Obviously, your skepticism is preventing you from success, my friend. You brain isn't dead, it's much too busy thinking "this is not really going to work". The term "wild hair" gives away your subconscious blockade.
Or something.
Either there is no spoon or there is no telekinesis. Never worked with me either, I have to say
But I did an experiement once, which seems to have kind of worked. I had read about this one in a book: in a situation where you are sitting behind a group of people, imagine you have a nasty, irritating itch in your neck and watch how many people proceed to scratch theirs.
Well, the skeptic will say, there's probably someone scratching their neck most of the time. But here's what happened:
I tried this a few days later in an office with five people in front of me (no one was looking back at me, I was just a lowly trainee in that office and the action was in front of them): I concentrated hard and could actually nearly feel my neck itching and the urge to scratch it. Nothing happened. Not one of the guys even casually lifted a hand to scratch himself. I tried harder, even held my breath. Still nothing.
So I thought something along the lines of "well I knew this wouldn't work" and with that the concentration poofed away and for a moment I totally relaxed, as if some heavy load had been lifted.
The same moment, I kid you not, three of the five guys scratched their necks nearly simultaneously. And one of these, a guy I knew personally, even turned around to look at me irritatedly.
But of course, if this was indeed something anomalous, it was probaly not telekinesis.