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The only ufologist in the village.

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termination shock

Paranormal Novice
Now this is an odd concept. Ufologists purposely undermining other ufologists.

A bit of background...

I am one of those people who obsessively goes through pictures of the moon, Mars, whatever, looking for anomalies and I don't mean rock squirrels, ghost ladies, or floating spoons. Well, I actually found something I consider significant, in terms of complex life, as can be seen in the pics below
If you want more details, just message me and I'll send them, along with the original NASA links, as I don't want to clog up this post further.



If you are interested in what I found, feel free to create a thread about it, take credit for it, or even just ignore it. I don't care anymore. That is not what this is really about.

I have been on the receiving end of a horrible trend, over many many years, initiated by ufologists, that I find very frustrating. I call it the "Only Ufologist in the Village Syndrome". This current find of mine on Mars, yet again, seems to have triggered some sort of intense over-reaction from them. Like I said, it is not the first time I have encountered this. But I can't take any more of it.

For those in the UK, they will understand the term immediately, those elsewhere should watch this clip, if you are really stuck on the idea.

Basically, if you have the audacity to make what they consider a big find and post it on their stamping ground, they will attack with a greater ferocity than any hardcore skeptic that I have ever encountered. I'd rather go up against Jim Oberg any day, than the only ufologist in the village. Apparently, only they can find interesting stuff! Anyone else who does it is a troll/ shill spreading disinformation! Doesn't matter that I am referencing NASA images, their channelled, reptilian, corn circle information is far more legitimate, in their mind. Sheesh!

They will aggressively shut down any discussion before it even starts and effectively kill the thread.

How on earth are we meant to progress in this field with people, who claim to be Ufologists, working to try and stop any discussion, before it even starts, because it conflicts with their ego.

Unfortunately, this has been going on for many years, over many websites, so I don't have screenshots detailing this, as I never actually thought this was going to be some sort of issue.

Anybody else encountered this phenomenon, or just me? Am I just really, really unlucky?

I have got to the point now, where If I find something tangible I am just going to keep it to myself and a few close friends, which is not really helping anybody. I have pretty much given up trying anymore and this will likely be my last foray online with regard to anything "strange". I can only bang my head off a brick wall so many times before something gives.

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Anybody else encountered this phenomenon, or just me? Am I just really, really unlucky?

Yes, I have. It's some kind of trend and likely has a sociological explanation.

I went to the link you provided and ran into a full-screen warning that some risk there had been blocked from my computer. Thought you should add a warning about that to your OP or else remove the link. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
I'm not alone then. I was starting to get paranoid! :)

Sorry, that link was to a post on Reddit. It was probably an advert on the page that was causing the problem. there is something called "ligit" (which carries malware), that my AV keeps flashing warnings about at the moment everywhere. I will amend the post with a warning.

Edit... just removing link altogether. I couldn't sleep at night otherwise!
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