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The Paracast Drinking Game redux

Free episodes:


Paranormal Novice
Well here I was thinking this was a new idea, but as I started putting this in I realized I was late to the party. Since the last real one was posted 8 years ago I'm posting mine anyway :)

Sorry I am not active on the forums, I am now a new mommy but I listen to the show every week. This list is meant in good fun. You guys are doing a great job. <3 from Switzerland.

Take a sip:

Chris says, "where do you come down?"

Gene uses, "ok?" to end his sentence

Gene mentions, "Tech night owl live"

You hear a commercial for Big Burkey water filters or gold for sale.

Anyone mentions "Stalking the Herd" or "Attack of the Rockoids"

Gene takes whatever the guest last said and turns it into a segue e.g. "The sponsors will make us disappear if we don't take this break now."

Anyone says "disclosure"

Take a drink:

Chris says, "this dovetails nicely into..."

Gene makes fun of himself for feeling old.

Gene makes a movie or television reference

Chris says, "San Luis Valley"

Anyone mentions Roswell, Rendlesham Forest, Betty and Barney Hill, or Skinwalker Ranch

Take a gulp:
Anytime a guest is unable to answer a tough question

Anyone says "Land on the White House lawn"