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The Jesse Ventura Show

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Skilled Investigator
I have never been able to take the guy seriously. I heard nothing in the interview to change my opinion. I wish he'd stay in Mexico full time.
I have never been able to take the guy seriously. I heard nothing in the interview to change my opinion. I wish he'd stay in Mexico full time.

I know what you mean. It is our job as citizens of this fine country to watch the various news networks and believe what they tell us, each according to his own party line. If you are a democrat, watch CNN. If you are a republican, watch Fox. The views expressed by these competing networks capture beautifully the most important news of the day, expressed in the only plausible ways expressible. The fact that Ventura, a political heretic, expresses views contrary to what the networks tell us is disheartening to say the least. He should just keep his mouth shut. Or, at the very least, he should use his celebrity to endorse one party over the other, like everyone else. That would certainly make him more credible, such that fine folks like you and I would be able to take him seriously. Don't vote for democrats or republicans? What else is one to do? Vote for someone other than who we are told constitute viable candidates? This would imply thinking for ourselves, and we only like to believe that we do so, as opposed actually doing so. What Ventura wants is a world without lies from on high, a world in which our representatives actually represent our interests. Heresy! I believe, Mr. Coyote, that you are far too lenient. He should be exiled from the country. A civilized person would expect nothing less. If he refuses to renounce his citizenship and take to wandering Mexico in a burlap sackcloth with a rope tied around his testicles, he should willingly drink hemlock.

Think you think for yourself! It is the only way to live! Zeig, Hail!
Jesse Ventura is totally awesome. I will not have either of you bad mouthing him. I am submitting a formal report to God urging that he fill your fingers with horrible pain each time you try to type something bad about Jesse Ventura. He is fucking awesome, and I love him. Damn you both.
I liked the show. It may have been more steak and potatoes than herbal tofu. But that's the point.

Ventura's straightforward observations about the sorry state of our union and still unanswered questions about 60's assassinations and 9/11 are still timely. At least he's a heck of a lot more thought provoking than George Noory's demons and angels.
Good interview Gene & Chris,
Cheers for asking the questions and freedom of speech is great thing Jesse Ventura. Liberty came from blood and tears not peace. English Civil War , French Revolution and the American War of Independance thats what brought about democracy and like it or not Unions gave people fair rights, Also speaking to many Veterans some being my own family 'thankyou for service is sign of respect' and agree governments sometimes don't do enough for Veterans and there families:)
I know what you mean. It is our job as citizens of this fine country to watch the various news networks and believe what they tell us, each according to his own party line. If you are a democrat, watch CNN. If you are a republican, watch Fox. The views expressed by these competing networks capture beautifully the most important news of the day, expressed in the only plausible ways expressible. The fact that Ventura, a political heretic, expresses views contrary to what the networks tell us is disheartening to say the least. He should just keep his mouth shut. Or, at the very least, he should use his celebrity to endorse one party over the other, like everyone else. That would certainly make him more credible, such that fine folks like you and I would be able to take him seriously. Don't vote for democrats or republicans? What else is one to do? Vote for someone other than who we are told constitute viable candidates? This would imply thinking for ourselves, and we only like to believe that we do so, as opposed actually doing so. What Ventura wants is a world without lies from on high, a world in which our representatives actually represent our interests. Heresy! I believe, Mr. Coyote, that you are far too lenient. He should be exiled from the country. A civilized person would expect nothing less. If he refuses to renounce his citizenship and take to wandering Mexico in a burlap sackcloth with a rope tied around his testicles, he should willingly drink hemlock.

Think you think for yourself! It is the only way to live! Zeig, Hail!

So it sounds like you buy his schtick then. I won't be able to listen to the episode until this afternoon, but I'm thinking it won't be too different from what he's said before. It'll be fun to hear Gene and Chris interview a celebrity though.
Good interview Gene & Chris,
Cheers for asking the questions and freedom of speech is great thing Jesse Ventura. Liberty came from blood and tears not peace. English Civil War , French Revolution and the American War of Independance thats what brought about democracy and like it or not Unions gave people equity, Also speaking to many Veterans some being my own family 'thankyou for service is sign of respect' and agree governments don't do enough for Veterans and there families:)

democracy.... 2 wolves and a sheep deciding what's for supper. you can have it.
This will get the site a lot of attention. I will let the internets know of this episode. lol

---------- Post added at 04:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:26 PM ----------

I already posted this on two of the other places I frequent, mixedmartialarts.com and the Joe Rogan forums. Both have a lot of people that visit their daily.
Thank you Chris for reading my questions and comment. It sounds like Jesse and I are on the same page.
Jesse Ventura is totally awesome. I will not have either of you bad mouthing him. I am submitting a formal report to God urging that he fill your fingers with horrible pain each time you try to type something bad about Jesse Ventura. He is fucking awesome, and I love him. Damn you both.

Chill Chuck!

This will make you feel better......................................

More like 50 sheep telling one wolf "Fuck you pal, you ain't eating any of us."

"Democracy" as it is popularly thought of is nothing more than "mob rule" which can get pretty disastrous, pretty quickly. A "Constitutional Republic" on the other hand, where representatives of the people govern according to existing constitutional law is entirely different and what we are supposed to have in this country.
"Democracy" as it is popularly thought of is nothing more than "mob rule" which can get pretty disastrous, pretty quickly. A "Constitutional Republic" on the other hand, where representatives of the people govern according to existing constitutional law is entirely different and what we are supposed to have in this country.
Well sure. But it's still democracy. Just not directly so. Those representatives are still chosen in a democratic fashion (majority vote). And yes a constitution is necessary to prevent the majority from abusing the minority and to protect individual rights.. I'm pretty sure that's what Blowfish meant when he mentioned democracy. I think Pixelsmith knew that and just wanted to nitpick.

Beside I was just pointing out the wolf/sheep analagy is flawed because as in any predator/prey relationship, sheep outnumber wolves by a substantial margin.
Thanks for reading my questions Gene and Chris. I know one of my questions didn't seem to click with the Governor (the one about Non-Issues).

That question came from an interview I saw with him about three years ago. He was explaining how Non-Issues are like Gay Rights issues, or pushing for the Ten Commandments to be displayed in courtrooms. These are issues that are used to cloud or cover or yell over more serious issues like the economy, or going to war with someone. More of a smokescreen kind of issue.
I was hoping he could expound on that, but I guess he didn't remember.

Excellent show guys!!!
I had mixed reactions. I found myself agreeing with his politics more than I thought I would, even though I'm a progressive rather than a libertarian like I understand Ventura to be. Thought the conspiracy theories were nonsense though and I still don't like Ron Paul.
democracy.... 2 wolves and a sheep deciding what's for supper. you can have it.
Hey pixelsmith,
Go and live in a non democratic society? I bet you pixelsmith you would be right back on that plane :) Yes democracies do have human rights, free speech, and rule of law. Furthermore, democratic governments are better than anything else out there so far.

---------- Post added at 08:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:48 AM ----------

Well sure. But it's still democracy. Just not directly so. Those representatives are still chosen in a democratic fashion (majority vote). And yes a constitution is necessary to prevent the majority from abusing the minority and to protect individual rights.. I'm pretty sure that's what Blowfish meant when he mentioned democracy. I think Pixelsmith knew that and just wanted to nitpick.

Beside I was just pointing out the wolf/sheep analagy is flawed because as in any predator/prey relationship, sheep outnumber wolves by a substantial margin.

Spot on stphrz:)
I liked the show, and I'm also very pleased with his opinion re. the problems with the US/Mexico border --then again, I'm Mexican, so count me as biased also :p
One thing about Ventura... he's interesting to listen to. I also appreciate the man's ability to say "I don't know" instead of just saying any damned thing so he can sound like an authority, that's refreshing.

This is not to say I agree with or accept everything he says, though. For instance, about the whole FEMA camps thing... I've been hearing about them since the late 90s. Never seen any proof beyond a few vacant structures that could literally be for anything. If they were going to be used to round up "undesireables" in a case of national emergency then why weren't they used after 9/11? Or Katrina? Or the BP spill? Or any time, ever? Maybe because that's not what they're for? Maybe because they're not FOR anything at all. I find it hard to believe conspiracy experts have never heard of a "white elephant" before...

Also his comment about ATMs and reciepts was a little weird. Most ATMs offer a reciept as an option nowadays. Not a big deal, just kinda threw me for a second.

Oh and you can add me to the list of people who plan to never own a cell phone.
He was explaining how Non-Issues are like Gay Rights issues, or pushing for the Ten Commandments to be displayed in courtrooms. These are issues that are used to cloud or cover or yell over more serious issues like the economy, or going to war with someone.

Ventura's a bit of a paradox--a showman and peddler of illusion who has a way of cutting through all the malarkey to point out what really matters. It wouldn't be the first time in history that eccentrics turned out to be right about current events. Remember Vietnam. Do I think he's totally truthful? Naah...