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I don't like it. Here's why:

fair·y tale  (plural fair·y ta·les) noun

1. story about fairies: a story for children about fairies or other imaginary beings and events, often containing a moral message.

2. unlikely explanation: an improbable invented account of something, often a false excuse.

- Encarta

Flying saucers aren't simply "stories for children", nor are they "imaginary", nor are they a "false excuse". Referring to flying saucers as such is using loaded language which diminishes the real and serious nature of the UFO phenomenon. It's also a tactic skeptics have often used during my debates with them, and I find it prejudicial and condescending. It's fine for Vallée to draw parallels for the sake of intellectual discussion, but parallels to fictional accounts and imaginary tales do not negate the reality of the phenomenon.
