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The Ark of the Covenant, Pyramid and Kabbalah

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Robert Baird

Paranormal Maven
My response to a friend who sent me four videos of a man who deserves attention if only because he ties a lot of things back to science.

I think I looked or listened to him once before. I just breezed through part four again. I would say it is better than many other fictions and especially the Roman lies blaming Jews for things the Romans did - crucifixion. But all rabbinical sources agree that I can find. Vendyl Jones and the media coverage - is a shitload of hype, and I have read many books including Millar Burrows and Norman Golb about those scrolls. The coverage was OK for what little was known at that time - and it then became politicized and as more were found even more so. My Ogham mentor consulted with the Huntington Library which had many of the Scrolls not in the Rothschild/Rockefeller backed Museum. From a purely religious point of view the Q or Dag Hammadi Scrolls were most important.

They released the first Scrolls for others to study in the late 80s or early 90s while I was there. Since then we know the site at Qumran collected scrolls or books of all peoples in the region not just so-called Jews. And believe me - the issue of who is a Jew is entirely mixed up. For example this so-called Exodus he is saying happened - not so. Same with the Diaspora - all hype - archaeology proves it as last year saw another nail in the coffin of the Diaspora myth with clay Tablets found in Iraq making it clear Nebuchadnezzar advertised to get people to come to help him rule the region.

The actual Temple may never have been built - no proof of it in archaeology and the cornerstone said to be of it - not convincing. But there probably was a Temple and the designs were important - as he notes for scientific reasons relating to geometry and such. The Gothic Cathedrals of the Middle Ages used those designs. Solomon is VERY important to the occult studies of these Masons who built those Temples and who were (are in other names still) Templars.

The Ark did not produce the kind of force he suggests - it can be re-built using the direct instructions from the Bible as Michael Twose a Music (Harmonics) engineer from University of Toronto did.

I will post this particular one first - because there is a good scholar who has personally translated parts of the Vulgate and is into this study with me at W-M who might disagree - and if so I welcome it.

I have decided to post all four vids right from the get go so you can choose which one suits your interest first - in evaluating him and his theories.

I found Nassim Haramein's "Crossing The Event Horizon" on youtube and thought to share the links with you, as he discusses many topics you are interested in. Each of the four parts is 90 minutes long for a total of 6 hrs. This particular presentation was recorded back in 2005 but is the foundation of his work to date.

As you know, Nassim Haramein dedicated most of his time to his independent investigation into physics, geometry, chemistry, biology, consciousness, archeology, and various world religions. Haramein’s dedication to scientific exploration combined with his keen observation of the behavior of nature led him to a specific geometric pattern which is at the core of his approach and new perspective in unified field theory.

In the first part of Crossing The Event Horizon Nassim talks about basic concepts of physics, density of vacuum, fractal geometry and division of space...

In the second part of Crossing The Event Horizon Nassim talks about structure of the vacuum, thorus (Torah? or did he cover the I, O Torus), DNA structure and pyramids...

In the third part of Crossing The Event Horizon Nassim talks about wave patterns, heliocentric system of solar system, ancient buildings and archaeological discoveries...

In the fourth part of Crossing The Event Horizon Nassim talks about Ancient buildings, Ark of Covenant and connection between geometric structures and Kabbalah....
Thanks for that - for what it is worth.

Nassim may indeed be out of date and like your debunkers out of the loop. Question is what is the right loop?

I will post your debunking sources alongside what I first posted back at W-M. I will continue debunking your sources as I do his. Here is a quick tidbit.

His point about the Ark fitting into the sarcophagus with symmetrical doubling of size to create a cascade of energy resonance is valid and fits my theory of it being used in the Great Pyramid to connect on a Morse Code manner for mapping and keeping in touch all over the world especially near other Earth Energy Grid center points.

I will place a de-bunking of this here shortly but one thing he says which they debunk is that a "Schwarzschild Proton" has a black hole in it. I would imagine Nassim is like many great physicists who gained knowledge outside the schools (Including an Indian who went to Cambridge and blew away all the top physicists - or Will Hunting types played by Matt Damon, where did Einstein learn - he says "education got in the way of his learning"). I think some of them have mystical training like Tesla whose focus was on Revelations in the Bible where he says everything he invented came from (The Harmonic). Personally I have had discourse with advanced mathematicians who find no answer for things I explain to them.

In the matter of a Black Hole I think he is mistaken but not so mistaken. Science used to say you could not have co-existing matter and anti-matter. Some still say only for a brief moment - NOW we have this. They may MIRROR each other. And that is what mystics have said about our universe associating with another which energy passes back and forth in - like we now know is the case with Black Holes. Penrose and Hawking thought not - until about a decade ago.

Mystery Deepens: Matter and Antimatter Are Mirror Images

1. Nassim Haramein - Quantum bullshit | Moophz.com
2. Who Is Nassim Haramein?
3. Up: Nassim Haramein - Fraud or Sage?

Item no 1. http://www.moophz.com/article/nassim...antum-bullshit
The fact that he does not follow scientific constants or me-too think makes me more interested in him. There is not one proven constant and all those who say there are any have been proven wrong by Nobel Laureates - listen to CBC radio - Quirks and Quarks - they get the Nobel Laureates on and that is what I hear from them as well as what I have read from may sources - see Re-Discovering the Mind 1980 - I put the article here I think.

The fact that he does not stay on top of science such as my explanation of his black hole comments - means he is a lightweight and I have little real interest in him.

Item no. 2. This blog has a lot of good things to say which I agree with - and it makes Nassim appear to be the usual alien intervention money grubber. Here is some of what they have to say. However there is a little fact there which I wondered about in the Opening post - I, O, Torus is advanced ancient physics. But you will have to read my book on ancient technology to get where a Paris based physicist makes comments on it and the Isisian Code my friend and advanced mathematician Dennis Fetcho developed - without any alien involvement.

"In his first appearance in Thrive at 12:23, Nassim Haramein appears in the context of the discussion about the “torus” design which Thrive creator Foster Gamble believes is the key to free energy. Mr. Haramein refers to “big arms of galaxies spinning around” and a claim is made at 12:34 that the galactic halo is shaped like a torus. A little later, at 16:12, Mr. Haramein appears again, talking about the Osirian Temple in Abydos, Egypt. This discussion occurs in the context of the “Flower of Life” design that Foster Gamble asserts is of extraterrestrial origin."

3. Instead of quoting some unsubstantiated blogs that don't do research I will just quote what Rational Wiki says about those blogs.

"1. Whoever wrote this called them "equally reputable" -- is that what they meant to say? 2. How about some links to those blogs? Peace. AgingHippie (talk) 16:39, 7 March 2015 (UTC)

I think that some links got lost during all the revisions.
Sample: http://azureworld.blogspot.com/2010/...d-or-sage.html

And half of the external links are badly formed.--ZooGuard (talk) 16:50, 7 March 2015 (UTC)
Yeah, it would be nice if there existed papers that did a good job of addressing some of Haramein's claims, but blogs seem to be the best we have. I'll pop on to my university's database to make sure I can't find anything, but it seems unlikely, seeing as Haramein hasn't had his work published in any mainstream peer-reviewed journals. - Grant (talk) 17:17, 7 March 2015 (UTC)"
I have already gone into Gnostics and Kabbalists on their own. I have addressed Alchemy and Jungian perspectives related thereto - in many books and places. I know that many people think they care about each other and all the whales or birdies - but I also know they never look deep inside their own motivations or past their religious brainwashing. No - don't GO THERE! You do not have to go to church to be affected by the laws, nations, and memes or archetypes which bombard you from cradle to grave. So when I see Jung attacked for being an arrogant pompous ass alchemist, a ladies man, a Nazi, a nutcase, or almost anything other than a person who worked hard and strived to shed light on our human potential to be ONE with WHAT IS, I get a little passionate. He probably was arrogant when he did not want to discuss racist or brainwashed foolishness with so many semi-illiterates or jealous Freudians who set out to discredit him.

Many other students of Freud went their own way and maybe deserve these charges more than Jung. Wilhelm Reich and his orgone etheric energy saw sexual communes form around his theories. Silberer wrote about Alchemy before Jung, and on it goes. This scholar more appropriately discusses Jung's alchemy as a syncretism or merging of many ancient mystical disciplines. He is wrong about the origins of each of them - but Jung certainly would not have the kind of knowledge from history that I do today even though his confreres at Eranos certainly grasped the Hero With a Thousand Faces or 462,000 years of civilized humans that Joseph Campbell brought to that austere forum of intellectual giants. Mircae Eliade takes the origins of alchemy back past shamans and smiths learning the sciences through observing Nature (God). Eranos included the Father of modern Kabbalistic ideology and Jung worked well with him and others in those circles - his name is Gershom Scholem and the author we will soon hear from acknowledges Scholem's contributions to his apparent personal demon or obsession. More importantly this quote from Scholem should be uppermost as we go forward.

“Sometimes one must learn how to read books against their declared intentions.”

Is there a bigger argument in our social milieu than what our purpose is or should be, what is our best obsession?

Those who need an outer source for direction will find it in each other and common focal points or loci and individual extrapolations from these social memes and archetypes. I know it is not just Fukayama or Machiavelli who knew as social engineers these matters profound also had profound potential applications in governing or what is correctly called a Neo-Platonic hierarchy. Jung kept two books by his bedside for twenty years - his best obsession was knowledge and wisdom. Those books were The Tibetan Book of the Dead and the Iliad by Homer which has proven useful to understanding pre-Empire history and what Hellenizing or the destruction thereof (history has been propaganda) has created. Jung's foreword to the Evans-Wentz Book of the Dead is a masterpiece of insight we should have courses on in comparative religion in schools, from an early age.

Plato himself struggled to allow his soul to enjoin a greater collective in his studies of the Eleusinian Mysteries (Some do say - and his writings support). I am not sure that is true because the forces putting pressure on him were immense and lead to Socrates drinking Hemlock and Pythagoras having to leave his homeland to found a colony called Bruttium (Croton and Kroton in other tongues). There is not one author who has documented those forces and familial involvements as well as myself. It serves Empire and it's purposes to hide their Hellenizing destructive acts which took people for slaves and automatons or made them sword and cannon fodder (far worse for the women). So much for me prattling about history, it has it's own course to travel and all hard sciences have made me seem prescient over the last two decades, because I never assumed people like Socrates or Pythagoras were only what was said about them. I accepted they followed the Magian Law to "Keep Silent" and you will find little or nothing written by either of them under their own name.

Plato was not so great an alchemist and had more of a Noble lineage which influenced him. I agree with a meritocratic approach such as his family deserved to hold positions of governance in since Solon. Solon tried to stem the rising tide of destruction of women's rights by maintaining some right to own property for them. Plato tells us a group of people having average intellect and knowledge are the worst form of government but his associate Aristotle went to Carthage and saw remnants of Brotherhood and equality that made Athens seen autocratic. So much for a debate we could engage on government and our current Platonic top-down hierarchy or synarchy. There is no easy answer to be sure, and great minds and planners of the Enlightenment Experiment created the USA which has maintained enough of the ethos for freedom that they have some right to be proud of their Republican (Drawn from the name of a book by Plato - Republic) form of managing people.

The bigger issue for me and Jung is or has been something spiritual and all the other verbiage you just saw only sets the stage to see Jung and his desire to help people in some wholistic perspective. The author under my scrutiny almost says Jung had Nazi leanings and of course he was pressured to conform as he lived in Germany, but Jewish scholars he was involved with have done a good job proving that trash to be what it is - trash! So I won't even go there. But we must ascertain whether the acknowledged Father of Modern Psychoanalysis and still often top dog of dogma in Psychiatry (See Niles Crane in Frasier) is, as this author says - a Kabbalist or Christian Gnostic.


Off we go - into the wild blue yonder!!! Where scholars interpret and without personally having known the man or having studied what he did use Jung to prove "God is Dead" or Gnosticism is a "close cousin to Kabbalah". I take the Time/Life or Wikipedia application of the title Alchemist to Jung with a grain of salt. Surely there are many layers to Hermeticism but no true student would claim such a lofty moniker upon their own visage. I have not read every word of Jung and I never met him - so my insight comes more from what he studied and what I interpret he strove to achieve FOR humanity which all humanists (another name for Alchemists) do work on, it is the Great Work or assisting of Divine Providential purpose ('logos' if you grasp it's fullness).