing "abnormal" happenings. I'd like to put my center a bit more in that realm without hindering the human experience, but I generally seem to just randomly flounder into that realm.

..Two nights ago I had an odd dream. It started in a bowling alley that was... off... I couldn't find a ball so I was walking the length of the alley looking for one and finally on a rack right in front of the pro counter I picked one up. Two geezers were behind the counter and one of them who looked very familiar plopped down a large dollar coin and bet me I couldn't get a strike on my first attempt. I pulled out my only dollar and put it on the counter then went to the alley and threw a strike.

..Turns out I was on the wrong alley. I retrieved a ball and went to my lane and knowing as I did that the thumb hole was too small, attempted again, only to have the ball stick on my thumb and come off wrong.

.Despite this, it was headed for a strike. But then someone elses ball came rolling from another lane and deflected mine. Then the weird really kicked in and a group of people appeared where my pins were supposed to be and it turned out to be a double door exit. I went down to complain to them to get out of the way and sort of merged into the group as though it was where I was supposed to be.

..We go through the doors and we're standing outside on a college campus. The buildings are very old brick buildings, massive with large windows. Suddenly we're being chased and we scatter into a building that's being used as a warehouse. I'm running and running and turning a corner I come across a group of people that are obviously staff for the school. But I'm an adult and they just ask if I've seen these kids I was with. I make up a story and go on, starting to run again when I'm beyond them. At one point a couple of old ladies tell me it's four miles across campus to where I'm trying to go so I keep going, running the whole time.

..Then I come out of a tower and there's a beautiful young woman of asian decent in a white hoody and I start chatting her up before I'm awakened by my 2 year old kicking me in the chest as he turns over on the bed.

..Okay, so my friend Mark who I've had similar experiences with before calls me in the morning. He's telling me how the day before he had to run a mile in the rain to find his flash drive because the paper he's working on in college was on it. It's a group project and in the group is an attractive young girl of asian decent who was wearing a white shirt.

..A few hours after that call I get to a customer and I know somethings not right because there are different vehicles in her drive. Sure enough, her husband has died and was buried the day before.

..He was the old pro at the counter who bet me the dollar.


...These things are not the breakthrough, these are the status quo. The breakthrough was this morning.

..Tuesday when all of these other things were being set into motion, I was visiting with a customer, a mortician, who is sensitive like me. We were discussing Medium and she said it was a good episode. I watched it this morning for the first time and (SPOILER ALERT) at the end when Joe says he'll abandon what he's been doing and try to start over, his wife hugs him and says "best laid plans..."

..I'm like "WTF?!" she's his wife, she's supposed to convince him to fight for his invention, not give up and walk away. It's selfish to do otherwise.

..There's the breakthrough. That reaction is wrong, it's the reaction of someone who's being human without spirit, not someone who's spirit in the human world. If I can change that instinct, I can move my center closer to the spiritual and perhaps gain some control over the "status quo".

-Mike <8]