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The fourth phase of water

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Paranormal Adept
Most interesting and ramifying. This is from a recent issue of Edge Science published by the Society for Scientific Exploration.

The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor

Gerald H. Pollack, PhD (Dinsdale Award Speaker)
University of Washington, Seattle
[email protected]
Pollack Laboratory - Pollack Laboratory

"School children learn that water has three phases: solid, liquid and vapor. But we have recently uncovered a fourth phase. This phase occurs next to water-loving (hydrophilic) surfaces. It is surprisingly extensive, projecting out from the surface by up to millions of molecular layers. And, its properties differ substantially from those of bulk water.

Of particular significance is the observation that this fourth phase is charged; and, the water just beyond is oppositely charged, creating a battery that can produce current. We found that light charges this battery. Thus, water can receive and process electromagnetic energy drawn from the environment in much the same way as plants. Absorbed electromagnetic (light) energy can then be exploited for performing work, including electrical and mechanical work. Recent experiments confirm the reality of such energy conversion.

The energy-conversion framework implied above seems rich with implication. Not only does it provide an understanding of how water processes solar and other energies, but also it may provide a foundation for simpler understanding natural phenomena ranging from weather and green energy all the way to biological issues such as the origin of life, transport, and osmosis.

The lecture will present evidence for the presence of this novel phase of water, and will consider the potentially broad implications of this phase for physics, chemistry and biology, as well as some practical applications for health and technology."

The new book dealing with this subject is now available at www.ebnerandsons.com.
From the description of Pollack's research in the book linked above:

"Scientist, Gerald Pollack and colleagues at his University of Washington laboratory have discovered that water is NOT always H2O. When touching most surfaces, water transforms itself into so‐called Exclusion Zone (EZ) water, whose formula is H3O2. EZ water differs in all respects from H2O. And, there is a lot of it, everywhere.

The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor documents this fundamental discovery and uses it to explain common everyday phenomena, which you have inevitably seen but not really understood.

Professor Gerald Pollack writes in a clear, eloquent style. Whimsical illustrations and simple diagrams help get his points across in a reader‐friendly manner perfectly suitable for non‐experts."

I fairly sure I've read somewhere in the past the hypothesis that ufos might adapt H2O to H3O2. Has anyone else run across this speculation?
Pollack is a member of the scientific group CNPS (John Chappell Natural Philosophy Society) described at this page:

Painting a New Picture of the Universe | David de Hilster

Introductory remarks and links:

"Change always comes from outside the status quo. The John Chappell Natural Philosophy Society (CNPS) is that change. I have been involved with the scientists from the CNPS for over 20 years and the universe according to these scientists, is much more fascinating and more logical than the multi-dimensioned, paralleled, paradoxical universe that mainstream has basically invented during the last 100 years.

There is enough work done by CNPS scientists to last researchers and engineers hundreds of years but the work of the CNPS remains in practicality, unknown to the rest of the world. Efforts like my documentary film “Einstein Wrong – The Miracle Year” are a drop in the bucket when it comes the new “Social Revolution in Science”. We now have a brand-new website, domain name (naturalphilosophy.org), a community website(based on BuddyPress), a comprehensive database of scientists working on cutting-edge theory, daily blogs for the layman from these new thinkers, a dissident science podcast (dissidentscience.com), and even a new film festival (Sciflix.org). . . . ."
I've copied and pasted Bauer's review of Pollack's book in case someone interested in it here cannot access it online:

On Water: A Revolution in the Making

This book describes an accomplished scientific revolution which, however, and as usual,1 awaits recognition by the mainstream. Water, it turns out, does some extraordinary but well-attested things that have never been explained and which have been largely ignored for many decades. Gerald Pollack studied these anomalous phenomena in detail and presents explanations that stem from radical new insights. Thomas Kuhn’s description of scientific revolutions2 applies perfectly here: Anomalies are ignored by the mainstream. Their resolution requires a fundamental change of mindset. The mainstream does not engage because it thinks so differently (the new and the old theories are “incommensurable”). Time has to pass before the mainstream incorporates the new understanding.

The conventional wisdom acknowledges that water has some unique properties: very high surface tension, very large latent heat, and that the solid phase is less dense than the liquid. All these are explicable as consequences of uniquely strong hydrogen bonding between water molecules. I learned that many decades ago as I studied chemistry to the doctorate level. Then I carried on research on electrochemical phenomena in aqueous solutions for several decades, and had no occasion to doubt the conventional view—until I came across this book.

I had not known about some things water can do that are well-attested and long-known—but known only to those who are familiar with specialist literature, some of which dates to more than a century ago. For example, there is Kelvin’s waterdropper: Water drips from a container through two separate outlets into two metal beakers, each of which is attached to a rod ending in a metal sphere. The two spheres are placed near each other. After a while, a spark bridges the gap between the spheres, even though no electrical voltage or current has been applied!3 And, of course, everyone knows that pure water doesn’t even conduct electricity. Still, take two beakers of water whose lips are touching, apply a voltage across them through immersed electrodes, and a bridge of water will form between the lips and the beakers can then be slowly moved apart while the bridge remains, without even drooping, as the separation between beakers becomes as great as several centimeters. Explained by hydrogen bonding?

Start reading this book not at its beginning but at Chapter 1, where these and other astonishing phenomena are described, and you’ll be hooked. Little if any technical background knowledge is needed to follow the descriptions and explanations in this volume, but you may need to read it quite slowly, as I had to, because the basic insights on which explanations build are so unfamiliar:

In the presence of any hydrophilic surface, water spontaneously undergoes a separation of charges, thereby storing energy that can be drawn off. Incident electromagnetic radiation provides the energy needed for the initial charge separation.

These assertions seem so bizarre that I would have rejected them out of hand if the book had declared them at the outset. Instead, the text begins with evidence. Following descriptions of well-attested anomalies such as the water bridge and the Kelvin dropper comes an account of yet another extraordinary phenomenon. Inside a tunnel through a gel, place water filled uniformly with microspheres: After a while, the microspheres move to the center of the tunnel, leaving the space near the gel completely free of microspheres— they have been excluded from that space, which was therefore christened the “exclusion zone” (EZ) by early investigators.

The water inside EZs is unlike bulk water: For example, it is more dense, more viscous, it absorbs electromagnetic radiation at about 270 nm—and it bears a negative charge. It is less acidic than the solution outside the EZ.

That EZ water is unlike bulk water brings recollections of “polywater”—the claim, originally by Russian scientists but subsequently confirmed by others, that water in narrow tubes differs from bulk water, for example in being more dense and more viscous. Polywater was eventually dismissed as a mistake stemming from the presence of impurities leached from the glass walls of the capillary tubes, but Pollack cites personal sources to the effect that the distinguished Russian chemist, Boris Derjaguin, did not believe that contamination was the whole explanation, even as he agreed publicly with that explanation for political reasons.4

Pollack infers that EZ water is composed of a stack of planar networks of water molecules interconnected in hexagonal arrays. Forming the necessary bonds ejects protons, which generate the hydronium ions that make the bulk water more acidic and leave the EZ less acidic as well as negatively charged.

The book’s argument becomes even more radical in Chapter 8, which explains how “like attracts like,” the very opposite of what everyone knows. Actually there is no contradiction: Spheres with negatively charged EZs surrounding them, suspended in water, attract one another. Even though their like charges do repel one another, the geometry of the charge in the liquid between the spheres brings the spheres closer together. This illustrates why the book cries out to be read slowly: Several phenomena are explained on the basis of unfamiliar axioms of the sort that “like attracts like” under particular circumstances.

My mind was further stretched as Pollack points out that the terms “heat,” “temperature,” and “energy” are ill-defined, ambiguous, and even mutually incompatible as encountered in common usage, including in the technical literature. Thus it requires energy input to bring order to water molecules as entropy decreases in the formation of EZs; yet EZs radiate less infrared energy than the bulk water, which would normally be interpreted as being at a lower temperature: What then happened to the input energy? Pollack discusses a wide range of phenomena in convincing fashion: Brownian motion, diffusion, osmosis, water as a lubricant; why car batteries regain a bit of charge after standing for a while; properties of clouds; radio transmission around the globe with only slightly attenuated signal strength; why “steam” comes off hot coffee in puffs; how bubbles form in liquids, and the exact and detailed mechanics of boiling; Kelvin’s water dropper, of course; the exact nature of water’s “surface tension,” explaining some astonishing structure found even in open ocean waters and to amazing depths. How water is able to rise hundreds of meters inside tall trees. Why warm water can be made to freeze faster than cold water, and much else about freezing that draws on the discussions of heat, temperature, and energy, as well as EZs. Why water has its greatest density not just above its freezing point but instead at 4oC. How rainbows form: After all, splitting light into its component colors requires either a prism or an evenly spaced grid, neither of which is available under the mainstream view of tiny droplets randomly sized and spaced.

Chapter 18 reviews the chief tenets of Pollack’s insights:

1. EZs constitute a genuine fourth phase of water, not solid or liquid or gas, and perhaps best described as a “liquid crystalline” phase.

2. Water stores energy in the form of charge separation and ordered structure.

3. Water gains energy from light, electromagnetic radiation, and not only at those wavelengths where infrared radiation is strongly absorbed.

4. Likes attract likes via intermediate unlikes.

No further explanation is needed than those assertions, as to why Pollack’s insights have yet to become part of mainstream discourse. But several contributing factors are pointed to in the book:

1. The polywater episode left the conviction that any claims of unusual water structure and properties must be owing to impurities. The aftertaste of that 1960s episode was further strengthened circa 1988 and in subsequent years by claims of “water memory,” that homeopathy works because water can somehow “remember,” “retain” the structure of substances earlier dissolved in it.5–8

2. Water is so common, surely everything about it must have been understood long ago.

3. Scientists always resist startling novelty.

4. It is dangerous for scientists’ careers to follow unconventional paths.

I’ve corresponded intermittently with Gerald Pollack over some years, not about this work or this book but because of his interest in finding ways to fund non-mainstream research. This volume illustrates why such funding could pay enormous dividends.

This is a one-in-a-million book for learning entirely new things. It exemplifies the approach that the Society for Scientific Exploration stands for and wants to see manifested in the Journal of Scientific Exploration. It is a rare exemplar of truly empirical, evidence-based science. It is a book to savor, to read and re-read, to urge on your best friends.


1. Barber, B. (1961). “Resistance by scientists to scientific discovery.” Science, 134, 596-602.

2. Kuhn, T. S. (1970). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

3. Free Science Lectures. “Walter Lewin Makes a Battery out of Water and Cans,” YouTube watch?v=oY1eyLEo8_A

4. Franks, F. (1981). Polywater. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

5. Aissa, J., Jurgens, P., Hsueh, W., Br Benveniste, J. (1997). TransAtlantic transfer of digitized antigen signal by telephone link. Congress of American Association of Immunologists, San Francisco, February.

6. Davenas, E., Beauvais, F., Amara, J., Oberbaum, M., Robinzon, B., Miadonna, A., Tedeschi, A., Pomeranz, B., Fortner, P., Belon, P., Br Benveniste, J. (1988).“Human basophil degranulation triggered by very dilute antiserum against Ig E,” Nature, 333, 816-818.

7. Schiff, M. (1995). The Memory of Water: Homeopathy and the Battle of Ideas in the New Science. London: Thorsons (HarperCollins).

8. Sheaffer, R. (1998). “Psychic Vibrations—e-mailed antigens.” Skeptical Inquirer, 22 (#l, January/February), 19.

HENRY H. BAUER is a Professor Emeritus of Chemistry & Science Studies, Dean Emeritus of Arts & Sciences, at Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University.
Wow this is absolutely fascinating, thank you so much for sharing this.

there are also a few sample chapters available free here:

RE UFO's and water, it occurred to me a while back that: if you could somehow control/instruct water molecules individual positions then forming them into a vehicle should be possible, the inspiration for this idea was an "ant raft" (where a group of ants cooperate to navigate rivers) The idea makes sense in my head but I am not sure I have explained it very well. I will try and write it up more clearly asap.
Another review of Pollack's The Fourth Phase of Water ~~~


The Waters of Heterodoxy: A Review of Gerald Pollack’s “The Fourth Phase of Water” | Charles Eisenstein
Wow this is absolutely fascinating, thank you so much for sharing this.

there are also a few sample chapters available free here:

RE UFO's and water, it occurred to me a while back that: if you could somehow control/instruct water molecules individual positions then forming them into a vehicle should be possible, the inspiration for this idea was an "ant raft" (where a group of ants cooperate to navigate rivers) The idea makes sense in my head but I am not sure I have explained it very well. I will try and write it up more clearly asap.
i really like this strain of thought. I was going to suggest that if consciousness is everywhere why not have the water bodies be self-organizing and they can be the origin of the UFO? What was it Hynek reportedly said towards the end, that he thought UFO's were like air and water spirits? Elementals?
i really like this strain of thought. I was going to suggest that if consciousness is everywhere why not have the water bodies be self-organizing and they can be the origin of the UFO? What was it Hynek reportedly said towards the end, that he thought UFO's were like air and water spirits? Elementals?
Before we go all ultra-woo, it's always a good idea to see what other people have to say about things. Excerpt from EZ-Water - Fraud or breakthrough?

"Water has a "fourth phase" and no single boiling point or melting point. This is true! Any student of chemistry should be able to tell you this. Take a look at the phase diagram of water below. Water apparently has at least 18 phases (15 solid phases, plus liquid, vapor, and supercritical fluid). You can also see that the solid-liquid and liquid-vapor phase boundaries are not single points."

It's enough to make one a Bokononist ... fortunately, it's not worth the karassment.
Before we go all ultra-woo, it's always a good idea to see what other people have to say about things. Excerpt from EZ-Water - Fraud or breakthrough?

"Water has a "fourth phase" and no single boiling point or melting point. This is true! Any student of chemistry should be able to tell you this. Take a look at the phase diagram of water below. Water apparently has at least 18 phases (15 solid phases, plus liquid, vapor, and supercritical fluid). You can also see that the solid-liquid and liquid-vapor phase boundaries are not single points."


Pollack knows all that, DS. What he's discovered goes deeper. You might consider reading his book. Just a suggestion, but it might open a door for you in your own predispositional approach to nature and reality.
Pollack knows all that, DS. What he's discovered goes deeper. You might consider reading his book. Just a suggestion, but it might open a door for you in your own predispositional approach to nature and reality.

If he "knows that" then why doesn't he say it instead of saying, "Water has three phases – gas, liquid, and solid? Maybe it's because, "Who knows, EZ water may become the next wonder drug." ? Pollack Laboratory - Pollack Laboratory

I did check out the TED talk video:

I don't think I'll be buying the book because I'm just not interested enough in EZ Water to spend that much more time on it. If it gets proven results and they start putting it in my tap water instead of lousy fluoride, I'll be happy. I might even by it in bottles since I buy carbonated/ozonated spring water already ( I love it mixed about 50/50 with lemonade :D ) In the meantime, Pollack is the expert and he's got some credentials. Some skeptics are crying "quack". But I have no firm opinion either way at the present time. So let's see how this water debate comes out in the wash shall we? Or are you already in there with Burnt on the idea that it's the key to elemental alien life forms ... LOL.
Last edited:
Oh, a very sorry people, yes,
Did I find here.
Oh, they had no music,
And they had no beer.
And, oh, everywhere
Where they tried to perch
Belonged to Castle Sugar, Incorporated,
Or the Catholic church.

I liked that one from The Calypsos. But this passage is more germane to the conversation:

Verses 2-4 (?): In the beginning, God created the earth, and he looked upon it in His cosmic loneliness.

And God said, "Let Us make living creatures out of mud, so the mud can see what We have done." And God created every living creature that now moveth, and one was man. Mud as man alone could speak. God leaned close as mud as man sat up, looked around, and spoke. Man blinked. "What is the purpose of all this?" he asked politely.

"Everything must have a purpose?" asked God.

"Certainly," said man.

"Then I leave it to you to think of one for all this," said God.

And He went away.

From The First Book of Bokonon
it's best to be prepared for and open to possibilities...

I'm also very excited about knowing about 18 phases of water.

WOW I thought that was a newt for a minute, but after consideration I think it is a salamander.
Either way that is a intriguing picture.

RE the book, I am not knowledgeable enough to dispute the conclusions, but from the few chapters I have read, some fantastic questions are raised and I really like the way it is presented like an oldschool "herbal".

I think the most eye popping thing I have seen so far is the water "bridge":
Ok coincidence is back! I saw this video in the suggestions from youtube after I found the video above.
I had never seen it before.