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Have you read this document yet?  It describes in detail how the alleged Aztec recovery operation utilized the cover story of a fake oil drilling operation with a false high explosives pretense and the appropriate costumes of mining employees and blast experts, to hide the whole operation from public scrutiny using “company trucks” and the works.  Apparently only three civilians were aware of the alleged operation, and they were easily discredited by a disinformation operation later, assisted by publication mistakes made by author Frank Scully, and the fortuitous conviction (from the cover-up POV) of another man involved who claimed to be an inventor.

I’m in no way, shape, or form, a ufologist – I’m focused almost exclusively on the physics and technology aspect of this field, primarily as a source of creative inspiration and general physical clues as to the operation of these things – so you probably have a far deeper understanding of the details.  Perhaps there is a “smoking gun” to reject this case.  But if you read this document, it seems to make a good case for them pulling this operation off without a hitch, and close to no public exposure.  It describes the Roswell incident as an unexpected public relations disaster, by comparison, and one which they learned from very quickly.

I’ll have to listen again and more closely to your May 14th interview with Monte Shriver, to compare his findings with the story in this document.  Honestly I’ve never taken the MJ-12 documents very seriously, but I recall that some were proven to be fake, and others seemed to be in a grey box, or at least still supported by Stanton Friedman for some reason.

If anyone can clarify the “inside baseball” of this subject I’d be glad to hear it.  I have a bad habit of not believing anything, which is accompanied by its corollary, not disbelieving anything either, until firm proof appears one way or the other.
