Well, as you can see from September of 2006 .. the players are pretty much the same, the bull shit has not changed, and except for my radio show I am damn glad I am out of it!
I Get the Last Word
Don Ecker
September - 2006
In this month’s column I’ve had several things staring me in the face that I’ve decided to tackle right here.
In the 20 years that I’ve been in this circus we call “ufology” I have discovered one truth about this field. Actually I encountered this after first becoming actively involved in UFO research but naively thought that “facts and researched information” might change minds. My discovery? “The hell with the facts when my mind is made up!”
When UFO Magazine began back in 1986, and after getting its “feet on the ground” we made a decision to attempt to legitimize the field by reporting what we either found out or discovered, warts and all, and to report honestly on it. Through the years we’ve encountered almost everyone of note that inhabited this endeavor and reported what we found. If someone, for example, claimed that a spaceship filled up with dying aliens was going to land in New Mexico in August of 1997, and it didn’t happen then we told you who, what, why, where, and how. (By the way that was “remote viewer” Ed Dames and when I confronted him about it he denied he ever made the claim. However we had it in the files and he was GOT!)
After breaking the STS 48 video in May and June of 1992, I was told in October of that year that President George Bush (the first one) was going to stage a fake alien invasion using that “top secret” technology and declare martial law and suspend the U.S. Constitution so he could do away with the November election. Well we all know how that turned out, Bill Clinton was our next President. Who made that prediction to me? Richard Hoagland.
In 1990 Milton William Cooper was screaming that the U. S. Government had made an unholy deal with evil aliens that were going to enslave the human race and then take the planet over. As a matter of fact we at UFO did the very first expose of him and then had to put up with years of attacks and slander by this shining example of a “ufo researcher.” Later he claimed there were no aliens, it was a combination of the Illuminati and Free Masons that had the fix in! We reported and reported but there were still enough mush heads to buy his books and tapes. No matter how many times the falsehoods and wrong facts were pointed out, there were those who said “well yeah, but what about …. fill in the blanks!” And the list goes on and on.
Did you ever wonder why most UFO publications never lasted more than a couple of years? Over they years many publications were started then they simply faded away. SAGA, True UFO, UFO Universe just to name several. They got away from reporting the real facts and wondered into “New Age” crapola and “wishful thinking” and the reading public got fed up and stopped buying them. If a “researcher” is caught shading the truth or passing on bovine excrement as facts, then why should we believe them in the future? For example, a few years ago Major Ed Dames, billed as one of the most accurate remote viewers around, made a prediction on Art Bell’s radio program that while he was “viewing” the Hale-Bopp comet he was a “canister” filled with plant killing pathogens that was released and going to hit our planet. Within a year Earth would be devoid of vegetation, along with micro-bursts, hundreds of miles an hour hitting us, and dead babies and etc. etc. etc. and the upshot was we all would die! Oh yeah, and in the meantime you can learn to be a remote viewer so send in your check or money order for the at home course! Well, dare I point out that we are still here? Granted the news isn’t that good, but no plant killing pathogens have hit yet!
So, what do we have at present? Well once again the news is not so good. One noted author and researcher thinks the Illuminati and U.S. Government knocked down the Twin Towers, while another noted author is being questioned about his best-selling UFO books being entirely fabricated. A former mutilation researcher is finding government conspiracies behind each doorway, while a noted “seer and prophet” tries to sue a critic and looses the case! (Gee, you would have thought they would have seen that outcome!) And in this magazine we even have a columnist that “believes” that alien scientists from Zeta Reticuli were exchanging information with “leading U.S. scientists” in support of the “Humanization Project”, or whatever that is. It’s enough to make this former cop want to vomit. And the real UFOs just keep on flying by and skeptics and debunkers keep laughing their asses off!
Don Ecker
I Get the Last Word
Don Ecker
September - 2006
In this month’s column I’ve had several things staring me in the face that I’ve decided to tackle right here.
In the 20 years that I’ve been in this circus we call “ufology” I have discovered one truth about this field. Actually I encountered this after first becoming actively involved in UFO research but naively thought that “facts and researched information” might change minds. My discovery? “The hell with the facts when my mind is made up!”
When UFO Magazine began back in 1986, and after getting its “feet on the ground” we made a decision to attempt to legitimize the field by reporting what we either found out or discovered, warts and all, and to report honestly on it. Through the years we’ve encountered almost everyone of note that inhabited this endeavor and reported what we found. If someone, for example, claimed that a spaceship filled up with dying aliens was going to land in New Mexico in August of 1997, and it didn’t happen then we told you who, what, why, where, and how. (By the way that was “remote viewer” Ed Dames and when I confronted him about it he denied he ever made the claim. However we had it in the files and he was GOT!)
After breaking the STS 48 video in May and June of 1992, I was told in October of that year that President George Bush (the first one) was going to stage a fake alien invasion using that “top secret” technology and declare martial law and suspend the U.S. Constitution so he could do away with the November election. Well we all know how that turned out, Bill Clinton was our next President. Who made that prediction to me? Richard Hoagland.
In 1990 Milton William Cooper was screaming that the U. S. Government had made an unholy deal with evil aliens that were going to enslave the human race and then take the planet over. As a matter of fact we at UFO did the very first expose of him and then had to put up with years of attacks and slander by this shining example of a “ufo researcher.” Later he claimed there were no aliens, it was a combination of the Illuminati and Free Masons that had the fix in! We reported and reported but there were still enough mush heads to buy his books and tapes. No matter how many times the falsehoods and wrong facts were pointed out, there were those who said “well yeah, but what about …. fill in the blanks!” And the list goes on and on.
Did you ever wonder why most UFO publications never lasted more than a couple of years? Over they years many publications were started then they simply faded away. SAGA, True UFO, UFO Universe just to name several. They got away from reporting the real facts and wondered into “New Age” crapola and “wishful thinking” and the reading public got fed up and stopped buying them. If a “researcher” is caught shading the truth or passing on bovine excrement as facts, then why should we believe them in the future? For example, a few years ago Major Ed Dames, billed as one of the most accurate remote viewers around, made a prediction on Art Bell’s radio program that while he was “viewing” the Hale-Bopp comet he was a “canister” filled with plant killing pathogens that was released and going to hit our planet. Within a year Earth would be devoid of vegetation, along with micro-bursts, hundreds of miles an hour hitting us, and dead babies and etc. etc. etc. and the upshot was we all would die! Oh yeah, and in the meantime you can learn to be a remote viewer so send in your check or money order for the at home course! Well, dare I point out that we are still here? Granted the news isn’t that good, but no plant killing pathogens have hit yet!
So, what do we have at present? Well once again the news is not so good. One noted author and researcher thinks the Illuminati and U.S. Government knocked down the Twin Towers, while another noted author is being questioned about his best-selling UFO books being entirely fabricated. A former mutilation researcher is finding government conspiracies behind each doorway, while a noted “seer and prophet” tries to sue a critic and looses the case! (Gee, you would have thought they would have seen that outcome!) And in this magazine we even have a columnist that “believes” that alien scientists from Zeta Reticuli were exchanging information with “leading U.S. scientists” in support of the “Humanization Project”, or whatever that is. It’s enough to make this former cop want to vomit. And the real UFOs just keep on flying by and skeptics and debunkers keep laughing their asses off!
Don Ecker