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The earth is a plate of suchi

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Paranormal Adept
The earth is a plate of sushi

Linda Moulten Howe (an alien harvest) believes so... and Stephen Hawking says they might not especially like us. Stanton Friedman says some aliens crash. Philip Corso also says they crash and we have to speed up our evolution with their tech to survive as a specie and eventually protect this biosphere.

Michio Kaku says human knowledge should not be used to limit what other sentient life forms can do or not do.


Ufology might be humanity's only chance to ponder on what may just drop in on us one day. This tiny window of opportunity offered to us since we figured out we're not the center of anything might just shut without warning. If they come, most of us won't even have a clue what hit us, whatever happens happens lol.

At this stage of human evolution (type 0 civilization), do we really want to know who can potentially drop in and eat us ? and could we realistically do anything to prevent the ketchup and mustard ? Malmstrom AFB showed us that even nukes are no deterrent ;)
The earth is a plate of sushi

At this stage of human evolution (type 0 civilization), do we really want to know who can potentially drop in and eat us ? and could we realistically do anything to prevent the ketchup and mustard ? Malmstrom AFB showed us that even nukes are no deterrent

If they're really already here and monkeying with everything from our nukes to our noodles then I say well, "Hell yes." We need to get a grasp on what is really going on and use human ingenuity to rectify the situation. If the choice is either to cover our heads in the sand or fight a futile and eternal war against the next thing higher up on the food chain I say we take the later. One of the kickers is you have to properly identify your target before you can make a choice of weapon. Who and what these things actually are seems to remain a mystery.
The earth is a plate of sushi

One of the kickers is you have to properly identify your target before you can make a choice of weapon.

Are we dealing with one dominating type 3 civilization, 2 million type 2, or 500 million type 1 ? All of these with wildly different survival strategies.

As a type 0, our best strategy is probably stealth.. quietly spread out and evolve. Tip toes through the tulips LOL
The earth is a plate of sushi

As a type 0, our best strategy is probably stealth.. quietly spread out and evolve.

Ok, so its probably equivalent to sling-shots vs. planet killing giant robots powered by black holes. The only strategy actually conceivable is information gathering. The war against non-human beings would largely be an intelligence operation waiting for some breakthrough to occur. I imagine. Who knows?
The earth is a plate of sushi

At this stage of human evolution (type 0 civilization), do we really want to know who can potentially drop in and eat us ? and could we realistically do anything to prevent the ketchup and mustard ? Malmstrom AFB showed us that even nukes are no deterrent ;)

Imagine if these reported sightings are just the outliers of a coming conquest? We had the foos, then the saucers, lights and silver spheres. Activity around AFBs and new military hardware. Sightings above international population centres. In recent years we've got the big black deltas ponderously moving along major highways across North America and Europe.

Propaganda, disinfo, misinfo and confusion....all tried and tested methods/strategies of preliminary forays by aggressive forces since Lao Tsu, Subatai and 20th Century Intel agencies. This much we know! Imagine how superior the psy-ops of an advanced technological, conquering civilisation might be?

I'm being flippant and satirical, but some of the reported activities of UFOs mirror the strategies of those I mentioned. What's 60 or 70 years of preparation when whole worlds are there for the taking?
The earth is a plate of sushi

I'm being flippant and satirical, but some of the reported activities of UFOs mirror the strategies of those I mentioned. What's 60 or 70 years of preparation when whole worlds are there for the taking?

Given the fact that the UFO phenomena goes back for 100s if not 1000s of years I would think that any subjugation/infiltration occurred long ago. They, whoever "they" are, have no doubt been running an operation or operations on us that are beyond our capabilities to detect much less counter for a very long time. It only seems logical and inevitable if you accept that "they" have been around for 1000s of years. It should scare the living b-jesus out anyone who takes it seriously. All the more reason to put it all off to earth lights and nut-jobs huh?

"Do you believe in UFOs now Barney?"
"Don't be ridiculous Betty!"
The Interrupted Journey
The earth is a plate of sushi

Given the fact that the UFO phenomena goes back for 100s if not 1000s of years I would think that any subjugation/infiltration occurred long ago. They, whoever "they" are, have no doubt been running an operation or operations on us that are beyond our capabilities to detect much less counter for a very long time. It only seems logical and inevitable if you accept that "they" have been around for 1000s of years. It should scare the living b-jesus out anyone who takes it seriously. All the more reason to put it all off to earth lights and nut-jobs huh?

"Do you believe in UFOs now Barney?"
"Don't be ridiculous Betty!"
The Interrupted Journey

By 'they' you mean more than one visiting civilization right ? We could actually be in a 'no man zone' of the galaxy located between dominant civilizations. There may be a balance of power on a galactic scale actually protecting us ;)
The earth is a plate of sushi

There may be a balance of power on a galactic scale actually protecting us

I honestly think all of the "benevolent alien" business is a lot of wishful thinking and the drum beating about "evil aliens" a bit too simplistic. We will be or perhaps already are simply caught up in the ramifications of actions taken by beings higher up on the food chain than we are who view us either with indifference or as a natural resource.
The earth is a plate of sushi

I honestly think all of the "benevolent alien" business is a lot of wishful thinking and the drum beating about "evil aliens" a bit too simplistic. We will be or perhaps already are simply caught up in the ramifications of actions taken by beings higher up on the food chain than we are who view us either with indifference or as a natural resource.

By protecting us, I mean that if we fall under a monitored galactic jurisdiction of an alien entity... other alien entites are not encouraged to invade. Doesn't stop the type 2 grand poobah from visiting once in a while, take samples and show off its tech to piss us off LOL.
The earth is a plate of sushi

By protecting us, I mean that if we fall under a monitored galactic jurisdiction of an alien entity... other alien entites are not encouraged to invade. Doesn't stop the type 2 grand poobah from visiting once in a while, take samples and show off its tech to piss us off LOL.

I see what you're getting at and I guess anything is possible. I think "preferred" scenarios were benevolent aliens look out for their backward cousins is mostly wish-fulfillment fantasies that choose to ignore historical trends. Advanced societies who discover less advanced ones routinely exploit, enslave, and otherwise overwhelm the lesser advanced societies culture.

I used to see a lot of humor in this stuff but I really don't anymore. The implications of the UFO and related phenomena are just a bit too disturbing. Sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't be better to just forget the whole business. I started rereading C.G. Jung's "Flying Saucers" yesterday and once again I am struck by the total lack of any progress in understanding what UFOs are or are not. Jung could have written the thing yesterday.
The earth is a plate of sushi

I often wonder if WE are the aliens coming back from the future.
The earth is a plate of sushi

I often wonder if WE are the aliens coming back from the future.

I can understand a need to time-travel.

Imagine for a moment that we are faced with the ultimate big crunch or a big chill and time is running out before the atoms in your body start contracting or tearing apart.
Being able to travel along the time dimension and reset the clock would allow a civilization to preserve its acquired knowledge and avoid being processed by multi-verse mechanics lol

Not sure they would be in the same universe or a parallel one though. But at least they would be allowed to exist beyond the lifetime of their original universe ;)