As Schuyler stated earlier, there are several states (now about 20 I think) that are doing the same exact thing.
States are starting to wrestle authority back from the fed. This is actually the smart way to go about it. Tell the fed that it has overstepped its authority and take back any rights that were not specifically given to the fed -- these are states rights that the fed has usurped.
These states are not "seceding". Quite the opposite is happening. What they are saying is that the federal government has committed a breach of contract (that contract being the Constitution) by usurping authority that the federal government simply does not have. They are reaffirming their adherence to the Constitution (specifically the 10th Amendment) and putting the federal government in its place. The strongest political unit under the Constitution has
always been the state, not the federal.
If you live in the U.S. and your state is not listed below, then it needs to be. Forward this to your state legislature, to everyone you know for that matter. The fire is lit.
If these bills get passed and the states start to act upon them, the reaction of the federal government will tell us how free we really are.
I have updated some links below and also added excerpts from the bills:
HJM 4009 - 2009-10
"...That this serve as a Notice and Demand to the federal government to maintain the balance of powers where the Constitution of the United States established it and to cease and desist, effective immediately, any and all mandates that are beyond the scope of its constitutionally delegated powers..."
New Hampshire
HCR 0006
"...That should any such act of Congress become law or Executive Order or Judicial Order be put into force, all powers previously delegated to the United States of America by the Constitution for the United States shall revert to the several States individually. Any future government of the United States of America shall require ratification of three quarters of the States seeking to form a government of the United States of America and shall not be binding upon any State not seeking to form such a government; and..."
Format Document
"... That all compulsory federal legislation that directs states to comply under threat of civil or criminal penalties or sanctions or requires states to pass legislation or lose federal funding be prohibited or repealed..."
"... The 10th amendment to the United States constitution guarantees to the states and their people all powers not granted to the federal government elsewhere in the constitution and reserves to the state and people of Montana certain powers as they were understood at the time that Montana was admitted to statehood in 1889. The guaranty of those powers is a matter of contract between the state and people of Montana and the United States as of the time that the compact with the United States was agreed upon and adopted by Montana and the United States in 1889..."
Michigan Legislature
"...Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That we hereby affirm Michigan's sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the Constitution of the United States. We also urge the federal government to halt its practice of imposing mandates upon the states for purposes not enumerated by the Constitution of the United States; ..."
"... It seeks to circumvent the states' general legislative authority as guaranteed by the 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution;..."
"...THAT the State of Oklahoma hereby claims sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the Constitution of the United States.
THAT this serve as Notice and Demand to the federal government, as our agent, to cease and desist, effective immediately, mandates that are beyond the scope of these constitutionally delegated powers.
THAT all compulsory federal legislation which directs states to comply under threat of civil or criminal penalties or sanctions or requires states to pass legislation or lose federal funding be prohibited or repealed..."
"...This measure would declare the state's sovereignty under the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution and demand that the federal government cease and desist mandates that are beyond the scope of constitutionally delegated powers.
10 other states now considering the same.