are you out of your mind? the NWO is who is causing our problems.
did you read the article in the OP
i know its 8 pages, and on the internetz thats sometimes TL;DR.............
anyway if the author is correct in his facts as presented, then some very large factors in the equation can be quantified, this is actually the good news.
and by my reading the NWO has nothing to do with whats being proposed in the article, the people responsible and the legislation that was "disabled" are clearly identified.
but knowing the precise cause of a problem, is to be able to solve it. thats the good news.
the bad news is, its obvious that the govt has become "by the corporations, for the corporations" and im not sure what the "people" to whom thats supposed to apply can do about it.
the people cant have been expected to know the intricate financial web that was being woven, and vote accordingly. that was the Govts job, and they messed up, they messed up bigtime.
and on this matter the matter of prudential regulations, the world has a right to say "screw me once, shame on you. screw me twice shame on me".
this wasnt caused by some airy fairy cabal of illuminati, it was caused by self interest, and lack of discipline. both perfectly normal human expressions (put two children aged three yrs old in a sandpit, with one tonka toy.......)
thats why we have regulations, because we "know" that human nature is greedy and self serving if left to its own devices.......
these guys gambled at the card tables, and now that they have lost they want you to pay the gambling debts, the rational is, if American corporations dont pay the debts, they will be barred from the casino, and that will be even more catastrophic for America. If the gambling debts of a dozen US corporations dont get paid, it reflects on the entire country, both in image and consequence.
as Dr Phil says "you cant fix what you dont acknowledge". i think this article identifys some of the root factors in this situation, and as i said thats good news
blaming it on the NWO is just sticking your head in the sand and insisting no one can see you.
personally i think the new admin should cover the actual debts, not bail out the companys and execs who created them.
i think a senate comittee should look at the people mentioned in this very article and if they find the facts to be true, seize their assets, its these bums who should be living in tent cities, not the hard working people.
they havent done a good job(and thats putting it mildly), and they should be unemployed, not getting bonus's from the public purse.
thats just insane.
by all means honour the debts for Americas good name, but let the individuals and corporations responsible go.
their resume's/annual reports and prospectus's should all read "sucks at the finance game" and they should never be employed/invested in again
and just for good measure, just to show the world how serious you are about it, enshrine the new regulations in the constitution with a note to the future never to disable the rules like that again