Once again my friend, you have misunderstood me, seems we need a language scholar here too.
My tale about Barry that was to show you how I think and why I think as I do.
It had nothing to do with Sitchin's or Butch, that had to do solely with me.
Understand me I have no problem with what you say you are entitled to your own thoughts and I do not and I will not chastise you about them.
Your thoughts are your own and you are free to express them to me that is your right.
But, until you walk a mile in my shoes you should not judge me, in as much as I do not judge you.
Is it possible that you know things that I do not?
Of course you can, you've walked a path that I have not, and so I give listen to the things you say, I welcome your thoughts.
By the same reasoning I've walked a path that you have not, ergo I should know things that you do not know.
As a student in high school when I was being taught about evolution and extinction of the many species on Earth I raised my hand and asked in all innocence,
"Teacher, where did we come from?"
An uncomfortable laugh swept through the room and she kind of blushed and said,
"Posey you are too old not to know the answer to that question."
"No" I said "I mean where did we come from Mankind as a species?
It's like we aren't from this planet. "
"Why does everything else go along with nature and we are the only things that goes against it?"
I asked, "How could we evolve so differently from everything else on the planet?
Why would gold become more important than food to monkeys?
How could we go from being a part of nature to living outside of nature?
Wouldn't we have extincted ourselves before we got to this point if we evolved this way naturally?
How could we evolve here, and be this way?"
My questions were answered with but a smile and simple shrug and we continued on.
And that's the way it has always been when I ask those that should know the answer to these simple questions for an explanation.
Thats all I ever got from my suppose to be teachers a stupid ass smile and a shrug then ignored, or scolded.
As long as you follow the conventional theories its fine, accept what we say and don't ask questions or we'll right letters to your parents complaining about you having too much curiosity, and asking too many questions.
So you set out to find the answers for yourself and spend your free time and your summers in the library only to find the same old shit in every book but no answers.
Then you come across a book that in the first few flips of the pages answers those questions for you, and suddenly all the crap man does, not knowing why he does it, starts to fall into place, suddenly your tormented world makes sense, but those who make a living off parroting the outdated and antiquated books start feeling threatened and rally and becry,
"Fowl, fowl, oh woe is we, woe is we, they are actually learning something, he's giving them the answers we could not, why we'll loose our plushy do nothing jobs, silence him with your shouts, misdirect the public with your accusations, give them the blinded truth, quickly, quickly now, go brake out the exlax!!!!!!"
When the answers don't come from the conventional it's time to look at the unconventional.
Conventional Science once said.
1.Iron wheels on iron tracks couldn't possibly work.
2.The human body could not bare to go beyond 25 miles an hour, why if a train was to travel at more than 25 miles an hour all the people would be thrown to the back and crushed against the walls.
3.A heavier than air machine will never fly.
4.Man has reached the limits with steam power.
Where would we be without the Unconventionalist?
Not on the Internet that's for sure.
How is it that my experiences have no relevance in the effort to assess the reliability of Witkowski's or Sitchin's claims?
My experiences qualify me more than most my friend, I know what you and they can only guess at, that being, yes we are and have been visited by things from some where other than Earth.
And being that they have been sketched on cave walls or written about on ancient text and scrolls as long as man has been recording things he had seen in his day to day environment.
That means they were here back then too.
Thus Sitchin's interpretations fall closer to the truth than anything else I've read about or was taught in school.
Now as for Butch's, and Phil Imbrognos records true I never investigated them, nor will I, they can't invalidate what I know to be true.
Your beliefs my friend may be changed by all that rigmarole, but my experiences can't.
Although I truly wish they could, I'd sleep better at night then, but it is what it is.
I don't know their lives or lies, but I do know the truth, we are being visited and some of them really don't like us.
They think we stink, and that we are stupid and crazy filthy things that are killing their Mother.
And I meant that "Their Mother"why they haven't done us in yet, I do not know.
Maybe it's because we are of the same Mother, and via that fact we are their younger siblings.
So what Butch is talking about is true, though it may be the only thing he's ever said that may be true.
As for Phil I lived 32 years in the South Bronx not too far from the Hudson River so I witness the Hudson Valley UFOs, so I know that to be a true, and ongoing event.
So no matter what muck and bile is raked up and smeared on these men to me it has no meaning or is of any consequence to what I know to be true.
So sorry but these peoples accusations and opinions, truthfully really don't mean much to me.
"Opinions are like ass holes, everyone has one, and most of the time they are full of shit."
As I once was praising my sister Theresa for taking care of the
elderly and dying, she stopped me mid sentence and said,
"Butch all the angels are in Heaven"
Now ain't that the truth?
The NWO And The Return Of The Gods