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Skilled Investigator
Hi it's my first post on here and as someone who has only recently discovered The Paracast podcasts on itunes I just wanted to say a big thank you to David, Gene and team for a fantastic show. I'm working my way through the podcasts going all the way back to 2006 and I've been really bowled over by the quality of the guests and also the quality of the interviewing.

Every one I've listened to so far has been absolutely top notch and even though I'm not a complete beginner to ufology I have learnt an enormous amount already from listening to the show.

I'm planning on contributing to the forum in the very near future with my own observations and questions (I'm getting a little disillusioned with my regular - Open Minds Forum :)).
Welcome to the forums Kerouac.

Thought you were one of my friends from the real world that I told to start listening to this show, he's a big Kerouac and beat poet fan.