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"The Past Mistakes" In the pursuit of a UFO truth

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Jeff Davis

Paranormal Adept
Many times now on the Paracast I have heard Gene and Chris refer to the "mistakes of the past" with respect for UFOs and the many investigators and investigations that they have inspired.

Can we discuss some of these? Personally, I think the biggest mistake of all is our failure to recognize the phenomena as being one that centers itself culturally with respect for humanity. Now whether that cultural centered identity is something that we create and project into the scenario, or they themselves deceive us with our own cultural gullibility, I don't know and is not the point here.

The point is that the biggest mistake is thinking that this phenomenon is something "new" to the last century or two and that it's our atomic testing that brought the curious aliens to town. To me that's bogus and serves to "color" the matter quite detrimentally.

Now that doesn't mean that I don't think there is truth to what MR. Salas has claimed in the least. I have no doubt that these things, whatever they are, were operating with complete and identical sophistication hundreds of thousands of years ago, right here. So, undoubtedly, they are well advanced by our own standards.

But what if they are not? What if everything we witness is the best they have to offer and the real difference with respect to their impossible feats of physics is their own non physiological make up.

What if all they have, including alien abduction and encounters, is imagery due to the fact that they themselves are discarnate and informational in nature?

How would this impact our investigations of such a truly pure phenomenon? This is why I push consciousness studies because I realize they contain a great deal of "informational" insight and how that information interacts with us. I admit, that it's just a shot, but as a shot, is it any worse than repeating those same mistakes?
Those are rather large "what ifs" there, but I like the idea. Now we just have to hope Gene and/or Chris respond. In the meantime I'll add one of my pet "mistakes" for ufology, and that is that the phenomenon should never have been called Unidentified Flying Objects ( UFO or ufo ) in the first place. That was a non-committal convenience term that the military made up to avoid giving anyone the impression that they were trying to get to the bottom of the mystery about alien craft, that at the time were assumed by the majority on the inside, and many on the outside, to have been extraterrestrial. As Vallée put it, "I cannot think of anything more treacherous than this word 'unidentified' ... "

Another mistake ( or general group of mistakes ) were the official policies and decisions that led to the withholding of UFO evidence from civilians, in particular the policies that led to the atmosphere of ridicule around the subject.
A good part of the mistakes we’re dealing with comes from divide and conquer.

I had no idea how much this was so until rather recently.

Taking information from a variety of different kinds of sources is key, because after a while, an obvious pattern is formed and our perspective on the interacting realities involved here on this planet become much broader.

Even veteran researcher Dr. David M Jacobs admits to the “divisiveness” in his interview on Red Ice radio... UFO “craft” people didn’t want to hear about contactees. Contactee folks didn’t want to hear anything about the Area 51 researchers..and neither wanted to hear about abductees. Sound familiar?

Here’s a bit of the interview:

In my opinion, this divisiveness is a statement to the duality that the majority of us are working to evolve out of. We still often find ourselves thinking in black and white, male and female, good and bad…. We convince ourselves that reality can only manifest in one of two or three ways…

I do it too. And I fight against it. I know life is WAY more complex and complicated than that. I mean, I have engineering background, and I can’t for the life of me, navigate my way around Facebook without MUCH difficulty. That really tweaks me off… But I digress.

The sooner we embrace the manifold of diversity of life, experience and culture here with each other, the easier it will be for people to deal with fact that there are more ET races than just greys, reptilians and Plieadians. ( We’ve been contacted by almost 160 different species of Greys alone apparently…? )

And from what I understand, answering more of your question, although many are considered multi-dimensional, they DO have bodies.

There is continuing recent soft disclosure around this… The direct link is below.

The “Little Green Guy Book” | Veterans Today

Green Guys

I have a pdf of this as well if anyone wants it.

Divide and conquer can only be successful if one is fooled into thinking there is only one truth. There are several truths out there, and it seems there are several species ready to share their truths.

This, according to my last referral… Andrew Bartzis, who is someone whose work I stumbled over recently..

He’s a galactic historian sharing what he knows… That “definition” of “galactic historian” as an occupation may put some off because they have nothing to compare it to. I would hope not for too long. As Michael Tellinger has said, one needs to take information from as many KINDS of sources as possible…

Whether one wants to “believe” him or not, listening to him helps to take one out of the thickness of duality here for a few moments, and helps describe a larger reality that’s directly related to us…and yes..he mentions specific et groups, agendas, motivations..etc.

This is the first part of four, and for the seriously open minded researcher who is ready to get a larger picture of how ET fits in now, and why they are showing themselves more and more now…but avoiding closer and direct interaction until we are ready. (It’s an intense amount of information that he is sharing rather rapidly…and at times I had to play sections again to get the full scope of what he is saying. Lots of good information here on the big picture.)

And “ready”, is an elementary understanding that we are all et-hybrids waking up to our true origins, the reason why we are here, and why our human species is considered the “real” technology fought over so much for eons.

So on one level, I think you have a point. Supposedly, the technology of many of their species is quite amazing, yet many of those same species are literally dying out, and would love to have some of the “high-octane” Windows 25 level DNA we humans have floating around in our bodies…to help them re-propagate their specific groups. Our human forms can do WAY more than what we are taught.

I think the sooner we move past the mistake of expecting “one” outcome or answer, and the more we can take information from as many different type of sources possible, (including your own dreams) and discern from there, the faster we’ll all be able to go where we all want to go. And that includes ET.
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A good part of the mistakes we’re dealing with comes from divide and conquer.
I'm not sure what you mean by "divide and conquer". Do you mean as a general strategy by various factions within the ufology community to set themselves apart and in an advantageous position? Or do you mean a specific strategy by a specific group in the past? Please clarify.
“Divide and conquer” is not a completely accurate way to put it…at least as I see it so far within the community. I don’t believe there is an inherent desire by those within the community to do that.

I do think there are some in the know outside of the community, however, who exploit the various levels of understanding of this, and try to slant it in ways not beneficial to the whole. Which is why government disclosure, at this time, is definitely slanted...we will never get the whole truth from the governmental structure as it is now. So it gets watered down, and the debate is limited to a few very small points...

You've seen it. "There might be a small chance of water molecules that might have some form of bacterial life of mars," they say...yet we have probes we send up there go suddenly MISSING? Then they change the subject.

Its sixty years later, and people still believe Roswell MIGHT have been a weather balloon..."divide and conquer" propaganda from outside of the community causes this.

Also, there has been soft disclosure describing whole markets out there hiring people to troll sites leaving insulting comments, and create sites with the express intent of spreading disinformation and, well, dividing and conquering.

I wish to see the different parts continue to dialog together. I'm saying as a community, let's not buy into the game of "divide and conquer". There is no ONE answer to everything... We're creating this as we go along.

I'm saying its okay to have the scientist, the shaman, the preacher, the psychic, the contactee, the abductee, the archeologist, the political scientist...et al....all in the same room, sharing with each other about this. We all have a piece of the puzzle.
"I'm saying its okay to have the scientist, the shaman, the preacher, the psychic, the contactee, the abductee, the archeologist, the political scientist...et al....all in the same room, sharing with each other about this. We all have a piece of the puzzle."

This couldn't have been said better JRTV! I try my best to follow most of the posts here and the only thing that takes a healthy conversation south is a dismissal of other possibilities. I'm not sure what I think about abductes, 160 alien species or people that claim to have received messages beyond. When I hear that children are able to recount events that are far beyond their typical imagination, I lean closer. When countless witnesses worldwide see the same type of objects in the sky, I take note. When military in all branches inside the U.S and military around the world produce witnesses that either see these objects, attempt to dogfight these objects or lose controls on their planes from being to close , this produces some of the best key witness testimony available.

What I'm most interested in are any studies that have been done. How many people worldwide claim abductions. It's also very interesting that so many countries have UFO files to begin with if there was nothing to see in the first place. To me, repetition of the same stories, sightings , descriptions of the actual ships and aliens becomes the thread of "possible" truth because there's just not that many hoaxers in this world who care. Mack and Hopkins came to the same conclusions just by the sheer volume of interviews they both conducted.
And to what Jeff is discussing, can we draw any line throughout our recorded history that shows this same theme? Is there any data that's been done to show all our "major" events with increased sightings, wars, disasters, and if there is, how far back does it go? Sorry if I've gone a bit off track here.....
Don't be so sure. Check out this thread: https://www.theparacast.com/forum/threads/damage-control-ufology-in-flames.13186/
A finer example of divide and conquer I've not seen anywhere in ufology.
Thanks for sending. I checked out much of those posts…

I have definitely seen infighting within the community, but like I said, I have not seen many who seem intent on dividing and conquering within the field. Most really just want to get the full story.

I’m sure it happens though...

What you describe though, I see happening in just about every field. The infighting that does happen in the community is merely a fractal of what can go on in every other human group endeavor… We don’t always agree, and money ends up controlling and blocking much of the honest work to be done.

To be honest, I’m seriously seeing a lack of credibility in just about all of the “legitimate” areas of our world… The banking system, the business world, the chaos with the US medical system as of late, the manipulation of the political system… Have you seen the US congress do much of anything lately? Despite all of the squalor we’ve been going through since the economy crashed in 08, they have yet to pass a simple jobs bill? I’m seeing a seeming lack of credibility and sense in what many of the fields pretend to be to us. All in all to say, I think all of the fields are in denial and in states of massive dysfunction.

I understand your frustration. Because the exopolitical field is ultimately so all-emcompassing, the people speaking about it ultimately have a higher bar.

They need to be aware of multiple disciplines, and able to speak intelligently on each platform on a basic level. This field is NOT all about science.

They need to be aware of how the human brain works, basic human psychology, and be able to apply this knowledge on the fly. They need to know how to deal with, “well, I just think the person misinterpreted what they saw”, and/or know how to handle the statement, “well, there is something in us WANTS there to be something more to it” We need to be able to describe on the fly the difference between critical thinking and being told “what or how” to think.

Also remember, people are compromised at times, and in many possible ways. I don’t know the full story behind the person you mentioned, but on a basic human level, death and public speaking are our two largest fears…the public speaking fear stemming from being afraid of being singled out as the “town fool”. The fear of looking “stupid” or as the “other” is the one fear the character assassins exploit with all their might. They work to make a person look or feel stupid to discredit them, hoping that they’ll just shut up. Many humans have figured out that anyone who tells them what to think with the threat of calling them “stupid” is trying to “control” them… many have not. People speaking out in this field need to call that out as it happens.

I do applaud and encourage your focus on “language” and specifically clarifying definitions on your site.

People in this field need to be very specific about their terms…because so much of our language has been co-opted, that one can barely say certain words in some company without beginning a complete misunderstanding. The whole left-right/liberal-conservative meme that’s been bludgeoned to death in the US comes to mind.

The concept of "reality" is another term that needs to be initially clarified. That's a challenging one... I'd love to see what it looks like to have an extreme skeptic and a master quantum physicist duke it out in the same room. How long would it take hear, what Marvin the Martian so ardently waited for...the KA-BOOM?

I can see how the person you mentioned would get sucked into worrying about how and when they use the term UFO… It makes sense on one level. I’ve experienced some of this recently with friends whom I’ve shared my last sighting with. It becomes very obvious early on with some of them that I should have introduced the topic with “strange light in the sky” as opposed to UFO… Some are just not ready for that term still, believe it or not. So if the one you mentioned was trying to get funds, well…there you go.

Money. Before lifting a finger to do ANY research, people will completely discount the possibility of extra-terrestrial life, but they never question for one moment why they have to PAY to live on a planet they were born on.

There are more things to do to ensure the community remains on the same page and functional….I’ll share as I think of them…

But all in all, I don’t feel the field is as bad off as you think…especially considering all the other fields I mentioned are clearly OFF as well in varying ways, and all in denial.

This community though, represents a kind of bottle neck, but I think more accurately is still a community in preparation for it’s mode as future teacher and mentor. When the dam finally breaks, people are going to be all over you and the rest of the community for help…
I agree it's hard to keep an open mind. When it comes to serious debate, or any type of "disclosure project" that launches this subject matter into public topic- I think it best to leave the shaman, the preacher psychic's and contactee's out of the room. Looking at Basset's recent project as an example.
I agree it's hard to keep an open mind. When it comes to serious debate, or any type of "disclosure project" that launches this subject matter into public topic- I think it best to leave the shaman, the preacher psychic's and contactee's out of the room. Looking at Basset's recent project as an example.

Ah, if only it were that simple. I feel one of the biggest mistakes we are presently making with respect to UFOs is that in our prejudices we assume we can tailor the big picture to that which makes sense, or fits, our belief system/s.

Stagger, for a few years there, I got pretty upset with the whole abduction research thing. Not because I assumed it was the hokey work of charlatans so much, but rather, due to my somewhat exhaustive look into the matter, I was more lost than when I started. Even worse, I was confused and frightened due to the nature of what my investigating had turned up. I immediately changed directions because I found my fascination had been replaced by abject terror. I thought to myself, "how could these advanced beings, who are seemingly thousands of years ahead of us in terms of advancements, be doing this stuff to people?"

I knew Mack was serious. I thought Jacobs was extremely compelling. Raymond Fowler was just down right entertaining to read! How could they do this to me!?

So, ultimately, I more or less got into this "lets custom frame the big picture" mindset in which I would exclude that which did not align itself with me beliefs and suspicions. When the news first started circulating in the UFO community about the fact that hypnotism had been found to be ultimately unreliable as an investigative tool by professional practitioners, that was the clincher. I was DONE with abduction.

But why was I done with it exactly? Did I not believe Mack and his patients? Hopkins and his subjects? Ray Fowler was no liar, I knew that. Or at least I fully believe this. I did realize that there were MANY charlatans and just plain crazy people in the grouping that were making the claim to be legitimate abduction therapists, but I KNEW, deep down inside, that there was an element to this whole abduction thing that rang extremely true apart from as much. I was truly troubled by all this fence sitting, until I made my plea to the abductees themselves and that is where I have left it and I continue to monitor the situation. With people like Robert Salas coming forward recently, it serves to weave a thread of legitimacy throughout the abduction phenomenon itself.

However, until abductees will willfully submit to an ongoing real time monitoring and testing program, wherein we/they can scientifically confirm that something truly extraordinary is happening, it's them that are their own worst enemy. Not me. They have a responsibility to everyone, and certainly not just themselves. We are talking the human race here, not just a bully picking on a kid during recess. IMO, it makes no sense that there is not a massive outpouring from abductees basically begging to be kept safe from those that would kidnap them against their will in the middle of the night. There is *something* going on here Stagger, and we most definitely need to understand it much better. I honestly do not know if it has anything going for it apart from imagery conveyed to the abductee within the confines of their heads or not. I just believe that something is definitely happening to these men and women apart from sheer mass delusion.

At some time or another, within the progressive developmental history of humanity itself, all we have to do is take stock of the present and assess history to determine that much of what we now hold as being common place technologically, would have seemed like complete and total God like supernatural magic just 2-3 hundred years prior. Understanding what we do now concerning Quantum Mechanics, and Theoretical Quantum Physics, it is certainly no stretch to believe that those thousands of years ahead of us could demonstrate and make use of technologies that we could not help but blame on the Devil himself. That's just the nature of superstition.

Possibly one of the mistakes we should attempt to avoid is superstition. The kind that I experienced when I dismissed credible abduction reporting because it frightened me in the midst of my UFO glory mindset.
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We are both of the same mindset concerning AP. I agree something is happening to these people, something very real to them. The question could be asked, why so suddenly in the late 20th century? Sure, you could dig back to elves and other folklore- but the late 20th century abduction is a different kind of animal. Humans being treated like a fish that's plucked, tagged and always released- with wild tales of fishermen in boats. Why should we doubt so many who come forward with claims, who are looking to remain anonymous? We've been chasing strange craft out of our skies since the late 40's, we know something is going on.
Oooo ... good one!

Oh man. I agree that (i'm always a little late to the party, see link below) UFO Watchdog should be mandatory reading for everyone entering the field of these curiosities. UFO Watchdog, say hello to your newest prospective member. If ever there were a facepalm moment, this is it for me. Oh the pain.

The whole thing with Kevin Randle's absent proclaimed credentialed friend is an unusual one too for sure. But still in yet,...nothing compared to: Ed Fouche comes clean - He is a liar and fraud! | The Paracast Community Forums