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Super moon and Perseid Meteor Shower

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FeralNormal master
So on my twitter feed I keep coming across breathless excited mentions of this weekends full moon and meteor shower like it was a big thing to look forward to. but isn't a bright full moon the last thing you want to see during a meteor shower ??
At any rate because it is a Super Moon I dug out my double filtered polarized glasses so I wouldn't fry my corneas.
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While out this morning, I noticed the moon at 5:30 (PDT), as descending on the western horizon, as the sun was just rising, scattering intensely vibrant shades of red onto a cloudless sky. It was at this time in which your post occurred to me, as it was truly “super”.
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absolutely, the moon blocks out so many luminous bodies that you have to just wait for it to set and get out of the way. this past weekend, while up north in the st. mary's river system, my brother and i remarked about how the time we went camping into the bush for five days twenty years ago, which was planned to go across the perseid shower, was still one of the most memorable nights of skygazing in our lives. no moon, no city lights for over a hundred miles, and just a handful of humans in the vicinity - just clear skies & breathtaking streaks of meteors whizzing by continuously all night!