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The Other Side of Truth - UFO Hall of Shame

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul Kimball
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Missing from that list is David Sereda, who belongs there for many obvious reasons.

And at this point, Korff deserves to be on there as well, for dragging the skeptics through the mud and giving fuel to the Meirites.

Just my $0.02.

A tough call, but I'll have to go with Doty. His motivations arise from his status as a professional character assassin and liar in the employ of political thugs, while the rest of the wretches listed are just petty criminals, thieves and hapless morons.
Where would we be without commas? Well, I don't know. Probably pretty irritated by a lot of short, non run-on compound sentences. I also like dangling participles, if used tastefully.
I'm going to need to think about it.

But I'd say that whether I'd vote for him or not, Menzel would be a better candidate for that list than Klass.
There were 3 or 4 names I didn't recognize, but out of all that I did recognize:

It's a coin toss between Meier, and Santilli.

I don't think Budd Hopkins deserves to be on the list, but hey, it's not my list.
Paranormal Packrat said:
There were 3 or 4 names I didn't recognize, but out of all that I did recognize:

It's a coin toss between Meier, and Santilli.

I don't think Budd Hopkins deserves to be on the list, but hey, it's not my list.

I think Hopkins has done more actual harm to more people than most of the folks on the ballot, but if no-one votes for him, he's not in. Of course, I know more than a few people that would vote for him in a Hall of Fame, but I'm certainly not one of them.

paulkimball said:
I think Hopkins has done more actual harm to more people than most of the folks on the ballot, but if no-one votes for him, he's not in. Of course, I know more than a few people that would vote for him in a Hall of Fame, but I'm certainly not one of them.


What do you make of the Intruders case? Don't worry about making a long reply, just a bunk, or not bunk will suffice. If you do want to expand, that's also fine.

I like the old Budd, but he has bit the believer bullet too much these days it seems, and so I haven't really been following him as much. I think he's done more good than harm. I can't recall, but if Jacobs isn't listed, you might as well throw him in if you have Budd. Just a recommendation, it's your list etc.
I think that there are many people in this business, and it is exactly that, a business, not a science, that are in it for the money, and nothing else.

When it becomes a realm of real scientific study, then things will change, and the fakes and phonies will sell a different kind of snake oil.
Tommy Allison said:
I think that there are many people in this business, and it is exactly that, a business, not a science, that are in it for the money, and nothing else.

When it becomes a realm of real scientific study, then things will change, and the fakes and phonies will sell a different kind of snake oil.

Dunno. I've seen many scientist treat this subject unscientifically and make money at it. Seth Poostack, Sagan, Klass etc. Ok, was Klass a scientist? I forget. This field is like any other, it has good researchers and bad. I've been to many bad shrinks, and never a good one after all. Oh, never mind, I'm koo koo:) Nah, a slight hypothetical there. I mention the above, not to convert anyone, only to add to the discussion and let the chips fall where they may. It's cool if you disagree.
My vote goes to Adamski! Since this hall will be heavily populated i just thot that the credit for being the first member shud go to Adamski, since he started this whole contactee new age nonsense! :p IMO it is the group of ppl who call themselves credible ufologists, are the ones who need to be called out on their bs rather than the ppl who don't believe in the reality of the ufo phenomenon! Thats why i think seth shostak, klass and condon don't belong in ne ufo list! it is the crappy ufo researchers who are true believers, who cause more harm to this area than the armchair skeptics!:mad:
neuromancer said:
IMO it is the group of ppl who call themselves credible ufologists, are the ones who need to be called out on their bs rather than the ppl who don't believe in the reality of the ufo phenomenon! Thats why i think seth shostak, klass and condon don't belong in ne ufo list! it is the crappy ufo researchers who are true believers, who cause more harm to this area than the armchair skeptics!:mad:

No offense, but that's ridiculous. I have no use for died-in-the-wool believers (although I respect their right to believe what they want), but I similarly have no use for died-in-the-wool disbelievers, which is the group into which I would lump Klass, Shostak and especially Condon. There's no real difference between the two groups. The true skeptic sits somewhere on the continue in between these polarized opposites, practising the equivalent of a secular agnosticism.
