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The Real Roswell (UFO Hunters)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tommy Allison
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Tommy Allison

Okay... I've officially watched the last episode I will ever watch of that show.

They went to two different crash sites. The San Augustin site they went to, some guy brought with him some "artifact" made of polyethylene.

What bothered me to no end about this episode is how they spoke about how nobody had ever been to the second crash site.

Oddly enough, there were 3 different documentaries prior to this episode, all of which either talked about having been to the second site, or had it live, where some group was excavating it.

Even more ridiculous, is the FACT that on one of these other excavations, they found degraded rubber balloons, whose key ingredient was polyethylene.

If you were to take a giant weather balloon, leave it sit in the DESERT for 60 years, the organic components would oxidize out, and you would be left with largely nothing but Polyethylene, or polypropylene depending on what kind of rubber was used in the production of the balloon.

I would know, I have a mold making studio, and I use about a half dozen different kinds of rubbers and silicones and can tell you from my own personal experiences that even under the best of conditions, they oxidize, shrink, and harden.

Now, if this wasn't enough to make me wish for a lobotomy, what about the material the purported two eye witnesses handled? Well, they both gravitated towards the Acetate. Funny how a couple of the other MAJOR characteristics of the Roswell metal were omitted. Like the fact that you couldn't cut it with a knife, or scissors, and it couldn't be burned.

Did they attempt to cut, tear, or burn the acetate? Uh... No.

I've seen plenty of revisionism in the UFO field, and this episode was a complete waste of time.

UFO Hunters, like Ghost Hunters, Monster Quest and every other fake paranormal propaganda show is infotainment. Nothing more.
UFO Hunters, like Ghost Hunters, Monster Quest and every other fake paranormal propaganda show is infotainment. Nothing more.

Quit bagging on MonsterQuest.

This is a GOOD show unlike the other two. Tell me, when MonsterQuest featured an unprecendented VIDEO of a true monster for the first time ever, namely the giant squid, it was simply awesome and quite unexpected for such a show of this type.

Sure there have been lackluster episodes, but I would not group MonsterQuest with the other two turd shows. They have actually had evidence(like DNA) to examine and conclusions based on them that DID NOT result in some WOO WOO monster of the woods. I'm actually mildy impressed with many of the episodes.

It is leagues better than Birnes babbling about hybrids or Grant and whoever else convulsing because of an apparent apparition.
I'm on the fence here. Granted the last episode of UFO hunters had little substance. It's cool that brought in Jesse Marcel and that old dude who since the recording has died ( RIP ), but there wasn't much substance to their appearance,, it was sort of like a shitty game show. It's turning into entertainment. Anyone who is serious about what they have seen or believe in will just turn the channel before over taken by the urge to shove a pencil in their eye.

On one hand I enjoyed the attention that the subject has been getting, but now we are getting to the point that one show has to outdo the next,, and in this field there really isn't alot of ground breaking findings on a daily basis, so this leads to well,,, the shit we have now. It leaves me feeling frustrated and like our community has taken several steps backwards now. Similar to the Georgia bigfoot hoax,,, man did that field take a hit!

~A ♪
Quit bagging on MonsterQuest.

This is a GOOD show unlike the other two. Tell me, when MonsterQuest featured an unprecendented VIDEO of a true monster for the first time ever, namely the giant squid, it was simply awesome and quite unexpected for such a show of this type.

Sure there have been lackluster episodes, but I would not group MonsterQuest with the other two turd shows. They have actually had evidence(like DNA) to examine and conclusions based on them that DID NOT result in some WOO WOO monster of the woods. I'm actually mildy impressed with many of the episodes.

It is leagues better than Birnes babbling about hybrids or Grant and whoever else convulsing because of an apparent apparition.

When Monsterquest delivers a REAL monster, then I'll concede it's a good show. Until they find a bigfoot, or whatever, they suck.

Just ONCE, JUST ONCE it would be great for a show to actually fucking deliver something of substance, instead of all this utter nonsense.
By the power of Grayskull... er, Youtube!

I actually thought the show was getting better after the last episode I saw (the one with the multiple eye-witness videos of the red orbs) but this was just dreck...
I recall a show stating there are seven crash sites. It rains aliens in New Mexico.

Ok, the guy was out there most of the day and only picked up around a dozen pieces? Makes no sense to me.
These shows (of varying quality) are supposed to be taken as entertainment. They're certainly not documentaries.

UFO Hunters is kind of the new breed of reality show: "Let's go out there and see if we can scare up any forensic evidence". Usually, they don't, but at least they got rid of that workshop test guy from the first season. Man, I started turning the channel when he'd start creating an "experiment" to test whatever theory that had nothing to do at all with what they were researching.

Keep in mind, most of what UFO Hunters is after involves, legend, anecdotes, and eyewitnesses--there's very little real evidence, be it film, photos, audio recordings... so even in the best of cases, you're going to be in the realm of opinion, not fact. The question is, did they make you change your mind about a certain case or not? Did the pilot sightings episode make you rethink which side of the fence you're on?

Their job is to sell commercials (and UFO magazine...), and to do that, they have to keep the viewer interested until the last minute (literally), which is usually when they come up with the findings... "We didn't find out much this time... but this case merits further study"... or, "We got closer than anyone ever has before in this case!"... or, "We discovered evidence in a new case that no one has ever investigated, and it will go into the annals of the UFO mystery as a first!"

In the end, there's usually not too much that you didn't already know--but they have uncovered new witnesses, and just having a current, national TV show that deals with UFOs and is an ongoing platform for people that have heretofore been skittish about going public is a positive thing. The Sci Fi Channel specials about Kecksburg, for instance, were very helpful for that, even though the shows themselves were more or less refresher courses, or "101" courses for the uninitiated.

I personally find the fact that there is more and more interest on the part of the national media, in both news and entertainment divisions, in the UFO mystery is good news. Whether we're getting closer to disclosure or not, it can't be a bad thing that everyone from the History Channel to Sci Fi to Discovery to Peter Jennings (RIP) and Larry King are doing UFO shows on an increasingly regular basis.

I say, the more, the merrier. Of course, that means that you're going to have some quality slipping here and there--but the competition will take care of that, hopefully. I think, beginning with the Confirmation special in 1999, until today, there have been an ever-increasing number of shows about UFOs and that the quality has come a long ways since the days of Sightings and miniseries like Intruders.

Monsterquest, well--they're an entirely different animal :p.

It would be nice to see them do some humanoid sightings shows, though... esp. the flying humanoids sighted in Mexico.

I'd like to see some in-depth episodes of some of these shows deal with cattle mutilations up-close, as well as getting some up-close and personal interviews with people that claimed to have seen the drones, and either put that one to rest as a hoax, or give us a reason to keep our minds open.
I'm of the mind that there is a concerted effort by the media to give air time to kooks, weirdos and morons in the hope that the UFO phenomenon, and all who profit from it will continue to be laughed at.

It is this agenda that tells me that we will continue to see UFO's as Infotainment, as opposed to being treated as a legitimate scientific phenomena.

When UFO's and Aliens are treated with the same regard as Voodoo Economics, and Theoretical Physics, we might actually get some proof, answers, and truth out of the people who could give validity to all of the claims and stories about what has been systematically going on for the last 2000 years.

For as long as human beings have been around, they've had stories about people from other worlds showing up and affecting their way of thinking. Technology beyond imagination, not to mention being able to heal the sick, and raise the dead.

Imagine finding out that we as a species have had a guiding hand from the stars, or from another dimension and concrete proof? We won't get it putting our trust in the current roster of people giving us infotainment.

I had this discussion with David earlier today.

When all the conmen and goofballs are out of the UFO business, things will move in the right direction.
I'm of the mind that there is a concerted effort by the media to give air time to kooks, weirdos and morons in the hope that the UFO phenomenon, and all who profit from it will continue to be laughed at.

It is this agenda that tells me that we will continue to see UFO's as Infotainment, as opposed to being treated as a legitimate scientific phenomena.

When UFO's and Aliens are treated with the same regard as Voodoo Economics, and Theoretical Physics, we might actually get some proof, answers, and truth out of the people who could give validity to all of the claims and stories about what has been systematically going on for the last 2000 years.

For as long as human beings have been around, they've had stories about people from other worlds showing up and affecting their way of thinking. Technology beyond imagination, not to mention being able to heal the sick, and raise the dead.

Imagine finding out that we as a species have had a guiding hand from the stars, or from another dimension and concrete proof? We won't get it putting our trust in the current roster of people giving us infotainment.

I had this discussion with David earlier today.

When all the conmen and goofballs are out of the UFO business, things will move in the right direction.

Well, I'm sure I don't know exactly to whom you're referring when you talk about kooks, weirdos and morons as far as UFO-themed TV is concerned--these days--but, rest assured, if you are waiting for all the conmen and goofballs to get out of the UFO business, I'd suggest that you have a very long wait ahead of you. Might as well get out now... save yourself all the fuss! :p
UFO Hunters, like Ghost Hunters, Monster Quest and every other fake paranormal propaganda show is infotainment. Nothing more.

I agree UFO Hunters is ridiculous. I watched one episode and that was enough. Monster Quest isn't too bad, and sometimes interesting. However I have to disagree in regards to Ghost Hunters. I personally don't believe they are frauds. Why? Personal experience. I also think that if they were faking this, then they would have been outed already. Kind of like that survivor man who was staying in hotels when he was suppose to be roughing it. Its like season 5 now I think. Besides Kris Williams is friggin hot!

They used to show cases where they didn't get anything and I think the network responded to people complaining that they didn't want to see the debunked stuff.

Tommy- There are kooks and goofballs in every facet of every walk of life. So long as humans live and breathe, so will the liars, con men and the sheep who will follow them. (My god man we elected George Bush twice!!). People in this field can say almost anything because they know there is no way to disprove it. Its not like an actual science. Its stuff people make up, kind of like religion. However there are people like me and others on this site, who have had some intense events happen in their lives. I know there is something else, something that put its hands on me. Something that can't be measured, evaluated, studied or categorized. All of that other stuff, The Greers, Hoaglands and their kind are just the shit we gotta walk through to make contact with each other so we can have a rational discussion about it.
Kind of like that survivor man who was staying in hotels when he was suppose to be roughing it .

I know it's really unrelated to the discussion, but don't get Man Vs Wild (Bear Grillis) confused with Survivorman (Les Stroud). Really I like both these shows (I mean who would ever think to squeeze the juice out of elephant crap to get water (Man vs Wild)). But I think the best is Survivorman because not only does he carry all his camera gear and shoot his own video, but when you see some distant shot of him traversing a mountain, he has to hike this segment twice togo back and get his gear.

Come to think of it, both of these shows are better than the shows in this thread. But nothing paranormal. Well at least I think, .... Stroud had some interesting comments about one of his outings in Alaska. Look at this if you care, down the page to "Day 5, Late Evening" and you'll see what I'm talking about.


Sorry, carry on.
Interesting. Im checking it out now. I wonder how much can be learned using this format?

Depends on the interviewee and their typing skills. Some people give vague short answers, others go into detail.

My fun came later when Art Greenfield, author of "Warning" - a typical evil-aliens-here-to-take-over book made himself apparent. I got to tell him over and over "You're full of shit." And what's amazing to me is that not only did he stick around through my barrage of insults, he actually didn't seem to hear it. It's as if he has this script of how things are in his mind and he can't veer from it even to get upset when someone literally tells him he's full of shit.

Ritzmann was there and said he's delusional, that's why he can't comprehend the very words he's reading. He didn't respond to that either! So maybe Jeff was right!

Let me give you one Art Greenfield gem as an example.... Someone asked Birnes when anal probes were first reported and what they're for. Art chimes in telling us that anal probes are the way aliens stick alien hybrid embryos in us to gestate, or words to that effect. He was using an anonymous screen name so I thought he was some punk kid being a wise ass and threatened to boot him. Lo and behold, not. And he was friggen serious!

But here was my favorite exchange straight out of Monty Python:

ART - "Alien DNA is 98% compatible with human DNA."
ME - "Where do you get that figure from?"
ART - "Research."
ME - "What research?"
ART - "You want me to print a 493 page book online here? I'm sure my publisher would love that!"
(I pause for a moment while I do a little research of my own.)
ME - "Well, Art, I just looked it up and you self-published your book so I don't think your publisher would mind at all."

Anal probe?--meet rim shot.
Dammit! I knew if I left Id miss out on some good stuff. But I just couldnt do it anymore. I managed to get a couple questions in (I was Gareth), but it seemed to be going downhill fast with stupid questions and no one waiting.

Let me give you one Art Greenfield gem as an example.... Someone asked Birnes when anal probes were first reported and what they're for. Art chimes in telling us that anal probes are the way aliens stick alien hybrid embryos in us to gestate, or words to that effect. He was using an anonymous screen name so I thought he was some punk kid being a wise ass and threatened to boot him. Lo and behold, not. And he was friggen serious!

oh shit, thats right. I couldnt believe when someone asked that... "so where did the whole anal probe thing come from?". I got the impression they were all pretty young. I mean obviously the anal probe meme came from abduction reports. Thats failry obvious I thought.

"have you heard about the new DTESS movie?

"why are sightings always at night?"

Fucking stupid questions. How long did the whole chat go for? I think I hung around for about 40mins.
The Alien Hybrid Embryos, are jammed into a human ass to gestate.

Utter Bullshit.

I would love to meet this guy, and explain to him how fucking stupid he is. I cannot find words foul enough for this guy.