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the horror

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Paranormal Maven
Hello, friends,

It has been too long.

Years ago, when I was an active participant on these forums and buried in UFO reading, oft were the nights when, imagining horrible scenarios about the UFOs, I would scare myself with horrible theories.

What are some of your most horrifying theories as to the true nature of the phenomenon? What are they? What is going on?

Scare me, gross me out, astonish me. Remember those moments of terror, when you had just read a book that convinced you of the reality of the phenomenon, back when you knew about the wild, hidden reality about which hordes of others remain ignorant. "Oh my God," I would say. "They're real. The phenomenon is real, and these billions of other people haven't the dimmest hint of awareness of the possibility of the unbridled horror that lay hidden beneath our noses." Isn't it scary? What could be going on?

Share your deepest fears regarding the UFOs on this thread. Just what in the hell is going on? Who is watching us? For what purpose?

Be horrifying.
Hello, friends,

It has been too long.

Years ago, when I was an active participant on these forums and buried in UFO reading, oft were the nights when, imagining horrible scenarios about the UFOs, I would scare myself with horrible theories.

What are some of your most horrifying theories as to the true nature of the phenomenon? What are they? What is going on?

Scare me, gross me out, astonish me. Remember those moments of terror, when you had just read a book that convinced you of the reality of the phenomenon, back when you knew about the wild, hidden reality about which hordes of others remain ignorant. "Oh my God," I would say. "They're real. The phenomenon is real, and these billions of other people haven't the dimmest hint of awareness of the possibility of the unbridled horror that lay hidden beneath our noses." Isn't it scary? What could be going on?

Share your deepest fears regarding the UFOs on this thread. Just what in the hell is going on? Who is watching us? For what purpose?

Be horrifying.

I thought Jacobs already did that in The Threat.
My Greatest Fear is that humanity is a long term science project designed by some ancient race. That we are here at their whim, and our "sentience" is being doled out by them, to specific individuals...and then the human "life force" is being harvested upon our death.
Xylo, that's my biggest also. I don't truly believe we are being visited. But, if we were and I did think we were this would be the scariest thing I've heard about it.
My Greatest Fear is that humanity is a long term science project designed by some ancient race. That we are here at their whim, and our "sentience" is being doled out by them, to specific individuals...and then the human "life force" is being harvested upon our death.

That's the way observable nature works on this planet and it's reassuring to think that we are on top of the food chain. However, should we suddenly find out our position on a galactic scale, a scenario like yours becomes a possibility :)

Visualize all the horrific food processing plants we've built to meet our needs and extrapolate .... This should fill our imaginations for a lifetime lol.
Did anyone read Communion and not have the pants scared off of them? Even though I was and still am tremendously skeptical of Strieber, when I read the book I found it incredibly disturbing on several levels. It put me in a strange frame of mind for days afterward. Communion is a story of total helplessness and manipulation by unknown and most likely unknowable forces. That's just piss your pants scary. It's Lovecraft's ultimate horror translated to modern times and presented as reality. Then I read Report on Communion which just made matters worse. The fact that Conroy experienced inexplicable events associated with his investigation of Strieber gave some credence to the story. I have a well developed ability to suspend disbelief that I try to reign in and apply healthy skepticism on to ensure that it isn't misused or perhaps misapplied to the wrong material. I blame it on my early religious programming and a life long love of the work of Jack Kirby.

At any rate, that's my horror story. I'm completely over it now of course. [something moves in the doorway] "Is that someone there?"
My Greatest Fear is that humanity is a long term science project designed by some ancient race. That we are here at their whim, and our "sentience" is being doled out by them

Tough to reconcile with the fossil record, indicating a natural progression to human brains and hence, thinking ability.

..and then the human "life force" is being harvested upon our death.

By the time many people die, they're only a shadow of their former selves; not much "life force" left to harvest.
I had a dream recently. Reminds me of Trained talking about Strieber. Maybe I had read something or seen something that triggered it. Anyway, I can't remember all of it now. I wish now I had written it down. But, part of it was I and many other people were running and there was this building or place and a sound from the sky. "They" were coming and they wanted our souls. Then I felt or heard (you know how dreams can be) someone say "They can't touch our souls." Then I was feeling as if I were being pulled from my own body. But, I wasn't really scared at that instant although I had been before. Anyway, fun dream. :p Maybe "fun" isn't the right word but it was ummmm, interesting. :cool:
I find the idea of having my life force or soul if you prefer that word harvested an exciting idea.
If i were given the chance to transfer my conciousness from this bioform with all its flaws and frailtys to an optimised clone body, even one that looked as odd as a grey, i would jump at the chance, especially if that meant i could travel the galaxy as a bonus.

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Interesting thought Mike. I don't think that would be the "fear." The fear would be if something could suck your soul and use it for "their" lifeforce. But, your idea is unique. Hadn't thought of that before. Anyway, the dream I mentioned I actually could "feel" the force attempting to be drawn upward out of my body. Wasn't it Strieber who said something about the aliens claiming to "recycle" souls? I might go back and read Communion a little more closely.
Interesting thought Mike. I don't think that would be the "fear." The fear would be if something could suck your soul and use it for "their" lifeforce. But, your idea is unique. Hadn't thought of that before. Anyway, the dream I mentioned I actually could "feel" the force attempting to be drawn upward out of my body. Wasn't it Strieber who said something about the aliens claiming to "recycle" souls? I might go back and read Communion a little more closely.

Even that scenario doesnt bother me though. if someone can use my lifeforce once im dead, i'm all for it.
For that reason my body is slated to go to a local universitys med students. Ive enjoyed the advantages of modern medicine all my life, so its only fitting that the next generation of doctors get to use it to learn surgical skills etc.

But my idea regarding transfering my conciousness to a clone bioform isnt a new one.
The idea an external agency gives you a new body which you use to reside in the heavens is an old meme.
Strieber does talk about the dead and his visitors being related somehow.
To me its not a huge stretch to envisage one race of post biological sentients, helping a species of sentients like us, take that step, until we can do it for ourselves, conversly humans from the future, might do this also.
I often wonder if the "end of days" when all shall be raised from the dead refers to time travel.
the ability to time travel would be an "end of days", days being a measurement of linear time, from within linear time.
Outside linear time such measurements would loose their meaning.

Such a population may seek to add conciousness from "downtime" to their collective, either as a way to avoid stagnation, or simply as an exercise in historical data gathering.