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The commercialization of space and the new Indians.

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Posey Gilbert

Paranormal Maven
I have been hearing a great deal about this recently and, I find this thought as both inspirational, and very disturbing.
Much like the commercialization of the Earth there will be many that will fall victim to it. Look at what we have done to our world and ourselves in the name of that same commercialization.
Call me old fashioned, but I like the thought of looking up and seeing the glory of the natural night sky.
I dread the thought of seeing "Eat At Joe's" flashing down at me from satellites over head, or seeing strip mining marring the face of the moon.
Then there is the problems caused where we find life where we did not expect to find it.
What do we do with these "New Indians" we may discover on the worlds we are going to cannibalize for profit? Because they may not be men will they too be made food, slaves or far worst just be ignored when we come to eat their world?
Because their civilization may or may not be equal to that of ours in the time of the so called apeman will they be deemed absent of their right to their world and its natural resources, solely because we think we are more evolved than they?
What if it is just an intelligent but defenseless fungus, slime, or monkey like species do we do them as we did the Dodo of our planet?
Will we let our greed be our guide to the stars, or will we be lead by our wonder?
Yes, these things seem far off now, but not really in the space of time that mankind has been here on Earth look what we have done.
Are we to enter the sacred womb of space as a seed of life or a point of stagnation?
Since the dominance of man on Earth evolution of the other species have been ended or altered to suit our wants, and whims.
Is this what our plans are for other kindred life forms asleep in those billions of far flung glowing cradles we see scattered across our midnight sky?
The kindred I speak of here is not that of the flesh but of the one force that all things arose out of.
I call it The 0, but you may call it what you like, God, Big Bang, or a random possibility. It does not matter the name we each give it, for no words can describe that which is both at once without, and beyond description.
It is the meaning that is all the same to us all, for it is from that one point of nonexistence (Alpha) all things began, and to that point of nonexistence (Omega) all things will return. Thus I know it does not matter the things we do, the result will be the same.
We will all arrive at that same point eventually.
What I am speaking here of is, the journey toward that final point, will it be one of awe and discovery, or will it be one of turmoil and distress?
If it's not a benefit to all involved, then it benefits none involved at all. Being that only the prophets can know of future things, we that are not gifted with foresight must look to the past to see were our present path had lead us to, to see if we should continue, alter, or abandon it for another.
Just as a centimeter off or a micro second of time at rocket launch can mean being a million miles off target in the distance of space.
Likewise, a misstep, or miscalculation in our planning for the future can mean there too we may arrive at a point a million miles away from where we wished to be at in the distance of time.
We are murdering our mother Earth for the inheritance all the while plotting the death of her siblings, and preparing to commit the very sins that has bought us to these ends again, again, again.
I've reviewed our past, and am well aware, because of ringing cash registers, my words will fall on deafened ears.
These visions all will go unseen, by eyes long blinded by shine and gleam.
And to the stars man will ascend, like ravens drawn to sparkling gems.
They'll pluck, but not admire them, and their essence hoard in vaulted dens.
"When time's well known to run in cycles, to see the future, just look behind you."​
Posey Gilbert​
I dread the thought of seeing "Eat At Joe's" flashing down at me from satellites over head.

Don't worry, these guys will beat Joe's to it.

Eventually humans in space will not doubt be much like humans on Earth. A lot of big money, low lifes, crime, and exploitation. There will also be very cool and noble things as well to be sure. However, I don't think it will be the Buddhas among us who will be motivated to face the deadliest environment known to man, disease, terrifying deaths, bankruptcy, and the unknown. Human beings do those kinds of things for some kind return, be that in tangible resources or knowledge. At some point it will be impossible to regulate the exploitation of outer space and what various groups and individuals find there.

I offer the nightmarish, hair-raising, and a little stomach turning Norman Spinrad's Men in the Jungle as one extreme and Outland as what would probably be a more common experience.
