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Suggestion: Jim Elvidge: The Universe Solved

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http://theuniversesolved.com/ (Book with the same name) He was mentioned in another thread here dealing with the universe as a siumulation. I heard a brief interview with him on a Swedish podcast. His basic idea is that the universe as we see it is the result of a computer program and that we are avatars experiencing a 'second life' kind of existence. He seems an articulate fellow and I'd love to hear what you guys could do with him in a two hour show.
Me too. Although this can only be a discussion of theory, and not an examination of someone's experience claim, which is what this show usually focuses on.

That said, I'd like a tough but fair review of this guy. I'd like them to really push him to explain some of the weirdest stuff with his theory.
Do you think this is another example of how we keep the earth flat and the universe revolving around us?--We just take whatever metaphor we can draw out of science/technology and say, "That's the whole thing. No, for real, that's it."

Is it different than how some New Agers use quantum mechanics to back up their claims that the universe runs according to (and around the desires of) them?
I've listened to the RED ICE CREATION interview with Jim Elvidge, that guy was really interesting, I got a lot out of it.

Here's the LINK to the cool audio interview:

Red Ice Creations Radio - Jim Elvidge - Are we Living in a Simulation, a Programmed Reality?

I recently emailed Mac Tonnies, he's one of the Paracast's favorite guest (and mine too). I suggested EXACTLY that same posting. I thought it was really interesting. He references a lot of fascinating stuff, a lot of it dealing with computer gaming.

New ideas are hard to grasp, especially because I feel like us humans are so feeble in our ability to think big. I think that we NEED a metaphor to wrap our minds around big concepts. I know I do.

I think this Jim Elvrige guy would be a really interesting guest and I know that David would be in his element in any kind of discussion or debate.

The thing that got me so engaged was that his theory of - well - of the universe as a giant computer game, its that it already has seeped into our consciousness. It shows up in the Matrix, and all kinds of science fiction. Any teenager with a bong has pondered this, I'm sure...

There is another amazing book called THE HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE where the author (Michael Talbot) makes an argument that our universe is actually a form of holograph. This is one of the coolest books I've ever read (and Mac Tonnies will reference it often).

The conclusions Jim Elvidge puts across seem to dove tail nicely with the HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE.
Here's the blurb from the RED ICE CREATIONS interview:

Jim Elvidge - Are we Living in a Simulation, a Programmed Reality?

We are joined by Jim Elvidge author of "The Universe Solved" and we'll discuss the possibility that our reality (the universe) is programmed or that we're living in a simulation.

Is the concept of the Matrix possible? If we're not in a simulation then how far away are we from creating our own simulated reality? Join us for a fascinating discussion as we explore these topics and much more with Jim Elvidge Topics discussed: The developed of the theory, what other scientists and researchers have similar theories, nanotechnology, powerful computers, how can we know if we're in a simulation?

We talk about the idea that we're trapped in a simulation of a previous civilizations or another race of intelligent beings, Moor's law, The Thirteenth Floor, Existence, Video Games, Nanobot's, metaphysical anomalies, Magic, UFO's, The Hive Mind, "Easter eggs" and much more. We continue our interesting discussion with Jim Elvidge and expand on the concepts of Nanobot's, nanotechnology and regulation, the singularity, artificial intelligence and much more.
From a strictly rationalist standpoint, anything other than a rigid scientific inquiry into accepted subjects done with rigorous controls and backed by solid statistical evidence can be considered 'New Age' and unworthy of consideration. I would suggest that for that group of people there is nothing much to discuss, but that approach sounds very much like my cousin who insists I am going to Hell because I do not accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. Uh, we don't talk much.

But Elvidge strikes me as a pretty level-headed guy who is attempting to explain anomolies. He's not buying the 'God & Jesus crap' either, but stories across many cultures appear eeringly similar suggesting a reality somewhat different than your average engineer-type would consider. (I think he is an EE) I don't think he has 'solved' the mystery completely, but his metaphor is a useful one to explore. Although I think this next term has become overused: He is thinking outside the box, which naturally makes people who prefer thinking inside the box uncomfortable enough to criticize him.

I have always thought Paracast was the kind of place not dominated by James Randi thinking where people enjoyed exploring different ideas. Accordingly, I think he would be a good guest.
If the Reality we experience is a simulation, then the obvious question is "who's programming?" Not to mention what kind of hardware is involved and what it's made of and by whom. Maybe this is a simulation and these bodies we inhabit are just avatars. One of the rules of the game is players must have amnesia induced before the "birth sequence" initiates. It seems like if it was a game, cooler stuff would be happening...this isn't much better than that 'E.T.' game for the Atari 2600.
It seems like if it was a game, cooler stuff would be happening...this isn't much better than that 'E.T.' game for the Atari 2600.

I absolutely agree with you here. 'Cooler stuff' ought to be happening. In fact, I also agree with Aaron-I don't really like the rules of this game. But if I have the consciousness of an avatar, I may not understand the greater scheme of things. Whoever is running the avatar may have a set of goals for this game that I simply don't understand. That being said, I have my suspicions (which unlike some others, I have not turned into a religion), and I'm STILL not happy with the game. In fact, I suggest a rebellion! Seems to me that this game is a piss-poor attempt by a bunch of juveniles trying to play grown-up.
I absolutely agree with you here. 'Cooler stuff' ought to be happening. In fact, I also agree with Aaron-I don't really like the rules of this game. But if I have the consciousness of an avatar, I may not understand the greater scheme of things. Whoever is running the avatar may have a set of goals for this game that I simply don't understand. That being said, I have my suspicions (which unlike some others, I have not turned into a religion), and I'm STILL not happy with the game. In fact, I suggest a rebellion! Seems to me that this game is a piss-poor attempt by a bunch of juveniles trying to play grown-up.

This world is the "Pong of the Gods." Can't wait for the Coleco version of reality.
It seems like if it was a game, cooler stuff would be happening...

Maybe it has no personal signficance. Maybe it's about the species or planet as a whole. Perhaps the simulators find it "cool" to model all the possible ways intelligent life can snuff itself out with global warming, nuclear war, pollution etc.
Maybe it has no personal signficance. Maybe it's about the species or planet as a whole. Perhaps the simulators find it "cool" to model all the possible ways intelligent life can snuff itself out with global warming, nuclear war, pollution etc.

One model I filter things through (there are many) is that there is one giant unified mind that is the sum of all things 'so far'. The Creator 'is' the Creation...It observes Itself through discreet units of fractally interlaced consciousnesses. It's like a computer that constantly improves it's own design. That means that the ultimate reason for my existence may simply be to 'observe and ponder.' This lays the foundation for more novel and complex manifestation of this stuff everything seems to be made of...and justifies my laziness.