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Suggestions for best archived shows to listen to???

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Skilled Investigator
I've been listening to the Paracast for about a year now, but I want to delve into some of the past episodes...any suggestions on the best ones? Thanks! :)
Just go all the way back to the beginning, start with the guests your most interested in, and fill in the spaces as you go. That was my strategy and it worked out fine, with a few pleasant surprises along the way for guests I wasn't that familiar with.
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The Paracast has about three distinct phases: the Biedny co-host years, the interim multiple co-hosts period and the O'Brien years. Each has their own flavor, approach and concerns. Things were a little more wild and off the cuff in the early episodes and so there's a lot of great fun to be had - the Michael Horn/Meier episodes seem to garner a lot of popularity. That first phase also gets into some very interesting speculation on the anomalous world with some unique trips down the rabbit hole, especially when Biedny got to ramble on or bring on his own guests. The interim phase has a lot of interesting thinking, discussion and roundtables which gets into the Ufological gambit from multiple perspectives - Kimball and Bishop were great for this. O'Brien is much more multi-dimensional than he appears and works with guests in a more dynamic manner depending on who the guest is and what they have to offer. Overall , even though it feels like the show is less critical of guests as the years go on, that's just because Biedny liked to rant a lot, which was good sometimes, but O'Brien plays his cards closer to the chest and does not always show his disbelief out of courtesy and allows for the guest to have their say.

ufolofy's advice is good as when you look at the guest list you can see a who's who of Ufology and the podcast definitely gives you a thorough overview and history of all the major events with all the serious researchers. Pay attention to episodes with Vallee, Jerome Clark, Moseley, and Mac Tonnies for excellent infotainment. If you want more wild tales then Steiger is worth a listen. What's great about the show is you can pick any field (ghosts, cryptos, ufo's, folklore, remote viewing etc.) and look up who is big in the field and they are on this show. Anyone who is missing usually tells you that that person is more interested in being catered to than answering harder questions. But be forewarned , there are a lot of episodes where the guest is allowed to speak and not always get the hard questions (Leir, Talbot, Hopkins and Stanford for example) and you must evaluate their merits on your own.

Either way, it's easily my favourite anomalous podcast for all the many reasons listed above - plus it's all free so no one should complain about the commercials-ever, even though you will notice that sometimes conversation threads are just blanked when they come back from the break.
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Here's my list:

Anything with Richard Dolan - Dolan | The Paracast — The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio

Anything with the vaunted Planetary Ambadassador Dr. Steven "Anonymous Sources" Greer is entertaining for multiple reasons - Greer Project | The Paracast — The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio

Klaus Dona is good for some Indiana Jones style fun - Klaus | The Paracast — The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio

I have a metaphysical lean, so my personal favorite 3 individual episodes:
February 26, 2012 — Dr. Barry Taff | The Paracast — The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio - if you can get past his women issues and Hollywood-ish persona - various topics
November 18, 2012 — PMH Atwater | The Paracast — The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio - I've read one of her books and enjoyed it - NDE's
October 12, 2008 — Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D. | The Paracast — The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio - U of Arizona professor on the persistence of consciousness, double blind testing "psychics", cellular memory when it comes to organ transplants, etc