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The Micah Hanks show

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Skilled Investigator
I didn't see a thread about this show -- so I thought I would start one. In short, I liked it! Man, the guy can definitely talk, but everything he said make sense and was interesting. The show confirms my general impression that journalist/ researchers make the best guests. Hanks doesn't have a personal ax to grind, or a special message from ET, or secret knowledge about the end of the world, etc. -- but he can talk about these sorts of things in an interesting and knowledgeable way.

The best part of the show was where Micah, Chris and Gene discussed the use of hallucinogens in exploring what we would call the paranormal -- different dimensions, encounters with otherworldly beings, travel through time and space, etc. I was reminded of a book I read many years ago called "The Cosmic Serpent", about an anthropologist's experience with a South American tribe and their use of a DNA containing plant. The shamans used this plant to go deep inside their own consciousness, where they would encounter serpent beings that looked very much like the double helix of DNA. Living, conscious DNA inside us that has both created us and all other life and who can guide us spiritually and physically, even medically. I just got this book on Amazon, as well as "DNA: The Spirit Molecule", and I am working my way through them.
DMT is an amazing endogenous chemical produced in our bodies, it was not discovered by western medicine until the 1950s when melatonin research led to it's discovery and the realization that the pineal gland is not the equivalent of the brains appendix. Such a shame that governments all over the world are banning human research of what could be the gateway to other dimensions and our understanding of consciousness.
DMT is an amazing endogenous chemical produced in our bodies, it was not discovered by western medicine until the 1950s when melatonin research led to it's discovery and the realization that the pineal gland is not the equivalent of the brains appendix. Such a shame that governments all over the world are banning human research of what could be the gateway to other dimensions and our understanding of consciousness.

Well, Brazil has legalized the use of Ayahuasca for religious purposes. I guess it wouldn't be hard for a serious researcher to request the government permission to conduct a serious study of this incredible compound, and the way it may help us enhance our inherent potential.

The only think I didn't like about the show is that there weren't any questions by forum members :-/ Since Gene and Chris are asking about options to offer with a PLUS subscription, maybe one to consider could be providing an online chat section where those PLUS members could write questions and comments in real time during the recording of the show.
I just started listening to the episode with Micah Hanks and was pleasantly surprised to hear Micah mention "Walking Sam", a Bigfoot-like entity first reported on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in South Dakota a couple of years ago. I was at a tribal council meeting in Eagle Butte at which an elderly woman complained about this bad "spirit" that was causing teenagers to commit suicide. What she described, though, sounded like a Bigfoot to be quite honest. I reported it to Loren Coleman, who posted it on his blog -- which looked to be the first report on the blogoshere or the internet. I've also described what I heard that day here: http://thunderbutte.blogspot.com/2009/10/walking-sam.html. Frankly, I'd be very curious to know how Micah learned of Walking Sam and whether there have been any other reports.