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The Nature of Existence

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Angel of Ioren

Friendly Skeptic
I just watched a really interesting documentary on netflix titled "The Nature of Existence." It's a really interesting look at what people believe.

Here's the trailer:

Those of you interested in different forms of religion (I'm looking at you Tyder) would definitely find it interesting.
I'll have to wait until I get home. My workplace doesn't mind me surfing the web between clients and cases. But, they won't let me watch video. They have managed to filter it out. But, I will check it out. ;)
It seems to me that the answers to the questions of the true nature of our existence, why we exist, or what our purpose is, are by definition impossible for us to discern. The reason being these questions have no relevance outside of our thought lives.

In the real world we are parts of the natural system automatically performing our function naturally within it, regardless of what our thinking is about it. However, we are constructed in such a way that we perceive ourselves as autonomous agents within the system in which we live and move and have our being and imagine we have purposes outside of that system's purpose for us.

Individual human beings decide what their purpose or reason for being is within themselves. These ideas, these purposes, these things that are beyond the biological reality of living things that are part a living ecosystem are products of the human imagination and belong in that realm.
The show was interesting in the broad belief systems represented, including the guy who channeled the alien.
I was left with the opinion that humans have a nagging need for an "answer", and that answer seems to come in the form of belief.

My favorite line in the film was the campus preacher's "lickety split" comment. worth catching just for that.
The show was interesting in the broad belief systems represented, including the guy who channeled the alien.
I was left with the opinion that humans have a nagging need for an "answer", and that answer seems to come in the form of belief.

My favorite line in the film was the campus preacher's "lickety split" comment. worth catching just for that.

That guy was pretty nuts. He did have a great tan though.
That William Blake quote used in the show,
Every thing possible to be believ'd is an image of truth.
somehow reminded me of this:
"It is far easier to make things up than to stick strictly to the Truth. So it is that *close* is about as near to Truth any of us ever gets. By some odd alchemy this usually brings out what really matters." -- James W. Moseley
One time this powerful guy asked "What is truth?" He actually asked this of somebody who (to many over the past 2000 years) is the or was the embodiment of truth. But, he didn't stop to get the answer. Fact is like most of us folks running around he already "knew" what truth was..or thought he did. ;) I think we confuse "facts" with truth. Now a fact is always true but the truth is not always reducible to facts. A fact can be known by science or observation. 2+2=4 The moon is full tonight. But, truth such as "does life truly have meaning" Is there eternal purpose in being, what is love and how did I honestly "know" of a future event or remember an alleged past life when I can't pick the lottery numbers or remember what I had for breakfast last Tuesday. I submit that we simply don't have the tools yet to honestly know if we are truly spiritual/physical beings or just brain farts. ;) I absolutely disagree that we "can't" ever know. A caveman couldn't build an airplane with the tools they had at the time. I actually think the work of people like Rupert Sheldrake and Gary Swartz has a chance of showing us some "truth" that we don't know yet. But, it's kind of like the paranormal including ufo's as a whole. It is so subjective and people (both believers and unbelievers) will most of the time find the "facts" they are looking for. ;)

“You still don‟t understand,” the Gray Voice droned on. “There is
no time, there is no space. What was, is, and ever shall be. You are you,
playing chess with yourself, and again you have checkmated yourself.
You are the referee. Morals are your agreement with yourself to abide
by your own rules. To thine own self be true or you spoil the game.”


“Then vary the rules and play a different game. You cannot exhaust
her infinite variety.”

“If you would just let me look at your face,” Lazarus muttered

“Try a mirror.”

Robert Heinlein, "Time Enough For Love"
