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Thanks exo-doc for your comments here.


  You are right Mike it is war, war for the hearts and minds of men. The attempted comparitive analysis of all religions and beliefs from your perspective is seriously flawed. If you believe in nothing then why do you try so hard to keep everyone else from believing in something that isn't when it comes to God?


 If there is nothing of any value in religion or in the pursuit of God then why are you fighting so hard here? I say it is because you either knowingly or unkowingly are a pawn in the game between good and evil. The goal of the enemy has always been deception and misinformation.


   I know you and a few others here are Athiest. You know by now that I'm not. I actually think that this makes the discussions more healthy with regard to alternate viewpoints.


 To say that "God did it" as you said isn't necessarily going backward as there are many things we can't understand yet. Even when we finally understand it God still did it.We may use what God did but He still did it.


 Sadly I have to agree we are at war but I don't hate the soldiers. I have my views that are founded both on personal experiences and factual basis. They run totally opposite from your views...sorry man that's just the way it is.


 When you continue the same stories over and over about how cruel you think God is remember the Ninevites who were not Jewish and who God sent Jonah to minister to even though they had killed many Jews in very cruel ways. ....none of this matters because I feel you are mainly here to push your agenda. Discussion with you is probably not going anywhere . I have been reading the scriptures for years your cruel God scenario holds no water with me nor will it ever.
