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The Jesus Question (for "abductees")

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Skilled Investigator
(I only put abductees in quotes because some people want to be called experiencers, etc.)

I recently read an article on Anomalist.com which claims that abductees have been able to stop their abductions by calling on Jesus's name. Now I've always been very skeptical of this claim, but before I draw any conclusions I think it would be better to take this question straight to the experiencers.

If you have experienced the abduction phenomenon, have you ever called on the name of Jesus to help you? And was this successful in stopping the abduction experience?
I actually have tried that with no success. I have a friend that is Christian that does use that technique and it works. I am going go assume that the strong belief that it can or does work is at play here vs a name.
Not on here long. I have a lot to say on the issue. For now, many Christians claim it does. They still get abducted......

What follows is a slight joke. My tongue is a bit in cheek but I think it makes a metapoint if you will.

I'm a moron and leave the room when someone starts praying. I don't blame them ("aliens") for doing so either. Maybe they are seeking a worthy subject and when the abductee starts praying, that proves they're a dumb founded dipshit and the "aliens" move on to a frog or cow. The dumbfounded dipshit thinks Jesus saved him/her. No, their stupidity might have.

I interviewed a person who kicked a grey in the head once during an abduction. At least that is what was reported. The greys left. So if calling on Jesus is the answer, so might be violence. Ironic in a way.
If calling on Jesus does work as reported by alleged abductees, it could be taken as evidence that the experiences exist entirely within the minds of the experiencers. It certainly doesn't prove that one is encountering actual demons or entities or that Jesus really is God.
I haven't had one in a long time. But I have had "dreams" recurring though my young youth and young adulthood. I would know when it was about to happen and I couldn't get myself to wake up or move. Then a thin strong hand would grab me and I knew "they" were back. I would somtime choke them and fight them. I also called on Jesus and ya know what? It did work. So did fighting them. Maybe it was simply sleep paralysis. All I know is I had the dreams for quite a while and have not had them except for a vauge memory of a weaker attempt in years. Now, I'm not a bible thumping fundi but I was going to church at the time they seemed to get less severe. Could have been I was getting more confident in my waking life and these dreams were simply that: Just dreams. I honestly don't know. I never called em abductions and never thought of em that way. Although I'm a paranormal web surfer and podcast listener I honestly think these "dreams" predate my reading about alien abductions.
My intense aversion to organized religion would prevent my doing so. Sometimes I think religion was given to humans by "Them" as a control mechanism.
It's worked for me. But I honestly could not give you a definitive answer why it has worked for me, and not others.

All I can say is in my case, it has worked. In fact, I haven't had an "experience" since 2006.

I'm not trying to push my faith/religion. That's not my style or intention.

But if it helps one other person stop the harassment...that's good enough for me.
It's just a theory, but maybe they like the idea of us sitting around waiting for a Savior. As long as we expect someone else to save us we'll never develop and grow our own inner-divinity.
I'm going to take this from a strictly Rationalist approach (which I don't always do) in that I am not a Christian and I'm not so sure aliens (tm) exist either. But I have observed true-believing Christians, including some relatives of mine, who are absolutely convinced Jesus is their Personal Savior and who cannot believe why anyone else, i.e.: Me, would not be. They are absolutely convinced I am going to Hell, and they simply cannot comprehend it when I tell them I would prefer that to Heaven because there are a lot more interesting people in Hell and that Heaven would be excruciatingly boring to me.

But I have to admit that these guys Really Do Believe, period. From what we think we know about alien (tm) mind control, that's how they do it--by somehow taking over your thought processes. If they encountered a True Believer who was frightened of them and the True Believer regressed into 'Jesus Mode,' then this might lock down their minds to such an extreme extent that the aliens (tm) would move past them. I don't think this has anything to do with the Truth of Jesus. I think it would happen the same way if Jesus never existed. It's the belief itself, and how deep-seated it is, that could make this work.

I suppose you could set up a test case for an 'Experiencer' (yuck to the term) who isn't particularly religious and say, 'Listen, Bucky. Next time yer abducted by your alien buddies, say this: "My Lord Jesus Christ says you guys have to go away and leave me alone." ' If it works that easily, maybe we have to fall back and regroup, thus surprising the hell out of me. If it doesn't, then True Belief is the answer to it. I'm suspecting the latter.
I suppose you could set up a test case for an 'Experiencer' (yuck to the term) who isn't particularly religious and say, 'Listen, Bucky. Next time yer abducted by your alien buddies, say this: "My Lord Jesus Christ says you guys have to go away and leave me alone." ' If it works that easily, maybe we have to fall back and regroup, thus surprising the hell out of me. If it doesn't, then True Belief is the answer to it. I'm suspecting the latter.

I also lean toward the opinion that some sort of strong emotionally-based belief is a factor here, rather than adherence to a particular word that happens to be a name of a guy who lived a few thousand years ago.

But then again who knows, I can't deny that I see a "spiritual war" element that seems to be part of this phenomenon.
It's just a theory, but maybe they like the idea of us sitting around waiting for a Savior. As long as we expect someone else to save us we'll never develop and grow our own inner-divinity.

I was thinking just yesterday that it also leads believers not to work on fixing our world on even a mundane level, because to them it's pretty much just a disposable hang out while they wait for heaven.
I was thinking just yesterday that it also leads believers not to work on fixing our world on even a mundane level, because to them it's pretty much just a disposable hang out while they wait for heaven.

To leave everything to a higher power keeps them off the hook to fix things... thus the inevitable apocalypse :D

It is God's will don't you know ;)