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The Paracast Youtube Channel?

Free episodes:


I was saying boo-urns
I was thinking about this today. Why not have a Paracast Youtube channel? Seems like it would be rather easy to upload the episodes with a background screen of the logo and URL's to the site/forums. All of the episodes are on iTunes as it is in the podcast form. Give it the heading of the episode and copy/paste the synopsis that was already given for the itunes. The longest thing would be for it to upload, but it's not like you have to wait for it. Seems like a rather easy and FREE way to reach a lot more people with very minimal work.

What do you guys think?
Great idea. It would also be very cool if Gene and David made some basic videos, talking about Paracast episodes and so on. It's a good way to market themselves.

cotton, you're smart :)
It's a good idea Cottenz....

I used to do it for a radio show a couple of years back. It is also a great way to generate free traffic and build a Paracast YouTube network which in turn with help promote the Paracast website.

Youtube is great, but how do we keep out the idiots that like nothing more than to spend their precious time leaving comments such as " suck my c*&k" , " you suck" , " you're a homo " etc.
It seems that no matter what the video is posted on this wondrous site, there are a few comments like that . Very sad. Many will say . "Well I blame the parents! " , but in truth, maybe the internet that we have come to love and need, is to blame ?
Is there no filter on Youtube to stop the imbeciles from commenting?
Youtube is great, but how do we keep out the idiots that like nothing more than to spend their precious time leaving comments such as " suck my c*&k" , " you suck" , " you're a homo " etc.
It seems that no matter what the video is posted on this wondrous site, there are a few comments like that . Very sad. Many will say . "Well I blame the parents! " , but in truth, maybe the internet that we have come to love and need, is to blame ?
Is there no filter on Youtube to stop the imbeciles from commenting?

A couple of people have offered to post excerpts with our logo, but I don't think it's been consistent.

Posting a full episode is difficult, because our audio links have to contain a couple of extra redirects for tracking traffic, and I can't see how that could possibly work in a YouTube environment.
Excerpts would be a good form of advertising . I like to tinker with audio editing programs and keep thinking of making some kind of Paracast soundbyte, like a mosaic of clips from the show ,some humorous , and some serious. Finding the time however is always a pain, but I really would like to make something.
I think a kind of competition to make the best Para-jingle would be a cool idea !!
Excerpts would be a good form of advertising . I like to tinker with audio editing programs and keep thinking of making some kind of Paracast soundbyte, like a mosaic of clips from the show ,some humorous , and some serious. Finding the time however is always a pain, but I really would like to make something.
I think a kind of competition to make the best Para-jingle would be a cool idea !!

That sounds like a plan.