Great shots Posey. I've been fascinated by Nikoli Tesla as long as I can remember. I'd love to visit where you were.
While that photo with the orb is good, I have a real problem with orbs. Orbs can be manufactured by the camera flash highlighting a close up, out of focus, dust particle floating in the air. This gives the look of an orb, but yet remains mundane in reality.
I urge caution when discussing the merits of orbs for this reason.
Good shots though!
I totally agree with the point you make.
However whenever I hear that I must ask have you ever seen a shaft of sunlight shine through an opening in a shade or curtain in a darkened room?
The air about us is always filled with particulates smoke, dust, pollen, moister, and the like, so why are orbs not present in every picture we take?
Why only one dust particle?
Right as I ask for one orb?
Sometimes the coincidence of a coincidence is too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence.
Here are some more photographical "coincidences?"

In the foreground of this picture you see the
Spirit of my younger brother Ralph who died in 1988 watching over and waiting for our brother Chuck.
The picture was taken by my sister Theresa.
She saw nothing when she took the picture.
She was leaving that night to return to New York and waited till he was asleep before she left.
Our mother had died three weeks before and she had taken all her vacation time in seeing that Mom was put away as she had wanted to be.
Chuck died the night she left she had to turn around
and return to Virginia the next day.

This is Chuck finally leaving the body after knowing that Theresa was there.
Please note Theresa was alone and there was no object between her and Chuck.
As in the previous picture this is not a shadow, but a free standing form.
None of these pictures are retouched.
There are many that say because the spirit looks dark it must be evil, but darkness is only light we can't see.

As you can see in the time between the flashes his Spirit is now moving upwards and away from the body
These pictures are not and have not been altered in anyway

Fox and Stella were playing and I took their picture.
In the flash I saw hundreds of brilliant green tiny little twinkling lights of various sizes.
They were up in the air and shinning with their own light then they were gone.
I thought it was just a cool trick of my eyes caused by the flash in the darkness of the basement
I took another picture but never saw the "Twinklers" again.
These are not dust because there are rainbows seen in some of them and some seem to have orbs in them.
Plus the next picture was clear.

During Travis Walton's lecture my nephew Ozzy whispered to me,
"Posey he's surrounded by light."
I took the picture but I did not see these lights (Orbs)

Steve Pierce Introduction by Dr. UFO. — with Large Light Orb

Steve Pierce with Large Light Orb

Steve Pierce, Oswald Franco (my nephew), Travis Walton

Me and two orbs at my parents home.

These three spires of light appeared in this picture after I asked that some knocking spirits in the ketchen show themselves in a way that would not scare me to death.

This golden triangle appeared over my sister Theresa's heart as we were leaving for Ralph's funeral.

On blowing up the picture I was shocked rto see all these little golden lights about her.
Sometimes the coincidence of a coincidence is too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence.
Posey Gilbert