Skilled Investigator
Divine Cosmos - Great Awakening II: Swine Flu + Mainstream Media = $$$
While rambling, full of new-agey crap, and somewhat disjointed, this actually makes sense overall.
<scenes of="" mass="" panic="" in="" the="" streets…="" know="" you="" like="" it…=""></scenes>
While rambling, full of new-agey crap, and somewhat disjointed, this actually makes sense overall.
What do you think?The criminal NWO cartel desperately needed another 9/11 to throw the public off the scent. Explore the ‘story behind the story’ you won’t hear in mainstream OR alternative conspiracy media!
Let’s say you have an international criminal cartel.
Let’s say this cartel just lost a very pivotal election — spectacularly! — and with it the vast majority of their political power......
<scenes of="" mass="" panic="" in="" the="" streets…="" know="" you="" like="" it…=""></scenes>