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Suggested guest: Rupert Sheldrake

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Kevin Daly

Skilled Investigator
It'd be interesting to hear Sheldrake talk about Morphic Resonance and his more recent telepathy experiments.
The man is definitely not a fool - there's a good bit in this interview on Skeptiko (http://www.skeptiko.com/response-by-dr-rupert-sheldrake/) where he makes his case particularly vividly in talking about the type of experimental controls that make the subjects feel like cheats:

Then you create conditions of nervousness that interfere with the phenomenon. It’s rather like saying to Chris French or somebody else, you claim you can have an erection. I want you to prove it right now, on camera, on demand. And then have people with clipboards sitting around saying, “Right. I want to see it right now.”

That's an argument that can of course be abused by charlatans, but it makes a good point nevertheless.
Rupert Sheldrake seems like a very "heretic" researcher, mocked in crude and untastefull ways by the debunkers cult, sounds like a excellent choice.
I 've suggested Rupert Sheldrake a few times in this forum.

And - He's english so he sounds really smart!