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The Greatest Financial Theft in the History of Man

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Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
Staff member
[What are the PTB trying to do (besides totally bankrupt the USA and enrich themselves)? If these mucky-mucks aren't careful, they will unleash a backlash (bloody?) revolution the likes of which none of us would want to imagine. When I tap into the vibe permeating the mood of the country, I am reminded of that famous line of dialog from the movie Network, "I'm mad as hell and I'm NOT going to take it anymore!" If this course of action continues, there will be HELL to pay! --- Chris]

The greatest financial theft in the History of man
By Eric Odom

Article HERE:

"I have to warn you up front, this post is not at all optimistic. In fact, while writing this I’m feeling almost completely void of hope in the current structure of government in America. Yesterday, while taking a break from a client’s project and stepping away from the Mac for a few hours, I ended up watching “Inside Job,” a documentary about the events that led to the 2008 financial collapse.

"First, let me say there is much in this documentary I find off-putting. As is the case with many documentaries like this, there are some other agendas involved and you have to understand that in order to look for the information relevant to you.

"For example, I find it extremely distasteful that George Soros and others like him are given a platform within the film. I feel the producers should have disclosed the fact that Soros actually wants and enables this type of activity to occur. That said, the Soros agenda doesn’t change the facts put forth in the documentary. Or at least, most of them.

"I knew a lot about the 2008 collapse, but I had no idea the depth of the connections between Washington and the banks on Wall Street. I know, I should already know this, but it’s easy to get caught up in the little “flash” stories of the day and in many cases they take away from the larger issues at hand. But after seeing the documentary I started doing some research of my own. I looked into most of what was said and researched it all online yesterday and this morning. It’s all there. Yes, George Soros is interviewed and portrayed as “above the theft” in the documentary, but everything else is on the mark.

"Truth is, we’ve all been had. We’re right smack in the middle of the greatest scam in History and you and I are paying the price for it. What’s worse, and possible the most hurtful, is that the work our founding fathers did, along with the lives lost defending it, is being trampled on and used for the benefit of thieves.

"A post such as this can’t even begin to explore how big the problem is. For example, many of the leftist protests against the “rich” for damaging our society are actually accurate. The flaw in their effort is that they’ve subscribed to the notion that all wealthy people are in on it, which is not true. Also of note is the fact the leftists have allowed themselves to be brainwashed into believing that $250,000 revenue for a couple owning a small business makes them “rich.” But the overall idea that a group of ultra-rich “Capitalists” are controlling the economy and Washington is in on it is, for the most part, dead on accurate.

"As Glenn Beck is explaining today on his show on Fox News (which ironically details exactly what is laid out in “Inside Job”), it’s all a show. What’s a show? The federal reserve, the U.S. treasury and the administration holding the check book. Getting back to Inside Job, another of their flaws is framing the story as a “regulation vs. Non-Regulation” war. This is flawed because when you accept the premise that they’re all in on it… both the banks and financial realm on Wall Street, and the people who left it to run the financial realm in government, more or less regulation changes nothing.

"As an example, the film begins by discussing several banks in Europe who, after receiving massive infusions of taxpayer dollars, began to fall as a result of poor lending decisions and irresponsible compensation to those running the game. When government officials showed up at the bank, they were met with an army of attorneys. In most cases they weren’t able to get anywhere beyond the attorneys. In the few cases where the government official was able to make headway with the attorneys, the officials were simply offered a job with the bank, at a salary they couldn’t refuse.

"What’s happening on Wall Street and in Washington is far worse. Now, in our case, the people controlling the “regulatory” bodies of government are the exact same people who built the scam. The people who ran the financial system in New York during the collapse are now running the federal reserve and treasury.Whether or not we have Bush, Clinton or Obama as President matters little. All of them allowed Wall Street to place their power brokers in positions of power within government. Don’t believe me? Let’s scratch the surface a little…

"Timothy Geithner – United States Secretary of the Treasury under Barack Obama
On March 2008, he arranged the rescue and sale of Bear Stearns.[12][21] In the same year, he played a supporting role to Henry Paulson, former CEO of Goldman Sachs, in the decision to bail out AIG just two days after deciding not to rescue Lehman Brothers from bankruptcy. Some Wall Street CEOs subsequently expressed the opinion that decisions in which Geithner participated, especially the failure to rescue Lehman, contributed to worsening the global financial crisis.[22] As a Treasury official, he helped manage multiple international crises of the 1990s[14] in Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, and Thailand.[15] Geithner believes along with Henry Paulson, that the United States Department of the Treasury needs new authority to experiment with responses to the financial crisis of 2007–2011.[12] Paulson has described Geithner as “[a] very unusually talented young man…[who] understands government and understands markets.”[

"Henry Paulson – United States Secretary of Treasury under George Bush
He joined Goldman Sachs in 1974, working in the firm’s Chicago office under James P. Gorter. He became a partner in 1982. From 1983 until 1988, Paulson led the Investment Banking group for the Midwest Region, and became managing partner of the Chicago office in 1988. From 1990 to November 1994, he was co-head of Investment Banking, then, Chief Operating Officer from December 1994 to June 1998;[9] eventually succeeding Jon Corzine as chief executive. His compensation package, according to reports, was US$37 million in 2005, and $16.4 million projected for 2006.[10] His net worth has been estimated at over $700 million.

"Also of note are comments such as this one:

“'Well, as you know, we’re working through a difficult period in our financial markets right now as we work off some of the past excesses. But the American people can remain confident in the soundness and the resilience of our financial system.' That comment came via Henry Paulson before September of 2008, when the financial system began to freefall into collapse. And let’s not forget, Henry Paulson and Ben Bernanke led the charge to reward Wall Street’s terrible financial scam with a $700 billion check from the taxpayers.

"Ben Bernanke – Chairman, Federal Reserve
On February 1, 2006, President Bush appointed Bernanke to a fourteen-year term as a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, and to a four-year term as Chairman.[27][28] By virtue of the chairmanship, he sits on the Financial Stability Oversight Board that oversees the Troubled Asset Relief Program. He also serves as Chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee, the System’s principal monetary policy making body. This happened, of course, after Bernanke “served” as a leader of the “advisers” who consulted our decisions on the global economy.

"In June 2005, Bernanke was named Chairman of President George W. Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers, and resigned as Fed Governor. The appointment was widely viewed as a test run to ascertain if Bernanke could be Bush’s pick to succeed Greenspan as Fed chairman the next year.[26] He held the post until January 2006.

"We could go on, and on, and on and on… but the point is that the individuals who drove the car off the cliff were handed the keys to the new car. And that car contains the power to funnel billions and billions of taxpayer dollars to those who already showed their interest is simply to defraud the nation of its wealth, and to do so through the federal government.

"So while we all talk about cutting spending here and there, Facebook and the President, a birth certificate issue and whatever else is on the talking points of the day, there is a large group of individuals pulling off the greatest theft in the History of man.

"That’s a profound realization that I’m guessing most Americans would prefer ignore."

UPDATE: What kind of numbers are we talking about? Try $12.3 TRILLION as a start.

If you still had any question as to whether or not the United States is now the world’s preeminent banana republic, the final verdict was just delivered and the decision was unanimous. The ayes have it.

Any fairytale notions that we are living in a nation built on the rule of law and of the global economy being based on free market principles has now been exposed as just that, a fairytale. This moment is equivalent to everyone in Vatican City being told, by the Pope, that God is dead.

UPDATE 2: It’s actually HIGHER than $12.3 TRILLION
US debt is insane


You couldnt run a household like that

<DT>[SIZE=+1]Timothy Geithner, U.S. Treasury Secretary, admitted in a letter to congress dated January 6th, that the United States Treasury would be forced to default on its credit obligations without clearance from Congress to raise the amount of money that the treasury is allowed to borrow.[/SIZE]

Basically, "Allow us to run up more debt, or we will have to default on the existing debt."

Yet Dr Phil tells his audiencs over and over, you dont solve money problems with money

Good post Chris.

For all the talents we have been blessed with as a race, human beings god damn are still incapable of learning from their past mistakes.

Governments, in a numbers of countries across the world, including the government, my fellow country men and women have elected, continue still to bail-out a number of banks, with very large sums of taxpayer's monies.

Still the very top people, that caused this mess here, and elsewhere, a good case in my mind also can be made for those people having committed some white-collar crime along the way, have been rewarded for their efforts, their pensions given to them and remuneration handed over have we lost our mind allowing this to happen? Some of the top bankers who ran these failed businesses, have have been hired again and been given new positions again in the same business, that got bailed out in 2008, or have been hired by another similar business, what the fuck is up with that?

These private owned banks and insurance institutions, went bust and were broke in 2008, now for Governments to keep providing and ongoing fixed-solution for these bankers, well then, where is the incentive, for them to stop doing the same thing again?There is no downside for these people, do people in elected government really think this guy's and girl's will stop, if you don't punish them.

Non of those at the top have suffered, rewards and better positions and making more money in a time of global recession, it well is crazy stuff a scam. I have been saying it for years these people while highly educated, they really truly don't see the right and wrong in their actions, their insulated from the ordinary person because of their wealth. The consequences of their actions on society, they simply ignore or don't care about, well if there ever was an example of demonic possession in people, this is it maybe lol..

I have made some bold predictions in November 2010 here, and so far there coming true. I said before Portugal would seek a banking bail-out from the ECB-in Europe, it happened just a week ago. Next is Spain perhaps Italy those places have global implications for everyone. The cost for Europe may be too much, so the Euro currency, could fail without having a workable solution to this crisis.

I think America, Europe and Elsewhere are going to have lot more economic troubles, next year, that is almost guaranteed now it seems to me. I'm not a fortune teller, but I have Studied Economics at college, so i have some understanding of these things better than most people.
I have mixed feelings about bailouts, because in some ways a bank is like a cruise liner ship, if the ship sinks the passengers go down with it, in the case of banks, the depositors wind up with nothing.
When that happens the depositors start stuffing their money in their matress's. where it can stay dormant for decades.
this causes a credit crunch, which in turn inhibits growth.

What we are facing is not as simplistic as this scenario, but its an example of one factor

In the case of US debt, the question obviously is not IF they will default, but when.
When you look at those numbers its clear its coming.
Scenarios like stopping all spending and paying back 100 million a day for the next 389 years illustrate the problem.
What else can you do but try and hold off the inevitable for as long as you can, hopefully for as long as your lifetime extends, and then its someone elses problem.
This also ties into our population growth issue, the reason no one wants to address our overpopulation issues is because the "growth" is used to generate credit, the projected taxes of this extended population is being spent now, shrink population growth, and you shrink the credit thats being created based on those figures
"Truth is, we’ve all been had. We’re right smack in the middle of the greatest scam in History and you and I are paying the price for it. What’s worse, and possible the most hurtful, is that the work our founding fathers did, along with the lives lost defending it, is being trampled on and used for the benefit of thieves."

"Whether or not we have Bush, Clinton or Obama as President matters little. All of them allowed Wall Street to place their power brokers in positions of power within government."

I've been saying this for awhile especially when I hear facebook friends trashing Right Wingers or Left Wingers. There is no right wing or left wing, it's all a dodge to keep us squabbling amongst ourselves (and generate hate), while they rob us blind. It's divide and conquer pure and simple. Excellent post Chris. Unfortunately while most I point this out to say, "wow, you are right" they go right back to their trash talking about the "other side." I guess that's easier than attempting to address the issue of the real corruption running rampant in this country right now. Someone needs to go to jail (actually a lot of someones).
I think it was Richard Dolan who said that

Government of the people, by the people, for the people

is now

Government of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations....................

The U.S. government isn't like your household because (unlike your household) the U.S. government controls its own money supply. And debt isn't necessarily bad. Debt incurred on things like building roads and providing education pays itself back manyfold. It's debt that accumulates because we keep handing money to people who already have a lot that drags us down.
The thing is , as it stands right now you are paying for your roads and other infrastructure on the projected tax income of at least 3 generations down the line.
The money being spent right now is going to have to come from the pockets of those not yet born..............

Controling the supply is something we saw in pre war germany and zimbabwe, the more you print the less its worth.
And its driving those who hold your debt mad.
Imagine you own debt in the form of treasury bonds worth " a million dollars", and then the reserve prints 6 billion more.....
The currency becomes devalued, and that million, becomes worth less than a million.

Lets say for example the chinese ship the US a million dollars worth of chinese made electric toasters.....
So you write on the slate IOU one million dollars..... but the currency is devalued by printing more paper so if they call in that debt, they get less back in toasters than what they shipped in the first place.

Its projected that by 2046 every last dime you pay in income tax will be sent overseas just to pay the interest on the debt.
no roads no education, every last cent in interest payements.
In the case of US debt, the question obviously is not IF they will default, but when.
When you look at those numbers its clear its coming.
Scenarios like stopping all spending and paying back 100 million a day for the next 389 years illustrate the problem.
America still is the largest economic powerhouse in the world, so it hard, to see how America would default on their debts being so globally powerful. Also Mike- American families on average aren't poor compared to other countries. Real wealth still does exist still in the states and your government for the most part, doesn't really tap into that held wealth, with higher taxes. America today borrow's of certain countries like China, Japan, Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia, and so on, but still large amount of the monies, borrowed by the American government, are got from home grown investors within your own country. To raise capital from these investors, countries like America go to the Bond-Market to do business. American puts up treasury bonds for selling. This is how the bond- market should work, (explain in a minute how it works in principle), and usually those, but America for whatever reason still today is not being squeezed out of the bond-market, which is a big surprise to me, as a debt of 14 trillion unpaid should have crippled America along time ago.

The bond market has Investors who look at the price of a bond offered and what interest rate it has on it, the higher the interest rate, the more debt a country has, less likely to see a investor putting his money into buying your bonds. It works in a similar way to how citizens would take out a loan from a bank. The Interest rate on the bonds., is how an investor makes his return. Usually a country with high debt on its books will often turn off investors. High debt often can lead to a high interest rate on certain bonds, but for some strange reason, many investors across the world are not worried about the American economy at this time.

Mike if that happened a lack of confidence by investors in America's ability to manage its borrowed debts, then default will and can happen. But I don't think any country truly wish's to see America fail economically even China, like nobody will gain from America going down the toilet. So most countries will try to help American then tear it down. Not sure what the interest rate yield on United States Treasury bonds, is at the moment, but just say it was 5% now. If the bond market in the future showed know confidence in the American economy to pay back its sovereign debts of 14 trillion, then obviously the interest rate will go up and rise. This means also the cost of borrowing will go up for America government be it democratic or republican. American as a nation can not afford an interest rate hike of 7% or 9% on their treasury bonds, since America is already struggling to meet the debt of 14 trillion, it has already has on its budget book.

So Obviously an unstructured default is more likely to happen if that happened. Mike however wealth still exists in your country, like i said, hypothetically if America was forced out of the bond Market, and I am personally surprised it hasn't already been. But America will still survive and go on, it justs means society will suffer more with new taxes put up and government may cut funding to vital public service projects and the wage bill for public employees may be cut in order to service this debt. How American society will react to such a radical change is the question. Sorry for this long winded post, but this how i see default occurring if it does come to pass?
I hope it doesnt happen, at least in my lifetime , it would effect the entire world.

But here is what Timothy Geithner says in a letter earlier this year

U.S. Treasury Secretary Admits U.S. Default is Imminent

By James West
January 23, 2011

Timothy Geithner, U.S. Treasury Secretary, admitted in a letter to congress dated January 6th, that the United States Treasury would be forced to default on its credit obligations without clearance from congress to raise the amount of money that the treasury is allowed to borrow.
After citing a list of “extraordinary measures” congress has had to resort to int he past to avoid entering a state of defualt, Geithner stated, “Once these steps have been taken, no remaining legal and prudent measures would be available to create additional headroom under the debt limit, and the United States would begin to default on its obligations. The extraordinary measures include, “suspending sales of State and Local Government Series (SLGS) Treasury securities; suspending reinvestment of the Government Securities Investment Fund (G-Fund); suspending reinvestment of the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF); and determining that a “debt issuance suspension period” exists, permitting redemption of existing, and suspension of new, investments of the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund (CSRDF).
That the United States has already defaulted on its obligations is beyond dispute, at this point, as its the rate at which its debt service obligations is growing exceeds the rate at which the United States GDP could possibly grow, meaning that, without drastic cuts to governmenbt spending, the debt can only continue to grow.
Before our very eyes, the so-called leadership of the world’s largest economy is intentionally bankrupting the country and devaluing its currency in what can only be a precursor to rampant inflation. Since the integrity necessary to manage this problem does not exist within the United States political system, the rest of the world has no choice but to stand by and watch the value of their United States Treasury Bills diminish incrementally on a daily basis. Selling them will only exacerbate the problem, but the question must be asked, how long until the remedy is preferred over the miserable condition?
Geithner goes on to say, in a remarkable baring of the national soul,
However, if Congress were to fail to act, the specific consequences would be as follows:

The Treasury would be forced to default on legal obligations of the United States, causing catastrophic damage to the economy, potentially much more harmful than the effects of the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009.
  • A default would impose a substantial tax on all Americans. Because Treasuries represent the benchmark borrowing rate for all other sectors, default would raise all borrowing costs. Interest rates for state and local government, corporate and consumer borrowing, including home mortgage interest, would all rise sharply. Equity prices and home values would decline, reducing retirement savings and hurting the economic security of all Americans, leading to reductions in spending and investment, which would cause job losses and business failures on a significant scale.
  • Default would have prolonged and far-reaching negative consequences on the safe-haven status of Treasuries and the dollar’s dominant role in the international financial system, causing further increases in interest rates and reducing the willingness of investors here and around the world to invest in the United States.
  • Payments on a broad range of benefits and other U.S. obligations would be discontinued, limited, or adversely affected, including:
    • U.S. military salaries and retirement benefits;
    • Social Security and Medicare benefits;
    • veterans’ benefits;
    • federal civil service salaries and retirement benefits
    • individual and corporate tax refunds;
    • unemployment benefits to states;
    • defense vendor payments;
    • interest and principal payments on Treasury bonds and other securities;
    • student loan payments;
    • Medicaid payments to states; and
    • payments necessary to keep government facilities open.
I personally am stunned. No mention is made of sales of assets held by the United States government. Rather than liquidate its own real estate to cover its debt, the defective and fiduciarily delinquent U.S. government plans to first eradicate the incomes of its poorest citizens.
If this document is not a harbinger of impending civil unrest ona national scale in the United States, i can’t imagine what is. Big big changes are on the horizon though. Of that there is no doubt.


China has itself dropped its rating of the US twice in 3 months.

And moody's is warning it may do the same

Two prominent credit-rating agencies say the US could lose its AAA credit rating if it doesn't get in better financial shape, the Wall Street Journal reports. Standard & Poor's and Moody's both issued dire warnings on the nation's creditworthiness

And Mr Geithner has warned unless the treasury is allowed to borrow more, it will have to default on existing debt.

They are now bulldozing houses in detroit

US cities may have to be bulldozed in order to survive

Dozens of US cities may have entire neighbourhoods bulldozed as part of drastic "shrink to survive" proposals being considered by the Obama administration to tackle economic decline.

The rationale is this, if you own a house on a street where just about every other house has been abandoned, the value of your house becomes sweet bugger all, so in order to try and maintain the value of those still occupied they bulldoze the rest, reducing supply thus increasing demand.

and aside from the fiscal worries as the OP suggests, people are now starting to smell revolution in the air
It is all part of the plan to destroy the USA. It is working too. And the stupid sheeple will continue to vote either democrat or republican as if it will change anything.
Well, same counts for the 'EU'...building a carthouse whilst the wind is blowing isn't the smartest of moves. Some British Antichrist married today as well, right ? Feast on that tv money, you fuckhead.

'you fuckhead' isn't, and wasn't ment as an insult to anyone, just to be clear.
Chris: I think its less a case of "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore" and more of a move towards "You're going to have to answer to the Coca Cola Corportation for that" scene from Dr Strangelove. I mean, lets be honest. No one is going to go to jail, the people who engineered the collapse are now running the show. While I'd like to think that someone could be put into the White House to sort the job out, as long as you have lawyers, lobbyists and economists in key positions nothing will change.
This news broke over the weekend in Ireland, it is a big story here.

Morgan Kelly On How Ireland Can Save Itself From Bankruptcy

Geithner scuppered IMF plan to impose haircut on Irish debt Aletho News

Ireland’s Last Stand began less shambolically than you might expect. The IMF, which believes that lenders should pay for their stupidity before it has to reach into its pocket, presented the Irish with a plan to haircut €30 billion of unguaranteed bonds by two-thirds on average. Lenihan was overjoyed, according to a source who was there, telling the IMF team: “You are Ireland’s salvation.”

The deal was torpedoed from an unexpected direction. At a conference call with the G7 finance ministers, the haircut was vetoed by US treasury secretary Timothy Geithner who, as his payment of $13 billion from government-owned AIG to Goldman Sachs showed, believes that bankers take priority over taxpayers. The only one to speak up for the Irish was UK chancellor George Osborne, but Geithner, as always, got his way. An instructive, if painful, lesson in the extent of US soft power, and in who our friends really are.

The negotiations went downhill from there. On one side was the European Central Bank, unabashedly representing Ireland’s creditors and insisting on full repayment of bank bonds. On the other was the IMF, arguing that Irish taxpayers would be doing well to balance their government’s books, let alone repay the losses of private banks. And the Irish? On the side of the ECB, naturally.
Kelly also accuses the ECB of making Ireland an example for Spain to get its banking sector under control, or be put in a similar position as Ireland.
The result of the banking sector bailout has been a rise in Ireland debts to approximately €250 billion. A default on that debt would be "catastrophic" for the country's economy, which relies on the confidence of the business sector, according to Kelly.
His solution to the problem involves moving bank debts taken on by the government back to bank balance sheets, forcing the problem on the ECB, which provides support loans to these institutions. That would cut the country's debt in half. Next, the country needs to balance it

Read more: Morgan Kelly On How Ireland Can Save Itself From Bankruptcy

Greece bailout fails to halt debt woes | Business | The Guardian