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the return of an old fraud...

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Bob Watson

Paranormal Adept
my wife returned from work with this story some ppl were talking about. a story of a man who killed an alien.
I asked her to find out the mans name. and lo and behold...its jonathan Reed/rutner
I learned he is flooding youtube with vidieos. he may also be trying to get back on C2C for all we know.
the man thinks that we forgot he been exposed.
here is a recent interveiw from him from youtube.
if any one here has a way to contact Royce from Ufowatchdog to let him know he is back and with a vengance it would be awsome! the feild need little from a man such as reed/rutner
UFO Watchdog, alas, is basically shuttered, except for a blog where Royce keeps tabs on the shenanigans of Sean David Morton. We actually managed the site for a while, but when Royce asked to take it back, he also threw out some new material written by our crew, which is doubly unfortunate.
The TV show "Fact or Faked" shot him down pretty hard when they featured his case. The lead investigator on the show basically told him to his face that he was a liar!
We actually tried that at one time, when we took over ufowatchdog.com for a while. But after taking it back, and that was the way we arranged it (giving him the option to make that request), the owner shut it down.
We actually tried that at one time, when we took over ufowatchdog.com for a while. But after taking it back, and that was the way we arranged it (giving him the option to make that request), the owner shut it down.

I think it's important for a viable source to 'watch dog' for hoaxers and frauds, perhaps not every little YouTube video that's faked, that would be an impossible task, but the truly harmful hoaxers who cost people money and ruin lives, like Bill Knell and this Jonathan Reed character. I think The Paracast would be an excellent location for this type of exposure, perhaps a singular webpage off the site, dedicated to such things?

Then again I understand the sheer volume of work that would entail; we're talking nearly a full time position running down stories of hoaxers, vetting people and information, and revealing such people in an exposing, yet neutral, fashion. One other thing to be aware of is potential lawsuits. Even triple-checking your facts and revealing a hoaxer could land you in court even if the lawsuit is 100% frivolous. A**holes like this will drag you to court for "Defamation of Character" just to prove they "shouldn't be messed with," and all that crap. I do believe a UFO watchdog site is critical, but a lawyer needs to be on staff, too.

How 'bout you get that setup, Gene? LOL!
Well, if Ross Myers can be persuaded to return ufowatchdog.com to us, we can restore the new interface one of our forum members created, the missing content, and work towards getting it up and running. But, as you say, it would involve a lot of work and we'd need a host of volunteers to examine the content, update that content, research and write new material, and maybe a volunteer lawyer on hand to make sure we can survive possible threats of lawsuits.

This isn't something we are in the least able to finance. But the possibilities are intriguing. Starting from scratch might, of course, just mean getting rights to the existing material from Myers (but if he wants control of the site, he isn't going to want to cede republishing rights), and going from there. Regardless, I couldn't possibly do this without help, financially and otherwise.
Okay, well does anybody have any contact information for Myers? I would be willing to draft an email and request the transfer of ufowatchdog 'back' to the Paracast. I'd also be willing to maintain the site to a certain degree but time prohibits me from doing so full-time. From the look of the site it's very basic...could use some serious formatting and revamping. I have a little bit of webdesign experience (Dreamweaver) and would be willing to tweak it, assuming Myer's is willing to transfer the site and the powers-that-be at the Paracast would count me in.
The site was recoded in Joomla, a content management system that's easier to manage.

In any case, open a private conversation with me and I'll send you his email, OK?
Gene I hope you guys can contact Royce! and convince him to return if for nothing more then to start spreading the word about Reeds return! Youtube IS loaded with vids by him and he is getting more bold by the day! Reed is by far the worst offender in the hoaxing biz! I strongly suggest you dedicate an entire show to this hoax and ppl know he is out there spewing this garbage!