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Stephen King on Taxes

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Well, if you ask me ... and since it is up here I suppose you did ... What A Crock of Smelly BullShit! Buffet for example .. owes, according to reports I've read .. over a billion in unpaid taxes. And of course ... we all know how anxious he is to pay the Big G. And of course we all know how responsible the Big G is with our money ... lets give a few more million to the Islamic Brotherhood, Pakistan, you know ... all our tried and true Buddies and Friends. I just love how those morons want to spend MY FRICKING MONEY. Yep, real responsible Government with our collective money.

It is wayyyyy past time to give these people a wake-up call before we ride that big government car over the fricken' cliffs. We are broke, no more damned government waste. We are teetering on the edge of a total economic collapse. What in hell is wrong with people? I know I can't be the only one who sees it.

Well, ya had to know that anything by my favorite author would elicit a response from me. ;) However, I'm way beyond fanboy age and I''m only a decade younger than Uncle Stevie. Anyway, I think a flat tax rate would be fair. Ya make millions then you would pay more but you wouldn't be penalized for being successful financially. I always wince when he gets on his self rightous "left wing is holy" Right wing is evil bullshit. One of the problems with this nation right now is we are not allowed to be honest. He gives to the arts? Really? The fucking arts? I bet there's a soup kitchen in Bangor Maine right now that would love to have Stevie and Tabby King drop by and help feed the poor. But, it's more fun to go to lunceons that the great unwashed can't participate in and hobnob than get those nasty poor people germs. ;) As for Barrack Obama? Damn, he comes from rich white folks. He has about as much in common with poor black people from the south or Harlem, New York as Saint Frances did. :eek: I get really, really tired of the knee jerk hyprocisy of "left wing celebs." Now, don't get me wrong. I refused to even spell "george bush" with capital letters. I absolutely believe that health care shouldn't be based on abilty to pay. At least when it comes to medical breakthroughs such as cancer and dialysis and other life saving/prolonging treatments. I'm not a right winger. I just don't get into the propaganda and I hate that Stevie does. But, that's life. He's still a helluva writer and his hearts in the right place. Also, appreciated the shout out for Bama and Mississippi and rest of the coast down here.
This is one of the glaringly obvious flaws of the US political system.

Its a reverse bidding auction.

People will vote for the politician that promises A: the least amount of taxation and B: the most amount of public services.

The result is always going to be debt

The solution would be to find a "balance" between the two, but thats never going to happen its too painful in both cases. It means no free lunch you have to pay for what you get.

It means paying a little bit more, and getting a little bit less.

But you can see the attraction the current scenario has for the politicians.
They dont have to pay back the debt, and they enjoy the perks of office.
For a politician public debt is all personal gain, no personal pain.

Any accountant can tell you the solution, how to balance the books......

But run with that as a political platform and the electorate will bury you
This is a point of view that many Americans do not share with the rest of the world. Tax the rich, provide social services for the poor. I don't mind being taxed as much as I am since I live plenty fine with the money I do get to keep.
One of the problems we have is that the vast majority of people do not understand how money in fact works.
I have no problem with Tax and I have a very libertarian mind set and Protestant work ethic (you want it then work for it, simple personal responsibility), but the world monetary system is in short F**ked and is not going to get better by throwing more debt at it.. at some point the whole system becomes unstable and retracts or simply collapses.

The problem we have now is that when the system retracts next time (and it will) it has no where to retract to due to a number of factors such as , basic personal income being stagnant or reducing, high household debt in relation to income, high unemployment, loss of industry base through out sourcing, a very top heavy wealth pyramid, price speculation and reckless wall street gambling, and an every increasing international debt.
There are many more reasons these are just a few off the top of my head so feel free to add to the list.

Some of us here I guess are doing OK and have a stable income (I do not do to bad) but for many out there it is getting worse not through any fault of their own but as a symptom of the banking collapse and I do not think I need to say why we all have a good idea of what is going on.

The idea to throw more debt at the situation is out right insane as it is more like throwing gasoline on a fire, for sure we may get a short term turn around in the world economy but all that creates is a bubble that will given time burst.
When it bursts the old debts are still there and all we have done is dig a far deeper hole for a short term stay of execution, so like it or not the monetary system that we have now is doomed and it is just a matter of time until it falls apart. You can only keep inflation going for so long until it spirals out of control.

But please do not get me wrong I am far from being left wing or hard line socialist but I am not blind to the situation.

A tax system works fine as long as everyone is paying into it.. problem is the vast majority of international and national corporations are not paying tax at all and to be honest governments have shown that they are near incapable of administering the monetary system responsibly.

Just ask yourself this question even if you do not agree with a word I have said.. "Who got rich out of the economic collapse?"
The very same people who got the bail out and got us in the shit to start with.

This is a great documentary on the situation and well worth the time to watch.

It is hard to see how things are going to sort themselves out.

I do think that the genie is out of the bottle though in respect to the nuclear contamination crisis. The only reason it hasn't had a larger impact on the world economy than it has is simple denial. There will be a tipping point where the Japanese economy will be snowed under by mounting concerns about contamination of goods coming out of there and a flood of people leaving the islands and it will impact us all.
It is hard to see how things are going to sort themselves out.

I do think that the genie is out of the bottle though in respect to the nuclear contamination crisis. The only reason it hasn't had a larger impact on the world economy than it has is simple denial. There will be a tipping point where the Japanese economy will be snowed under by mounting concerns about contamination of goods coming out of there and a flood of people leaving the islands and it will impact us all.

The big news these days is reactor 4.
If that tips.......cracks or explodes, 128 million japanese refugees will be the least of our worries.

It has the potential to wipe the debt slate clean, in the worst possible way

The big news these days is reactor 4.
If that tips.......cracks or explodes, 128 million japanese refugees will be the least of our worries.

It has the potential to wipe the debt slate clean, in the worst possible way

Thanks humanity its been a fun ride but the party is over.

Wake the F**k up or we are all F**ked
Sadly the message in the banner on the last frame, may have been true when it was filmed.........
But we didnt listen....................
It's up to American - what it thinks is a reasonable trade-off with taxes and services. I can say for myself, living in the UK, I am happy with the taxes I pay. I like the fact I get all drugs and treatment free at the point of serice regardless of whether I am rich or unemployed. I will be given money to pay the rent if I am unemployed etc.
The thing is, it's not like there isn't enough money in the States to go round? What about all these untold billions, nay, trillions that disappeared? Can someone tell me exactly how trillions can be lost?
What if one outside accountant was to be made to sign a secrecy oath on details, but allowed to look at 'all the books' and find out where that money actually went? I am completely against rioting of the sort seen in London last year but at the same time I cannot understand how Americans aren't going insane with fury over being told that 'a few trillion' disappeared!:mad:

Those 'few trillion' could pay for a lot of healthcare and tuition fees and a few other things too.

Does the world need another super-secret aircraft as well at untold costs? To do what exactly that cannot be done right now?

I stand completely side by side in spirit with the average working American, who will never get rich like bailed-out bankers, don't have money to influence politics but gets shat on at the end of the queue (line).