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The Oregon Forest flap

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Neophyte Paranormålé
Just a heads up as I can't see any other mention of this flap on forum; fascinating stories laid out over the last three episodes of the 'Joiner report' [ up to week ending 6th march ] should be listened to if you get a chance. Weird craft, beings, portals? and aggressive small lights/things attacking people, similar to some of the marley woods reports; multiple witnesses including Joiner and her hubby plus the interviews are watched over by the ever discerning Frank Warren as a guest co-host.

Funny, scary, current reports that it appears can be substantiated to a degree, very interesting.

please put this to the sword if I've duplicated another thread.
Just a heads up as I can't see any other mention of this flap on forum; fascinating stories laid out over the last three episodes of the 'Joiner report' [ up to week ending 6th march ] should be listened to if you get a chance. Weird craft, beings, portals? and aggressive small lights/things attacking people, similar to some of the marley woods reports; multiple witnesses including Joiner and her hubby plus the interviews are watched over by the ever discerning Frank Warren as a guest co-host.

Funny, scary, current reports that it appears can be substantiated to a degree, very interesting.

please put this to the sword if I've duplicated another thread.

I listened to these show's, two of the show's at least. This is one amazing case, and it seems according to Angela and her Husband they witnessed actual craft after being invited to this location to stay. Angela said she saw a disc along with her Husband and her Husband witnessed that sighting along with a sighting of a triangle. Frank Warren said; this happened and he knowns Angela so he believes her and her Husband's story. I Think Frank Warren seemed to be slightly taken aback with some of the information that was outlined in the episodes. And sorry Frank; if i am completely wrong.

Marley Woods ( a false name for the location) was more of a tame story than this one. Angela had two eyewitnesses on the show, they lived in the area i believe. She stayed with one of this eyewitnesses his name was Bob( Oregon Bob) and this was the title of the third show. Bob described seeing beings/ Nordics, Greys and other beings, craft of all shapes/ coloured orbs and seeing these craft come through portal's or window areas. This were fascinating accounts and i think people should have a listen to this show's. I wonder if Frank, could bring these eyewitnesses to the show. It is a new case, that is worthy of investigation by the Paracast.

Thanks Itsthenoise for posting this thread. I hope researchers can go out there and collect some data and evidence and see what is happening there. Bob is asking for people, serious people to come and investigate the area and see what is going on.
Good Day Irishseekers,

I listened to these show's, two of the show's at least. This is one amazing case, and it seems according to Angela and her Husband they witnessed actual craft after being invited to this location to stay. Angela said she saw a disc along with her Husband and her Husband witnessed that sighting along with a sighting of a triangle. Frank Warren said; this happened and he knowns Angela so he believes her and her Husband's story. I Think Frank Warren seemed to be slightly taken aback with some of the information that was outlined in the episodes. And sorry Frank; if i am completely wrong.

Marley Woods ( a false name for the location) was more of a tame story than this one. Angela had two eyewitnesses on the show, they lived in the area i believe. She stayed with one of this eyewitnesses his name was Bob( Oregon Bob) and this was the title of the third show. Bob described seeing beings/ Nordics, Greys and other beings, craft of all shapes/ coloured orbs and seeing these craft come through portal's or window areas. This were fascinating accounts and i think people should have a listen to this show's. I wonder if Frank, could bring these eyewitnesses to the show. It is a new case, that is worthy of investigation by the Paracast.

Thanks Itsthenoise for posting this thread. I hope researchers can go out there and collect some data and evidence and see what is happening there. Bob is asking for people, serious people to come and investigate the area and see what is going on.

I have been involved in this case for almost two years; to be frank (no pun intended) what "Bob" relayed to me was so outlandish, to say that the narrative was in my "gray basket" would be putting it mildly. That said, what gave me pause was the fact that Bob made the trip to Texas and presented his case to Angelia & company, and he was so convincing it was decided to send "someone" out to investigate . . . that someone of course was Angelia; accordingly her husband Randell would not let her go by herself, and accompanied her on the trip. Like all others who have looked into this matter (in an adequate manner) they too experienced something out of the ordinary; in their case they witnessed what appeared to be a "structured craft" on the ground in once instance and an airborne object in another.

Although I was aware of Jamie & Jack (as witnesses) to hear them recount their respective experiences I have to say that I certainly was taken a back by their declarations. Additionally, I am aware of several others (who haven't gone public) with similar stories--some who have been affected by the experience and vow never to go back!

With what I have come to know about this case, it is without a doubt--something extraordinary is occurring in the forests of Oregon and must be investigated.

From the get go, I have impressed upon Bob the need to proceed in a proper fashion so that a competent, scientific investigation can take place, and that locations don't become contaminated etc. It is the hope that in "going public" resources can be acquired to investigate this matter in the most effective, and thorough manner possible.

Finally, part of going public (first at The Joiner Report [for obvious reasons]) was the notion that Bob would "make the rounds" at various venues and of course The Paracast is at the top of the list.

Hi Mr Frank Warren ,
Great show with Bob and of course Mrs Angenlia Joiner.
Yes Bob story sounds amazing andI have looked at some of the photos on AJ site they look quite convincing.
Mind you I am no expert in this field that's where Gene & David come in.
I'm aware there is a poll on another thread about Bob's claims, however i think this case requires further analysis and study. So i decided not to vote. I Would agree with Frank; i think this case has more credibility, because of Angela joiner having witnessed a craft and her Husband having witnessed two craft during their three day stay in Oregon. Angela had an amazing story to tell. I also believe her Frank, and gives some credibility to what Bob has claimed. Of course, Bob could be fabricating some of his story, to make it sound better, there is a real possibility that could be true.
Because this case is active and ongoing and continuing. This case requires the immediate attention of credible researchers. It would be a sad state of affairs, if this case never got investigated due to lack of funding.
... i think this case has more credibility, because of Angela joiner having witnessed a craft and her Husband having witnessed two craft during their three day stay in Oregon. ... if this case never got investigated due to lack of funding.

That is the way I am thinking about it. It is hard to ignore their sighting. I find it really difficult to understand how this could have been faked although I acknowledge that with enough time and money you can fake just about anything.

If I can just rattle on for a minute ...

It makes sense that remote relatively unpopulated areas would be used as staging areas or locations for access tunnels to underground tunnels and bases that 'they' are rumored to use and occupy. As much as we are assailed with noise about 'overpopulation' the fact remains that much of the earth's surface is relatively free of human population and open to such use by ... whomever. I'm a bit of fatalist however and I think that if a 'real' investigation could be organized that the activities there would be postponed or moved elsewhere.

What the United States needs is an effort like Project Hessdalen which is run by Østfold University in Norway where instrumentation packages and observation posts have been placed in the Hessdalen valley.

---------- Post added at 08:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:56 AM ----------

...I have looked at some of the photos on AJ site they look quite convincing.

I've only been able to find one closely cropped photo of a blurry blob of light. Would you mind posting a link to these other photographs you mention?
Thanks Frank,

I was glued to the three episodes until maybe the last 15 minutes where Bob sort of got sketchy IMHO. Irishseekers, however has sort of made me reconsider though.

Would be great if you co-hosted with Gene and got Bob & AJ on. Defiantly an intriguing, modern case.
So with the weekend revelation [ at least to me ] that Angelia Joiner has left left the UFO field, really makes me wonder whether the 'Oregon Bob' incident was what pushed her?

Maybe Frank could shed some light?

She'll be missed anyway, I liked the way she tackled the subject from a totally down to earth point of view and if something sounded ridiculous you could tell by her voice that she was thinking 'yeah right, pull the other one!'.
Good Day itsthenoise,

So with the weekend revelation [ at least to me ] that Angelia Joiner has left left the UFO field, really makes me wonder whether the 'Oregon Bob' incident was what pushed her?

Maybe Frank could shed some light?

She'll be missed anyway, I liked the way she tackled the subject from a totally down to earth point of view and if something sounded ridiculous you could tell by her voice that she was thinking 'yeah right, pull the other one!'.

First, I am not aware that Ang has left the "UFO field" per se, only that she isn't doing her radio show at present. Let us not forget that Ang works for a living and has a family; Ufology is very time consuming, and in my view she just wants to "focus on life."

As it has always been, UFOs will come and go and the world will keep spinnin'.

Frank, since your here I'd like to know If you keep in touch with Jamie Mcdowell. Do you know if she is ever going to release her video?
Good Day SLR,

Frank, since your here I'd like to know If you keep in touch with Jamie Mcdowell. Do you know if she is ever going to release her video?

I wanted (and still do) to re-interview Jamie in the light of the fact that "post-investigation" nothing was uncovered in support any UFO activity in the OB case . . . in fact quite the opposite.

My last e-mails to her went unanswered. Re the video, if you're speaking of the documentary, that has been scrubbed.

First, I am not aware that Ang has left the "UFO field" per se, only that she isn't doing her radio show at present. Let us not forget that Ang works for a living and has a family; Ufology is very time consuming, and in my view she just wants to "focus on life."

As it has always been, UFOs will come and go and the world will keep spinnin'.


Thanks Frank appreciate the reply.

Do you think Chris and Gene would do an episode the 'Oregon Flap' with you? I think lots of people would be very interested.
Chris or Gene - have you heard Angelia's account of her and her husbands experiences from the Joiner report? I'd be interested to hear what you think?