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The Nazi UFO Conspiracy.

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Tommy Allison

I only wish I was kidding about this.

The Discovery Channel tomorrow night has a show dedicated to the Nazi UFO Conspiracy. Now this is going to be one of the more interesting videos because at least it will be something new that we haven't seen before, and will likely be worth at least a few chuckles.

Any time I see titles like this, I think to myself, it's one step of way from the hollow earth, and Hitler lives in a secret arctic base.
I think there's been a couple of these already, but i'm at work so i cant post the links. One of them was a british channel 5 show that triumphantly declares it has discovered all the answers to the UFO phenomenon. Apparently the Nazi's developed flying saucer technology and then the US nicked it after the war and have kept it secret from us.
Meanwhile, the UFO theories were being perpetuated by the US Government so as to hide the airforcees other blackprojects.
And the ringleader of this disinformation.......?
Non other than Donald Keyhoe!

Channel 5 isnt known for its intelligent viewing, but this one took the biscuit..
This Nazi-UFO stuff, is relatively popular in my country, Greece. It is usually presented in conjunction with "secret societies" (the most well-known being the "EL"), who somehow acquired the technology from Nazis and which work behind the scenes to advance "greek values" etc.

It would be funny, if certain people weren't taking it seriously (I would say the same social groups which have been disenfranchised by the global economic policies of recent years and are looking for "saviors" -- paralleling the groups which in US "cling to their guns and religion").

I wonder if there are other countries where this "secret society" kind of spin to UFO phenomenon has gained any popularity. I have only found some home-made "documentaries" in Youtube, in German language. And ofcourse the documentaries from british journalist Nick Cook (which IMHO are very misleading)
I only wish I was kidding about this.

The Discovery Channel tomorrow night has a show dedicated to the Nazi UFO Conspiracy. Now this is going to be one of the more interesting videos because at least it will be something new that we haven't seen before, and will likely be worth at least a few chuckles.

Any time I see titles like this, I think to myself, it's one step of way from the hollow earth, and Hitler lives in a secret arctic base.

I don't see anything particularly odd about being interested in and investigating this issue. There's more interesting information available about this topic than MANY MANY others that are commonly brought up in forums of this kind.

I find some of the old photos, the writings, and blueprints of VRIL type craft fairly compelling. My Father, who was bombardier in a B-17 flying out of England on missions to Germany during WWII says the saw strange German craft several times, especially toward the end of the war.
Well, to make a long story short, the main reason the scientific establishment rejects UFOs is because the reported behaviour defies our Physics theories (e.g. reactionless drive issues).

Any theory proposing a "secret project" origin of ALL UFO sightings back to 1940s has to somehow take care of the fact that UFO Physics still elude the public scientific research at a fundamental level (or that the CERNs and Fermi-labs of the world are part of a conspiracy to suppress this info)

E.g. for nuclear energy, the theory was well established but still it took decades and huge investments during war-time to take it from a "laboratory curiosity" to application.
Well, to make a long story short, the main reason the scientific establishment rejects UFOs is because the reported behaviour defies our Physics theories (e.g. reactionless drive issues).

Any theory proposing a "secret project" origin of ALL UFO sightings back to 1940s has to somehow take care of the fact that UFO Physics still elude the public scientific research at a fundamental level (or that the CERNs and Fermi-labs of the world are part of a conspiracy to suppress this info)

E.g. for nuclear energy, the theory was well established but still it took decades and huge investments during war-time to take it from a "laboratory curiosity" to application.

Please don't make such an argument. It is so arrogant. Why on Earth would you want to suggest that:

1) We fully understand the physics of the universe around us (arrogant and medieval).

2) If only a select few understand things that the general scientific community does not that they could not possibly keep that secret. Why would CERN, in general, have to know a damned thing?

If the knowledge comes from a source not of this solar system then it would easily satisfy all criteria.

Even if scientists in Germany figured out some of this on their own, that does not in any way force one to think that the rest of the world would know anything about it. The military and covert groups of the world keep secrets for decades and decades with the greatest of ease.

If you see something unexplained in the sky, what will you think? Will you immediately rationalize it because you don't have a current reference for what it seems to be? Or will you simply accept it for what it looks and acts like and go from there?

Look, a flying pig, right there.

Pigs don't fly.

Well, not usually, but there's one right there flying. We both see it.

Can't be. They don't fly. Everyone knows that.

Look, I know it is UNUSUAL, even highly so, but THERE IT IS. Now, let's figure out how THAT one is able to fly.
I dont neccesarily think its arrogant to say that the Nazi's weren't and aren't responsible for all the UFO reports. If they really did discover some great way of cruising around in discs, we'd be using it instead of planes.
Just to make my position clear, I don't share the opinion of the scientific establishment that UFOs either don't exist or are some form of still unknown physical phenomenon.

But the "secret project" answer to UFOs simply doesn't fit the data IMHO, such as the global nature of the UFO phenomenon.

Btw, I don't discount the possibility that Nazi Germany scientists work on "The Bell" might have been on to something related to antigravity. On the other hand, we have a complete lack of palpable evidence. And btw I've read the supposed "blueprints" for Haunebu / Vril etc (I speak German) and I would find it easier to believe the MJ12 SOM101 material (which i don't) rather than that stuff ...
I find some of the old photos, the writings, and blueprints of VRIL type craft fairly compelling. My Father, who was bombardier in a B-17 flying out of England on missions to Germany during WWII says the saw strange German craft several times, especially toward the end of the war.

I realize this is quite an old thread, but ...

This entire proposal is ludicrous on its face. There isn't a shred of evidence that Nazi saucers existed, but of course that never settles anything. So, for what these arguments are worth ...

First of all, Germany's overwhelming air power was spectacularly reduced to insignificance by the incompetent, self-indulgent drunkard Hermann Goering. To think that he would have had the initiative to tear himself away from his liquor cabinet long enough to add a compliment of flying saucers to the clay pigeons in his Luftwaffe seems improbable.

During the latter stages of the war, German cities were burning, the military was retreating, and it took everything Germany could muster in natural resources, slave labor, and industrial capacity to just limp along churning out enough bullets and hardware to merely prolong their military's inevitable collapse and defeat. The idea that time, resources, and engineers were being devoted to secret R & D of flying discs makes no sense. Consider the V2: it was there, and it was about as ineffective as anyone could've hoped. But bring those rocket scientists to America, give them 20 years and a big budget, and the rockets that took our astronauts to the moon seemed to be a natural progression from the old V2 projects.

Just for the sake of speculation, what patterns existed in Hitler's behavior that suggested he would have signed off on a flying saucer project? Remember, he was in the middle of fighting a 2-front war the successful outcome of which depended upon the gamble of a quick victory against the Soviets--the gamble that he lost. So he had to go on the defensive, putting him in a position where he could not sink investments in experimentation that had no potential for immediate results.

He was famously suspicious of technology. He had a stubborn WWI mindset of foot soldiers taking and holding ground, fighting the enemy to the last man, fixating on moving toy infantry, artillery and mechanized units around on war maps--even after those units had ceased to exist. I think it's safe to say that flying saucers did not even register on his radar screen. And he has to be one of the most closely studied figures in world history. If there's nothing there, there's nothing there.

By the way, which do you think came first, Adamski's pictures of Venusian craft or this supposed Nazi saucer?



Nazi Germany's Master of the Skies, comfortable behind bars, daydreaming about hiding saucers or about hitting "The Sauce"?​
If the Nazis had anything even remotely resembling a UFO, we would all be speaking German right now. There isn't a scintilla of evidence to back up such ridiculous claims.

Having said that, it's worth noting that in the years immediately after the war, when these stories first surfaced, they weren't dismissed out of hand, something I discussed in a column at my blog in 2005 (original at: http://redstarfilms.blogspot.com/2005/10/canada-and-flying-saucers-part-iii.html):

Canada and Flying Saucers, Part III [Enter... the Nazis?]

Rumours have existed for decades that the Germans, towards the end of the Second World War, were working on creating a flying saucer. Indeed, some fringe conspiracy theorists today maintain that the Germans actually made at least one, and got it to work (the follow-along contention often being that these projects were taken over by the Americans and / or Soviets after the war).

While there is no doubt that the Germans were working on advanced aircraft and missile design throughout the war, there has never been any credible evidence that the claims of "Nazi flying saucers" was anything other than a myth, in the purest sense of the term (i.e. not true). Anyone who tells you otherwise simply has no idea what they are talking about.

However, while we might know this now, things were much different back in the early 1950s. It was an era of heightened Cold War tension between the superpowers, but it was also an era of intense competition between the western allies, particularly the Anglo-American-Canadian triumvirate, for technological advances. Finally, the myriad reports of UFOs being seen around the world had gotten the attention of everyone - especially the Air Force, both in the United States, and in Canada.

So, when a German came forward and claimed that he had knowledge of a secret Nazi flying saucer program, the authorities, at least in Canada, took him seriously.

In the late spring of 1952, a German immigrant to Canada approached a former RCAF officer of his acquaintance, and told him that he had knowledge of German flying saucer design and production. The former officer reported this to the RCAF, which arranged an interview with the German. On 21 June, 1952, according to the formerly Secret interrogation report, the German (referred to in the report as the "Source") was interrogated at RCAF HQ in Ottawa by Squadron Leader G. A. White, Flight Lieutenant H. Brooks, and a Mr. S. Shramshenko. Group Captain N. W. Timmerman and Flying Officer H. P. Korntoff sat in as observers.

Three things immediately stand out from this initial interrogation.

First, the level of the officers involved. All were commissioned officers, and two - White and Timmerman - were senior officers (a Squadron Leader was the equivalent of a Major, and a Group Captain the equivalent of a Colonel; a Flight Lieutenant was the equivalent of a Captain, and a Flying Officer a 1st Lieutenant). They were members of the Department of Air Intelligence. This indicates that the RCAF took the claim, at least in the beginning, seriously.

Second, the thoroughness of the interrogation. The source provided his alleged full history, the supposed history of the programs he had allegedly work on, and some of what he claimed were his own design plans, which he stated were superior to the original German plans. The fact that the officers didn't seem to think much of his story shows that they knew their stuff. For example, they immediately recognized that the plan the source showed them was actually a conventional jet with a circular wing.

Third, the lack of civilian involvement (other than Shramshenko, who was probably an interpreter, although this is a point that needs to be confirmed). This was a matter that related directly to flying saucers, and therefore national security. It occurred after the creation of Project Second Story (of which Timmerman was a member) earlier that year, and yet it was run entirely by the Air Force.

The interrogators sent the source on his way, and that most likely would have been the end of it, except two days later the source contacted DAI and told them that he had not divulged all that he knew about the flying saucer program, and that he had a number of drawings that pertained to the construction of the German flying saucer. The DAI determined that it could not afford to ignore this information, and arranged for a second interrogation later that day. Once again, it took place at Air Force HQ in Ottawa. It was conducted by Timmerman, White, and Brooks, with an unnamed civilian observer present.

This time, the officers could not immediately dismiss the new information provided by the source - it appeared to them to be outside their area of knowledge. Accordingly, they arranged for a third interview, which would involve members of the National Research Council who did have the knowledge to assess the new claims.

This third - and final - interview took place later that day, at the National Research Council offices in Ottawa. Squadron Leader White represented DAI as an observer, but the questions this time were asked by four experts - F. R. Thurston, Chief of the Structure Laboratory at the NRC (in 1976, he would be awarded the prestigious McCurdy Award by the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute; see http://www.casi.ca/index.php?pg=awards); T. Stephens, Chief of the Aerodynamics Laboratory at the NRC; A. H. Hall, the Assistant Chief of the Structures Laboratory; and R. A. Tyler, a research officer in gas dynamics at the NRC. According to the report, they "thoroughly questioned" the source on "all aspects of the design and technical detail of the alleged flying saucer. At this point, under hard questioning by scientific experts, it became clear that the source did not know what he was talking about. As the report states:

"Source was, however, unable to answer with any accuracy, questions pertaining to types of metals used, fuel used, how various parts of the aircraft operated and / or their size, etc. He was unable to answer many of the questions at all."

The NRC officials concluded that the source was a "thorough liar," that he was "trying to bluff his way through the interrogation," that he was "technically unqualified to have such knowledge of aircraft structure or design," and that there was "nothing new, technically or in design, in the plans produced or information heard from the source." As a result, the source was sent on his way, and the matter closed - although neither the NRC officials nor the DAI officers ruled out the possibility that such machines had existed, or the possibility that they could be built (which, given some of the work the Defence Research Board was involved in at that time, comes as no surprise).

What this episode demonstrates, yet again, is that the real investigation of the UFO phenomenon in Canada was being run by the Royal Canadian Air Force. When a potentially important source of UFO information surfaced, it was DAI officers that conducted the investigation, and then NRC scientists who were consulted about the technical aspects.

It was not being run by the far too credulous Wilbert Smith, the Senior Radio Regulations Engineer in the Air Services Section of the Department of Transport, who at this time was working on an interim report for his pet Project Magnet that somehow managed to conclude - without any evidence - that "saucers are real," and that they operated in a very precise manner.

After all, the Defence Research Board and the RCAF took the subject of UFOs seriously.

Paul Kimball
This looks like fun.

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