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The Billy Goodman Happening

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Paranormal Novice
Hello all, new to the forum, long time lurking. Recently set out to try and find any recordings of the old Billy Goodman Happening show. For those of you who have no clue what that is, TBGH was a radio show broadcast out of Las Vegas Nevada on KVEG in the late 80s/early 90s, which is basically responsible for making area 51 the household name it is today. It was very popular in its heyday through the use of call ins, Billy discussed fringe subjects. Some consider Billy to be Art Bell's predecessor. I've seen Mr Eckers mention it numerous times, so I figured I would ask if anyone here has any old recordings. There was a fan of the show who went by "Roger the Dodger" who recorded every episode for Billy, but has since either disappeared or has passed on. I have yet to be able to locate Roger or his former archives. I've ran into an old link on the net of someone claiming to be the only authorized person to distribute audio of TBGH, but the contact info is incomplete (and probably very old).

That link can be found here:


quote takin from the above link:

"Here are some of the programs available:
BOB LAZAR: Speaking about his experiences at Area 51 and S-4.
BILL COOPER: Explaining about the "Secret Government" and U.S.
Government involvement with Aliens dating back to the 1940's.
TIMOTHY GOOD: Author of "Above Top Secret" talking about the U.S.
Government's coverup of the UFO phenomenon.
BO GRITZ: The REAL Rambo, talking about our P.O.W.'s still being held in
S.E. Asia, the TRUTH about the U.S. Government and drugs.
Also available: "The VIP Panel" that was broadcast from the Showboat
Hotel and Casino on 1-7-90 and was abruptly taken off the air in the
middle of the broadcast!
These tapes are from the archives of Billy Goodman himself and are the
ONLY authorized reproductions of his original broadcasts.
Las Vegas NV."

If anyone has any helpful information it eould be really appreciated. Billy passed away in 2009 and it would be really great to hear some of these recordings. I have a few to trade or would be glad to pay for them if necessary.
Thanks and sorry if this was posted in the wrong place.
I don't have any info on the show but I'd sure like to hear if anyone can track down some recordings. Let the forum know if you have any luck!
Thanks for the reply. I will definitely keep the board informed of any progress. I'm kind of running into a lot of dead ends which is very surprising to me considering the popularity of the show, and how involved the listeners were which was half of the appeal of the show.

Roger "the dodger" whom I mentioned before, is proving to be very difficult to locate. Using the search terms "roger" and "UFO" into Google I found a video of a UFO sighting in 1991 made by a man named Roger Beard in Henderson, NV, which is just on the outskirts of Las Vegas.

First name, date, and location are a match for possibilty.

Searches into "Quantum Software Solutions Inc." and "Las Vegas" revealed the possible owner by the name of Robert F. Castorf. I attempted to contact Mr. Castorf through several means, but no reply.

I've also learned through my research that UFO researcher Bill English was a huge fan way back when, and listened every night. I have yet to be able to find any contact info for him though.

If anyone has a good contact number/email Mr. English, anyone previously mentioned, or anyone who you think might have any insider info, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.
I might be incorrect but I heard somewhere that Bill English might be found on Facebook. FYI.

Thanks Mr. Ecker for the speedy response. I'm on it right now. Hope its the real Bill English and not some fan tribute page or something. Honestly I was hoping you might have some to share yourself. I've been able to procure approximately 10 very bad recordings from the the shows old producer, and I've also located a very rare Billy Goodman limited edition VHS on Elvis still being alive. (corny subject I know, but very very rare) Ill keep everyone updated if/when I receive it. I want to get together a nice package of all of my findings and send it to Billy's family in Providence.
Regarding the user looking for Bill English, I found someone on the same quest nearly 13 years ago:

the following message can be found here:


"> >From: c549597@showme.missouri.edu [Barbara Becker]
> >Date: Sat, 15 Nov 1997 16:55:06 -0600
> >To: updates@globalserve.net
> >Subject: looking for
> >I am wondering if anyone knows what became of a man named Bill
> >English?
> >If so, can you provide a way to get in touch with him?
> I would be interested in writing to Mr. Bill English. I did
> exchange a few messages with him on a BBS connected to the
> Internet a few years ago. At that time, he was very sick and
> discouraged from doing a whole lot of anything. I hope he is
> better than he was then.
> Take care for now,
> Cathy Johnson
Hi Cathy,
Bill is not interested in being in the loop again. He is living a
quiet life in a small town in New Mexico.
How do I know this, because we talk to Bill from time to time. He
and Clark are friends.

So apparently in 1997 Mr. English lived somewhere in New Mexico, and was already distancing himself from the UFO community. No luck finding him on Facebook, although I'm completely Facebook illiterate.
Not to be the "skunk" at the garden party but I will say this about Bill English. And, I might add that I was "there" when the whole Bill English thing began.

English claimed he was in Special Forces in Viet Nam. He claimed he was part of a "recovery effort" in locating a downed B-52 in Laos during the Viet Nam war. The B-52, according to the story, was knocked down by a UFO. He claimed actually a whole lot of things including "agents from a shadowy govt. agency sent in to kill him for talking!" He was part of the John Lear thing back in 87-88 and was a speaker at the MUFON symposium in 89. To all of it after I investigated a number of his claims ... TOTAL BULL-SHIT! from top to bottom! He was too young to have served in Special Forces, was not a Captain as was being reported by John Lear. As a matter of fact English was in the Army with a MOS in telephone line repair. So, another good story shot up the ass. That is probably why English disappeared. Oh, I know much more but it is not worth discussing here.

Thanks for the reply. I will definitely keep the board informed of any progress. I'm kind of running into a lot of dead ends which is very surprising to me considering the popularity of the show, and how involved the listeners were which was half of the appeal of the show.

Roger "the dodger" whom I mentioned before, is proving to be very difficult to locate. Using the search terms "roger" and "UFO" into Google I found a video of a UFO sighting in 1991 made by a man named Roger Beard in Henderson, NV, which is just on the outskirts of Las Vegas.

First name, date, and location are a match for possibilty.

Searches into "Quantum Software Solutions Inc." and "Las Vegas" revealed the possible owner by the name of Robert F. Castorf. I attempted to contact Mr. Castorf through several means, but no reply.

I've also learned through my research that UFO researcher Bill English was a huge fan way back when, and listened every night. I have yet to be able to find any contact info for him though.

If anyone has a good contact number/email Mr. English, anyone previously mentioned, or anyone who you think might have any insider info, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

Check out this vid at about 6min 46sec - there are two orbs in the sky and look at the one on the left, as it passes beneath a wispy cloud it illuminates the cloud above it. To me this indicates that the whole sphere is putting out quite a bit of light. Unlike a search light at the front of a chopper etc. The whole video has some pretty amazing flying going on. I don't know what these orbs can be but I don't think they are planes, helicopters, flares, balloons, remote controls.
Anyone any idea what they could be?

Well thanks for the wonderful insight Mr. Ecker, I'm sure many will find informative, however I personally couldn't care about anything that has to do with Bill English's past or character. He could be performing abortions in a back ally with a clothes hanger for all I care. Im just looking for recordings of a show I've been told he was a fan of.
It is indeed all in fun, otherwise I wouldn't do it. I do take my research very seriously though. I feel like a lone wolf sometimes doing this all on my own, and when I reach out to the net for help, and get nothing but offtopic replies, and comments that resemble that of a troll, I get very frustrated. So I apologize if I seem uptight.
No, I have had flippant answers to serious questions too! Annoyed me too so I should know better. Must have been in a playful mood.

When looking on Facebook, if you need a middle name ( presume that's why you are looking) then I was thinking that using a location might narrow down your search parameters. You may know all the tricks anyway. Maybe you can find Bill English by looking at pages about other people he must have known or worked with. Think like a cop!
Hello all, new to the forum, long time lurking. Recently set out to try and find any recordings of the old Billy Goodman Happening show. For those of you who have no clue what that is, TBGH was a radio show broadcast out of Las Vegas Nevada on KVEG in the late 80s/early 90s, which is basically responsible for making area 51 the household name it is today. It was very popular in its heyday through the use of call ins, Billy discussed fringe subjects. Some consider Billy to be Art Bell's predecessor. I've seen Mr Eckers mention it numerous times, so I figured I would ask if anyone here has any old recordings. There was a fan of the show who went by "Roger the Dodger" who recorded every episode for Billy, but has since either disappeared or has passed on. I have yet to be able to locate Roger or his former archives. I've ran into an old link on the net of someone claiming to be the only authorized person to distribute audio of TBGH, but the contact info is incomplete (and probably very old).

That link can be found here:


quote takin from the above link:

"Here are some of the programs available:
BOB LAZAR: Speaking about his experiences at Area 51 and S-4.
BILL COOPER: Explaining about the "Secret Government" and U.S.
Government involvement with Aliens dating back to the 1940's.
TIMOTHY GOOD: Author of "Above Top Secret" talking about the U.S.
Government's coverup of the UFO phenomenon.
BO GRITZ: The REAL Rambo, talking about our P.O.W.'s still being held in
S.E. Asia, the TRUTH about the U.S. Government and drugs.
Also available: "The VIP Panel" that was broadcast from the Showboat
Hotel and Casino on 1-7-90 and was abruptly taken off the air in the
middle of the broadcast!
These tapes are from the archives of Billy Goodman himself and are the
ONLY authorized reproductions of his original broadcasts.
Las Vegas NV."

If anyone has any helpful information it eould be really appreciated. Billy passed away in 2009 and it would be really great to hear some of these recordings. I have a few to trade or would be glad to pay for them if necessary.
Thanks and sorry if this was posted in the wrong place.
Glad to have found this forum. I have also searched for Billy Goodman KVEG recordings through the years without success. I listened to his show in the late 80's. I also called and talked to Billy on more then one occasion. I only wish I had the foresight to have recorded these programs. I recall going to work and tuning my radio in to listen to Billy's show and instead it had been replaced with music. This happened without warning. Just simply one night it was gone. I do recall that Billy had been talking about a certain worldly powerful family the days proceeding the show disappearing. Billy touched on many sensitive subjects. I am guessing this has something to do with KVEG not releasing recordings of the show.
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