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The "Reflection Theory" of UFOs.

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Paranormal Adept
I don't know if this theory/concept is in the literature or not.

In any case, several weeks ago I was playing with my daughter using a strong reflection of sunlight from my mobile phone. We were pretending the reflection was Tinkerbell.

We were in a room that was approximately 20' x 20'. As I directed the light around the walls, ceiling, and floor of the room, I noted a number of parallels with the reported behavior of some UFOs.

  • The reflection was able to stop on a dime
  • It was able to accelerate at incredible speeds
  • It moved at incredibly low speeds
  • It moved at incredibly fast speeds
  • It was able to make sub-90 degree turns
  • It was able to travel in circles and spirals
  • It frequently and seamlessly changed shape (as it moved from surface to surface)
  • It left behind no physical traces
  • It did not disturb anything in the room.
  • It made no sound.
  • It had no smell.
  • It wasn't able to be touched/felt.
  • It was able to disappear and appear in an instant.
  • Photographing it would have been difficult (but not impossible).
  • While the reflection's existence was fleeting, the experience of it was very real to my daughter.
  • The reflection appeared to move with purpose (which of course it did).

The parallel with UFOs may be superficial, i.e., UFOs may be craft with super abilities that merely appear to behave like reflections of light, or the parallel with UFOs may be analogous, i.e., like reflections of light, UFOs may be "reflections" of something else from another location and/or dimension.

Some thoughts:

Two fairly common patterns among many - but not all - UFO sightings is 1) the metallic silver color of the UFOs, and 2) an overall round shape to the UFO.

I've often wondered about these patterns, especially in light of (heh) the above concept. Are these silver-looking balls/discs a required, optimal, or "natural" form for the phenomena?

Is the purposeful/intelligent movement noted by some observers actually a form of pareidolia?

Having never witnessed one of these phenomena myself, I have to ask these questions.
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  • The reflection was able to stop on a dime
  • It was able to accelerate at incredible speeds
  • It moved at incredibly low speeds
  • It moved at incredibly fast speeds
  • It was able to make sub-90 degree turns
  • It was able to travel in circles and spirals
  • It frequently and seamlessly changed shape (as it moved from surface to surface)
  • It left behind no physical traces
  • It did not disturb anything in the room.
  • It made no sound.
  • It had no smell.
  • It wasn't able to be touched/felt.
  • It was able to disappear and appear in an instant.
  • Photographing it would have been difficult.
  • While the reflection's existence was fleeting, the experience of it was very real to my daughter.
  • The reflection appeared to move with purpose (which of course it did).

how many of the reflections gave a radar return, ?.
how many of the reflections gave a radar return, ?.

the parallel with UFOs may be analogous, i.e., like reflections of light, UFOs may be "reflections" of something else from another location and/or dimension.
Analogous ≠ Exactly the Same. Meaning, certain UFOs may be "reflection-like" in their origin and still capable of giving off a radar signal.

For instance, say an intelligence from another dimension (whatever the hell that means) wanted to explore our dimension, but was unable to physically cross over. Perhaps the only way they can do that is to cause a sphere of energy to manifest in our dimension which they can control from theirs.

Or, the UFOs that do give off a radar signal may simply be a separate phenomena. In fact, I think it would be foolish to argue that all UFOs were indeed the same phenomena. Especially since we know that not all sighted UFOs do give off radar signals, haha.

The point is we have no grounds on which to throw this possibility out, the least of which is that some UFOs have been picked up on radar.
Analogous ≠ Exactly the Same. Meaning, certain UFOs may be "reflection-like" in their origin and still capable of giving off a radar signal.

For instance, say an intelligence from another dimension (whatever the hell that means) wanted to explore our dimension, but was unable to physically cross over. Perhaps the only way they can do that is to cause a sphere of energy to manifest in our dimension which they can control from theirs.

Or, the UFOs that do give off a radar signal may simply be a separate phenomena. In fact, I think it would be foolish to argue that all UFOs were indeed the same phenomena. Especially since we know that not all sighted UFOs do give off radar signals, haha.

The point is we have no grounds on which to throw this possibility out, the least of which is that some UFOs have been picked up on radar.

Actually, temperature inversions can form a type of optical illusion that can also cause a radar return. Temperature inversions are more refraction than reflection, but the effect could hypothetically be much the same as you describe. Actual reflections can also be quite interesting. I've seen sunlight reflecting off airliners in the distance and for a few seconds they look like bright cigar shaped objects in the sky, and if they are too far away to see unless sunlight is reflecting off them, when the angle of the aircraft changes, they seem to vanish. These too would be identifiable on radar. Also, when sunlight hits a satellite and reflects down onto the darkened side of the Earth, they look like bright stars or planets travelling across the night sky. They are also detectable by radar. Another type of reflection I've see personally that led to a local UFO report is the city lights reflecting off the underbellies of birds. So reflections most certainly have led to UFO reports.