ive made mention already that i think that our understanding of the phenomena is only possible if we have the technical jargon to understand it. how do you explain an ipod to a caveman.
ive also explored our use of brain implants as a way of using machines with the mind.and im of the mind thats just the crude begining, that eventually you would be able to engineer the very bio material itself to perform the same function as implants.
descriptions like being able to cross from one dimension to another, may simply be a case of a being using "equipment" to do so, possibly equipment thats in its own head so to speak
but as a human i need those technical terms of reference .
i can understand that a being evolved on such and such a planet exactly X number of light years away and did develop technology which operates in such and such a way to do this.
but words like "spritual" and "angel" are lacking in reference points for me. they are "gap" fillers with nothing behind them to give me clarity.
it may well be that "angels" as depicted on stained glass windows and described as being from "god" another gap filler, may in fact represent a description of the same event. some of the icons suggest so ie "wings" they float or fly "halo" they glow. but if what we are really talking about is ET intellect from zeta whatsee, using an invisable relay to "psyco creatively" (mentally manipulate local molecules like a bubblejet printer does ink dots) manifest at a given location here, then "angel" as a description is patently worthless.
i think a big part of the problem is that what we call "spiritual" is not . its just technology beyond our current understanding.
words like god and spiritual and angel, just dont have the technical substance i need for them to work in any of my reality equations.
and reckon thats why the "nuts and bolts" side of the issue is so important.
we havent that long had "nuts and bolts" ourselves, but now that we do there is no doubt that we are understanding the UFO question better than we did before we invented nuts and bolts
ive also explored our use of brain implants as a way of using machines with the mind.and im of the mind thats just the crude begining, that eventually you would be able to engineer the very bio material itself to perform the same function as implants.
descriptions like being able to cross from one dimension to another, may simply be a case of a being using "equipment" to do so, possibly equipment thats in its own head so to speak
but as a human i need those technical terms of reference .
i can understand that a being evolved on such and such a planet exactly X number of light years away and did develop technology which operates in such and such a way to do this.
but words like "spritual" and "angel" are lacking in reference points for me. they are "gap" fillers with nothing behind them to give me clarity.
it may well be that "angels" as depicted on stained glass windows and described as being from "god" another gap filler, may in fact represent a description of the same event. some of the icons suggest so ie "wings" they float or fly "halo" they glow. but if what we are really talking about is ET intellect from zeta whatsee, using an invisable relay to "psyco creatively" (mentally manipulate local molecules like a bubblejet printer does ink dots) manifest at a given location here, then "angel" as a description is patently worthless.
i think a big part of the problem is that what we call "spiritual" is not . its just technology beyond our current understanding.
words like god and spiritual and angel, just dont have the technical substance i need for them to work in any of my reality equations.
and reckon thats why the "nuts and bolts" side of the issue is so important.
we havent that long had "nuts and bolts" ourselves, but now that we do there is no doubt that we are understanding the UFO question better than we did before we invented nuts and bolts